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"Crazy Sprite Guy"

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posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 09:32 AM
I'd still like to see a current picture of your grill. Can you take a close-up shot (and not an old pic that's just zoomed in on the computer) so I can get a better idea of the surface it appeared in front of. Maybe even take a picture with your back against the grill, facing your home- where any reflection that may have occured would have likely came from.

If you can do these two things it'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 11:14 AM

The bandwidth quota for this website has been exceeded. The site will be back online within 12 hours.

Sorry to anyone who hasn't seen the pics yet. I guess they will be back up in a bit. Alternatively, you can view them on my Geocities site I have put them up on, but if everyone is looking at these, they will probably exceed bandwidth again just as fast:

I am also putting together a basic site on both of my sites to try and gather all this info into one place after this thread dies off.

Rasputin, I'll go take some close-ups right now. U2U me with an email, MSN, or AIM that you want me to send the new images through to you, since I can't put them up on the web right now. Or look in my profile for mine.

Edit: I have taken about 10 new pictures, totaling 8 MB or so in size altogether. A few pictures of the grill close-up, a few from the point-of-view of the camera on top of the grill, as well as some wide shots of my whole deck. In the new close-ups, I have noticed a lot of grease spots caused by using the barbeque, etc. But the barbeque wasn't used in October, and it was cleaned before fall, so I think the grease on it is post-sprite-picture. There is a fairly large spot where the sprite was, but it doesn't look like anything but a circle. The rest of the black surface is also covered with other such dots, so if one showed up, the rest would have been visible as well. You can judge for yourself when you get the pictures, though.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 11:52 AM
I dunno how this is going to work if the images are always down because of exceeded bandwidth. Hmm. I'm taking the larger (1 Meg) pictures down from the previous post, because they are probably drastically causing most of it. You can email me, add me on MSN, or add me on AIM if you want them (available in my profile). I will be on tonight from 7-9 pm EST for sure to send them out, and off and on through the day probably at some time.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 06:49 PM
Dang, this doesn't look like anything I've seen. At least you have a picture so you you know that your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. Also, did you see this just once? And did this appear in the same way on the picture as it did in real life? I have also seen something stange myself and it's on ATS.
I supose it's possible that there are creatures from another dimension that appear every so often.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 07:22 PM
Yeah I had read your post earlier Acehawk. Very intriguing. I kind of wish I didn't get a picture. People seem to believe your retelling better than my images, LOL. This image only happened once so far, and I didn't actually see it until I looked over my pictures on the computer. Except I have caught orbs on videotape when my friends and I were making a movie. Not orbs that are clearly rain like this. It was inside and the camera was still, and they appeared and swooped across the screen and disappeared again. Could have been dust particles in the air perhaps, I don't know. But no, never anything with as definate a shape as this. Sometimes I see them plainly with my eyes though. Like at work yesterday, I was talking to my co-worker from about 10 feet away, and I clearly saw a ball of light sweep past her.

It was weird that you said your lizard was 2D though, and my entity in the photo also appears to be. How big was it? Like an iguana, or the smaller like the size of my object in the photo?

I dunno what all these sprites and shadow lizards are, but they seem to be occuring more and more frequently each day :\. I'm a little more relieved that mine appears to be made of light instead of shadow/darkness, though, after reading about shadow people/beings.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 09:08 PM
I can't edit my original post to add these, but my friend has graciously decided to host the pictures for me so that they won't exceed bandwidth any more:

From first post:

The full-sized Photos:

Sorry. This should hopefully be the last relocation.

Tomorrow I will be making my own server and uploading the pictures Rasputin wants.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 12:29 AM
Hmm, very intresting, it seems odd that it would appear on your BBQ.

