posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:25 AM
Personally, I think that posts with all caps are annoying, not because they might represent yelling like other members say, but because it takes extra
effort to read. We're all used to reading posts in 'normal' format like ours...I think that because it's different, it takes longer to read, and
thus is even more of a dissapointment when you find out that reading the post was a total waste of time.
The dictionary quoting is just plain silly I think, unless you want to clear up everything that could be taken a different way before the debate
really starts. But you'll find some posts in a debate where the first 'argument' is made completely out of definitions. How do you argue with
that?! I saw a post recently, although I won't mention who wrote it where it was just as described above...
The last point, about the abbreviations is annoying too in my opinion, and work like the all-caps in the sense that they make everything more
difficult to read. They also work against the poster because they come off as being a moron. If I see a topic title that I find interesting, and I see
a bunch of abbreviations, stupid ones, I just skip it even thought it could be a good post. At least ATS is a mature discussion board. I just can't
stand the ones where it's common to see something like "stfu u l33t n00b! u r teh uber fag". Surprisingly 'gay fag' is quite common,
although I think this acts as a double negative