posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 11:39 AM
...and the second the police ignore these threats and someone dies, you all get up in arms about "the government knew about this, why didn't they
stop it ! I bet they wanted it!' and all that crap.
In order to prevent "fear" and "unnnecessary" panic, nothing was done about hijacking threats or aircraft enroute to the WTC. All the Partisanship
Warriors love to look back and point out delays in response or failures that "would" have saved more lives if the government had reacted.
When the government reacts, those who fail to understand the enemy start complaing and blaming. When the government follows the wishes of the loud
and the clueless, and something does happen, the loud and clueless start up with the blaming and claims of incompetency.
No wonder security apparatus and government don't listen to the people. It's all "drama" when in hindsight nothing happened-or something was
prevented. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. I bet if they'd halted subways last week and a few busses, you'd all be screaming about
"drama" and having conspiracies of " I bet there were no explosives!" and blaming the government for saving over 50 lives and hundreds injured.
Meanwhile, the enemy is laughing his @ss of at you. They'd never target otehr Muslims? All the have to be is the "wrong" sect and they're
"infidels" just the same. Of, if the "right" sect, martyrs. The more the Media and the western people fail to understand what is really going on,
and continue to voice opposition ot any effective defense, the sooner poisoned Islam will rule and sterilize the very voices that helped them ascend
to power.
Originally posted by markjaxson
Yeah the drama should be over, feel sorry for the people in the city, spoilt their night out with this. No doubt anything will come of this and its
just inflicting fear into our people.
Should expect these kind of precautions for a few more weeks.