(Illuminated Thinking)
The heavens and the world was created, Angels was made out of fire man out of clay.
Lucifer was cast out of heaven with the third part of heaven.
If he belived he can be god then that would mean he convince the other angels they can be also.
God has a chosen people to praise and honor him being (I AM WHAT I AM).
Lucifer had the rest of the world to worship him and his fallen angels. (He was willing to give to the Christ the World for a posession if and
only if he would worship him) .
Therefor theres alot of sun and serpent worship in the world from East to West, Ancient and present day.
Alien or Gods of old time that visited man= lucifer and fallen Angels
Why? well from reserch it looks like they can die, that would mean they are part clay and not fully made out of fire like an Angel of God. if they are
made out of clay that would mean the mother had to be woman and the father angel i.e Children of god taken woman and haveing great men and giant
people as children half clay half fire.
God= An E.T, That is all knowing everlast forever Entety deserving the honor and praise of an god and is god to man as we know and King of Kings the
ALFA and OMEGA Creator of all that is Known in and out of Heaven and Earth that created man for his own perpose like man created objects for his own
perpose to serve on a great or small Scale, for the most part is has perpose rersone to exsist wether to be troddin under foot or brought to a higher
sate by trial for a greater glory then clay.
these aliens/Angels tought the masses Science And Technology and Astrology a.k.a sorcery and witchcraft, we are more likey to rely on Science ,
Technology And Astrology then rely on God, making us dought in Gods power more and more as the years past on, and to become God as a result of
Now as we get closer to the end of the world not literly speaking but the end of the way we live, comes to an close the angels now uses a higher Archy
to controll to maintain a spiritual war with God, and destroying his holy people not the ones in his holy land now wich are there as a cover up i.e
if there are jews in the land then theres no need for the real jews who where scatter to the four corners of the world to come out there slumber of
ignerance of there true genealogy,This lie wich was created by Lucifer and controlled by the higher Archy of the nation of the world ( the Mistics of
the nations who worshiped the sun or serpernt god as head god then other gods that fall in play with there culter) this alliance is working together
to misslead the masses and sucessed in making people baleive Heaven is nothing more the space, outter space galaxcy,and more stars ,by controlling
what you see and telling you lies of the things they show, then Saying what comes from the heavens are anlien beings then keep the infomation Top
Secret so you dont ask to much qustions.
Now how can you belive in God if Aliens come from outter space???
New technology are being diveloped to fight an invasion Coming from heaven a star war A.K.A war against God a war in Heaven.
Blah, Blah, Blah i was just Thinking out load =)
but i guess you will comment on my spelling or thinking prossces =P