posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:09 PM
YEA!!!!! I am now 19! Still no drivers license, or job, or life, but I am 19!!!!
SO cool, no party though, one friend in Hawaii, other in Indianapollis, and last one in Texas. Oh well, 19! 2 more ears and I can drink legally! Or
not, drinking bad for your health and no spleen makes it dangerous to drink alcohol and such cause my body doesn't process it as fast as someone
else. It's like the CHinaman Syndrome.
You see, they find it rude not to drink when you do. So you drink a glass of whatever, they do to. But a say, 250lbs business man from Chicago can
drink more then a 120lbs business man from Shanghai. But the Chinese Business man has to drink as much as the American because that is custom or
tradition, something like that. So you have 5, feel fine, they have 5, drunk off their bum, and alot more informative. This was a tactic the
Japanese use to use in business when dealing with another. They would get an American/Other Round Eye Ganjii to meet with a Japanese company they
were planning on buying out or whatever. Then they drink, the Japanese Round Eye can drink more, the other guy gets drunk, becomes loose with his
words, and they can find out things the other company didn't want them to know.