I love how detailed it is.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 07:49 AM
The close-ups and new pics Rasputin wants to see:

Grill Close-Up

Entire Barbeque

A shot from Point-Of-View of the Sprite

Alternate View of Deck

Entire Deck

Grill Close-Up # 2

Angled Barbeque Shot

I have purposefully kept them full-size to maintain as much detail as possible. If you have trouble seeing them in this format, you may want to save them to your computer and look at them with an image viewing program.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 04:21 PM
now that i have checked this picture i can say that it was not photoshopped!
not saying i kno what it is but it is not fake. it was taken on a Canon Powershot A70 on October 29 2004 and uploaded to his computer with firmware version 1.0. I'll get back to you when i figure out what it is!

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 06:12 PM
Yes, finally. I am sorry for the delay and all the server problems.

Well I could have told you all those stats :\. Thank you for verifying, though. At least someone knowledgable can vouche for the validity of the image and that it has not been tampered with. I am interested to hear what your conclusion will be.

Unfortunately, I am going camping this week, so I will be unable to post here from Monday until some time in the afternoon on Wednesday. Maybe I will capture some images of a Bigfoot. Heh.. that would be way too suspcious. So anyway, if anyone has any further questions, theories, etc after tonight, I apologize that it will take me two days to respond. Thank you to everyone who has viewed and contributed to this thread to date. When I come back I will begin looking for similar images/sightings, start to piece all the facts together, and come to some sort of conclusion as to what this thing is, if it is anything more than simply a glare or reflection. Which, unfortunately, it probably isn't.

[edit on 10-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 06:20 PM
I thought the sprite might be a raindrop that had fallen directly on the camera lens, but the posts along the left hand side of the deck display a similar white reflection.

Try wetting the grill and take another pic for dusk, with similar light and auto flash. The grill in some of the 'dry' photos seems to have a irregular 'pattern' on the side....maybe from heat discoloration. ( can't really tell if it is in the same spot as the sprite shows up.) Was the grill still hot from use or was it cold in the 'sprite' photos?

Great follow ups.....btw, you display some real CSI skills!

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 06:33 PM
Haha.. thank you frayed
. I wouldn't go as far as CSI, but I do like to approach it logically and systematically rule out all the extraneous variables/factors that I can. I am still actually skeptical myself if it is actually some sort of a being or just a reflection. And I was the one who took the darn picture! lol. I just think it is interesting, whatever it is.

Nope, it was not likely that a raindrop fell onto the camera lense, since I was inside and the rain was falling in another direction besides inwards towards the house.

I had planned on waiting for the next rainstorm to try and reproduce the photo again in similar conditions, but I suppose wetting the grill may be sufficient. I'll try it when I get home eventually. The other people in my house will think that I am absolutely nuts though, of course

The barbeque was definately cold when the picture was taken. A very good question, though. Despite the appearance of 'dusk' caused by the darkened sky, the picture was taken between 10 and 11 am, because I remember that I took it on my spare/lunch that day. We only barbeque for supper, and I don't think the barbeque had been used for some time before the picture, anyway. If by the irregular pattern you mean the spots, I have said earlier that I think they are caused by oil/grease, although it may be heat discoloration. I don't know much about the properties of plastic. I also mentioned earlier that I don't think those spots were there when the sprite picture was taken, although I can't prove that.

Anyways, I will get around to taking some comparison photos mid-week. (How many more pictures will I have to take? Whew. This proving stuff is hard work

[edit on 10-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin

It was weird that you said your lizard was 2D though, and my entity in the photo also appears to be. How big was it? Like an iguana, or the smaller like the size of my object in the photo?

I dunno what all these sprites and shadow lizards are, but they seem to be occuring more and more frequently each day :\. I'm a little more relieved that mine appears to be made of light instead of shadow/darkness, though, after reading about shadow people/beings.

