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NASA's 'Origins' Program and the eventual revelation of ET life?

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posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 11:08 PM
Hey folks,
I thought about this while replying to another thread...

NASA will soon begin its long-term 'origins' program, which is intended to search for terrestrial, habitable worlds circling other stars. Part of this program will involve launching a series of space telescopes that will be able to, eventually, actually detect whether or not a planet does have life on it.

Now, a major reason why the government has not revealed anything to the public in regards to the ET situation is that, frankly, the public is unprepared for such a revelation... It also wants to exploit exclusive ET technologies, recovered either from spacecraft/probe crashes or 'trades', for as long as possible...

However, during the last few decades, while the government was discrediting UFO sightings, it was also, slowly, making the public accustomed to the idea of ET life. In our world, today, we see George Bush's space budget talking, openly, about the possibility of alien life. As the years go on, and the Origin program falls into place, the public will begin to see the discovery of ET life as a real, near-term, achievable goal.

Now, if the origin missions DO discover a life-bearing, terrestrial world... One of two things will happen, both resulting in public ET acceptance:
1)After showing, conclusively, that aliens exist, the government may then turn around, facing an 'accalmated' public, and begin to reveal information on alien vists to earth..
2)After the 'Eureka' telescopic messages are received, the government may continue to deny that aliens are actively visiting the earth. However, with the existence of ET life, 'out there', proven, the public will cease dismissing UFO and CE3/4 witnesses as nuts or weirdos, UFOlogy will have a resurgence, and public pressure may force the government to reveal 'the ultimate secret'.

So, the point of this all is that, one way or another, disclosure may be comming VERY soon... perhaps in 10-20 years. What do you think?

Here's NASA's Origins page:

PS: Notice how the page says nasa's mission is to 'protect' earth? I'm sure they're speaking about environmental issues, but, still...

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 09:56 AM
U know what those guys at NASA are gonna do? They are gonna send fear to all humans by saying there is an imminent alien threat and thus we must build space weapons to protect ourselves and those poor aliens who come in peace will feel threatened and leave us for our own free will...Unless people ask the aliens to help , they wont intefere because they dont want to be messing with the free will of humans, according to them..

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 10:11 AM
Actually, back in the late 80's, supposedly, there was to be a planned revelation... Can't remember the name right offhand, but it involved a travelling exhibit that would feature the debris and biological evidence, etc. complete with full news coverage, etc.

In fact, this was believed to be tied to the now infamous UFO CoverUp Live! Specials that aired at the time. (People may remember the Strawberry Ice Cream preference of the aliens). In many markets (including mine), both specials were not aired to completion, and were stopped and replaced with infomercials. Also, though big build-ups were announced in the news following the programs, not a word was mentioned of either special.... Maybe they got cold feet?

In any case, the specials were pretty darn good (as much as I saw), including biology, the mechanics of space flight, and the relationship between the aliens and the well as much of the information in the "yellow book"....

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 01:19 PM
The pot's a brewing, I think we'll get a fake disclosure if anything...and soon.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 01:33 PM
We could sure use a new alternative source of energy right about now......

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 01:48 PM
I can understand why this is being withheld from the public. It really would cause a massive collapse in our society, people all over would question their religous beliefs. Others may see it as an imminent attack and this would instill a widespread, frantic frenzy. Others, like myself, am already prepared for this. There are more suns in the universe than there are grains of sand on every beach on Earth. If you truly don't think there is life on other planets, take a look at the life on Earth; you may reconsider.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 01:54 PM
I've said this here before, but I saw a program in the mid 90's which had an interview with a guy from one of the nasa research groups. He said that in 2003 the first real info would come out of nasa, relating to the UFO encounters and something on the moon.

It's 2003, I've been waiting for, quite literally, years for this and the year is already drawing to a close. I guess it was lies or it's been put back.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 02:14 PM
I'd say count on it. The end of 2003 should be a bang.

posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 02:42 PM

yeah i remember hearing that on a show called sightings years ago supposidly in 1989 the us and i think the russians were going to put on display all alien craft and bodies recovered but it was cancelled at the last minute surprise surprise eh lol


posted on Aug, 20 2003 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Veetokz
Unless people ask the aliens to help , they wont intefere because they dont want to be messing with the free will of humans, according to them..

Yeah, that's what I read a lot...

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
Hey folks,
I thought about this while replying to another thread...

What do you think?

I think that you should at least supply a couple of references to the myriad of statements you made in this originating post which cannot be classified as anything more than opinion, speculation or fantasy unless something of substance is produced to support them.

posted on Aug, 22 2003 @ 09:38 PM
I provided a direct link to NASA's project page, which has various links and articles about all the technology involved. If someone were to read those resources, they would see that NASA is directly saying that they're embarking on a project to detect distant alien life. Granted, some of the technical things may not be so up front... Which is why nasa has many 'simplified' soundbites on the pages, as well.

And, yes, I speculated, but I did so while providing info. What we do here is find a news item, explain it, then speculate on its meanings.

1)I provided info on a nasa project, then
2)speculated that, should the project be successful, it might bring about disclosure.

So far as other things go, I'm positive that almost everyone here is familiar with the Brookings report, which detailed why UFO info shouldn't be disclosed to the public.

