CSM, I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't take it that way. But, please, I don't know about anyone else, but I am so sick and tired about
hearing about, "yes, the moon landings were real", "no, they were a hoax". They were filmed at Universal Studios or somewhere in Hollywood, now,
at Area 51. But why is it that the satellite pictures returns photos of the moon's surface with an American Flag on it.
You see, our government is probably capable of pulling off just about anything. Also, if you have ever gone to the movies, you have probably noticed
that although the movie may be interesting, there are things that happen in most of them that just are not physically possible. Yet, in the movies,
anything that they want appears to be perfectly real.
Unless you were a high up key person in NASA at the time, or are Niel Armstrong, you don't know one way or the other, neither do I, no one will
probably ever know for sure. So, why can't the subject just be dropped. Sure, let's chuckle over it every now and again, wonder occasionally about
it. But, why go to such great lengths (I don't just mean you), to either prove or disprove it. As far as I know, real or not, no one was killed,
there was not a senseless war over it with immense loss of life and limb.
You didn't go, I didn't go, no one at ATS went (most likely). So, either we watched a really good movie, or we watched a real life event. I
realize that this is a conspiracy site, and I wouldn't be here if I didn't like to discuss conspiracies. But this one has been dragged through the
mud over and over, with no proof on either side. And this particular subject was not deadly, it was harmless, really. And it's driving me crazy
hearing about it over and over again.
Let it go..........Maybe one day there will be a passenger shuttle to the moon in our lifetime. Probably not.
It is more likely that NASA or some excited scientist will shoot some missile at it and blow it to smithereens before we ever find out the truth.
let's just leave the moon be for as long as it will be. It is comforting to look at, it gently moves the tides, and with the advancing technology of
man, it's longevity is not too predictable. O.K?