I did not hand-out info on specific alien types and give no reason for believing in them.

Board stalking and harrassing doesn't scare me, so you might want to save your energy and stop it.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
I provided a direct link to NASA's project page, which has various links and articles about all the technology involved. If someone were to read those resources, they would see that NASA is directly saying that they're embarking on a project to detect distant alien life. Granted, some of the technical things may not be so up front... Which is why nasa has many 'simplified' soundbites on the pages, as well.

And, yes, I speculated, but I did so while providing info. What we do here is find a news item, explain it, then speculate on its meanings.

1)I provided info on a nasa project, then
2)speculated that, should the project be successful, it might bring about disclosure.

So far as other things go, I'm positive that almost everyone here is familiar with the Brookings report, which detailed why UFO info shouldn't be disclosed to the public.

I did not hand-out info on specific alien types and give no reason for believing in them.

Board stalking and harrassing doesn't scare me, so you might want to save your energy and stop it.


Save the energy you are expending on your brand new speculations concerning board stalking and harrassment. I am almost certain you would not want me to list YOUR offenses in this area. THAT does not pertain to this discussion. Start another thread concerning that and I'll rain your own words down on you...I promise.

YES, you submitted a link to NASA. That has absolutely nothing to do with the as-yet-still-unfounded-speculations you posted in your original post as fact. My question was specifically focused towards those. You wrote your original post with statements, as if they were facts, with no foundational evidence. It was that evidence I asked for.

You have not provided it yet.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 01:25 AM
What the h*** are you talking about?

My various board violations? What the h***? You know, just saying something a lot of times doesn't make it true. The mods aren't dumb enough to say, "Oh, Val says OIMD is being bad.. so he is.." Jeez, lady, step off of it.

Don't give me BS about 'listing' my violations. You bully people left and right. You are nasty and often unfair. The only reason you aren't reprimanded is because you have cronies who punish those who complain about you. The only reason this all started is because you started abusing more people than usual and I spokme up about it. Sorry, this IS NOT your private cell block! Eventually... maybe not today, maybe not soon... people on this site will get sick and tired of seeing you throw your weight around and having members cleared out that you don't like.

So far as this thread goes, IT IS IN THE UFO/ALIEN FORUM. I don't have to re-write things I've written in threads about UFO cases BECAUSE THEY ARE HERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE. Get it? I've provided many links, in the past, concerning numerous UFO cases. Granted, I complained about how you make up names for magical beings and such (to applause, often), but I NEVER STALKED YOU IN A FORUM.

Thanks for ruining this thread. I'm sure it will be locked in about five minutes, because you need to be the boss of everything and mess with anyone who doesn't worship every utterance of your mystical being. Being a bully doesn't make you wise.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
What the h*** are you talking about?

My various board violations? What the h***? You know, just saying something a lot of times doesn't make it true. The mods aren't dumb enough to say, "Oh, Val says OIMD is being bad.. so he is.." Jeez, lady, step off of it.

Don't give me BS about 'listing' my violations. You bully people left and right. You are nasty and often unfair. The only reason you aren't reprimanded is because you have cronies who punish those who complain about you. The only reason this all started is because you started abusing more people than usual and I spokme up about it. Sorry, this IS NOT your private cell block! Eventually... maybe not today, maybe not soon... people on this site will get sick and tired of seeing you throw your weight around and having members cleared out that you don't like.

So far as this thread goes, IT IS IN THE UFO/ALIEN FORUM. I don't have to re-write things I've written in threads about UFO cases BECAUSE THEY ARE HERE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE. Get it? I've provided many links, in the past, concerning numerous UFO cases. Granted, I complained about how you make up names for magical beings and such (to applause, often), but I NEVER STALKED YOU IN A FORUM.

Thanks for ruining this thread. I'm sure it will be locked in about five minutes, because you need to be the boss of everything and mess with anyone who doesn't worship every utterance of your mystical being. Being a bully doesn't make you wise.

You are once again throwing unfounded and false accusations my way. And any one (INCLUDING MODS) who read this thread will note that none of the accusations stated in the above quoted post are true. Furthermore, they haven't got an iota of meaning toward what I have asked you now (this one will make 3) TWO times. Please provide references to support the statements made in your originating post of this thread.

You stated them as fact. I guess maybe you have the option of going back and modifying that post to specify that you are stating your opinion, but right now it is a misleading post that mislead uninformed people when read. Your original post was full of bull-hockey with no references.


posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 01:34 AM

Listen, I SAID that I was SPECULATING. You are HARRASSING ME. You are just trying to bait me into calling you a name.



posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 01:44 AM

As far as this thread is concerned, my mission is complete.

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 02:04 AM
What people saw was one person bringing up a nasa project and asking, "What if this revealed something?" They then saw someone else coming in, distracting people from the main question... and acting so as to discredit someone... purely out of spite.

Do I go to your threads in the 'religion' forum and ask you to prove every earthen spirit you name. You, my dear, are just being nasty...

I hope that this thread can now get back to where it was...

posted on Aug, 23 2003 @ 04:33 AM
I am locking this thread with a view to getting rid of it. I would like to invite Onlyinmydreams to re post the thread and ask valhall to stay away from it with a request that you both stop the slanging.

Thank you.

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