[edit on 9-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

I already mentioned the size and all. It was maybe about one foot long though perhaps bigger. Actually, it was most likely a salamander, not a reptile, because it did look similar to the picture that the one person posted, long tail and all. Also, there are two other people that said they've seen a shadow something right at the beggining of dusk (just like me). And, yes, it is strange that it seemed to be 2-D, but then again; everthing about it is strange!!! The thing moved like a snake! Even though I live very close to a creek, no salamanders live in my area; or at least not anymore............ Think it's an ancient ghost? Or somthing from a different dimension? Oh, and I also seen a few days ago what was a small black bird flying under my cieling but that appeared for a split-second when I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night (rough night). This creeped me out even more. Though ,again, I may have been seeing things that weren't really there. So, they might be animal ghosts that are for some reason black. Outo know, all I know is that I'm scared when sleeping after all this.
Lastly, the salamander looked just like a shadow except it was alive. I think you might be curious to know that I live in an area thats been known to be huanted (Tinley Park, Orland Park, etc) My uncle who lives within walking distance has one or two human ghosts in his house but thats a whole different story.

[edit on 707/10/0505 by Acekwak]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 07:50 PM
Oh sorry. I missed that you posted about it's size. So it was more smooth like a salamander than a lizard? I see. Well while there are similarities, I'm not sure if your lizard is really related to my picture or not. Unless mine was a shadow but somehow reflected white... I have no idea really. I'm new to the whole idea of shadow beings, and I don't really want to label my image as such just yet. I won't get much respect or support if I start jumping to ridiculous conclusions. [No offense. I am not saying that you didn't see what you did, I am just saying that it would be ridiculous to automatically apply this theory to my picture without looking into it]. Hopefully with time we will get some insight into both of these occurances, though.

For the record (in case people are wondering about my psychological profile or something), I have never seen a ghost. I have never encountered an alien. I don't hear voices. I have tried off-and-on to have an out-of-body experience and to experiment with psychic powers, etc, but neither have yielded any result. So there is nothing really paranormal that has ever happened to me before this photograph, now that I think about it, even after all of these years of researching the topics and experimenting with them. And the photograph probably isn't anything paranormal either, just unexplainable. Now I'm going into doubt. Hmmm. lol.

[edit on 10-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

[edit on 10-7-2005 by Yarcofin]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 11:26 PM
Ya, well, what can I say, I'v been known to make quick conclusions and then I "edit" them when I get more info. I forgot to say how far the shadow was from me. I was in my bed (the whole time) that was on one side of the room and the creature was on the closet that was in front of the bed. I don't live in a mansion, so you might be able to sort of picture the distance. I have a queen size bed so the distance from the low rim to the closet is about a yard. I hope you understand the American measuring system but if you don't then I'd say one yard is perhaps about the length of a meter.?. Also, I am 13 years old, I have bad vision (too much videogames and computer), and I am extremely smart for my age. I also don't have any paranormal or strange characteristics, though I sometimes make simple predictions and a few seconds later they come true. Maybe they're all coinsedinces. I don't talk about this or else people will think I'm crazy. I have not seen or heard anything unusual except this shadow and a UFO sighting that occured twice in 2003. (August 23 about 11 PM, October 31 about 7PM) However, many people have seen the UFO's. I am one of few people from my family that does'nt have a good human ghost story (my uncle has some interesting stories as I've mentioned). Also, I live in a middle-class house and only me, my parents, two parakeeets, a dog, and 6 fish live in it. Pus, I had many pets in the past but not one was reptilian nor amphibian. Wait! I just remembered something I once heard! Two+ years ago I sometimes heard a faint woodwind instument music (perhaps a flute?) when I was in the downstairs bathroom. I heard it for some weeks and right when I started to get unafraid of it, it stopped and I havn't heard it since. Hope this helps!

You could stay in further touch with me through the U2U (if I could figure out how to use it lol)

[Do'h! I need 4 more posts in order to send U2Us]

[edit on 707/10/0505 by Acekwak]

[edit on 707/10/0505 by Acekwak]

[edit on 707/10/0505 by Acekwak]

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 11:37 AM
Alright, I'm back from camping if anyone wants to continue this.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Yarcofin
No it isn't on my neighbour's property. I dunno how it looks like that to you. :\ I suppose because you don't live here lol.

i wasn't flaming on you or anything i didn't come onto this site to make enemies
it was just an opinion

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 03:00 PM
I know you werent. Sorry if my reply came off rude, it wasn't supposed to. Man, the internet has so many linguistic mix-ups. lol.

Anyway, some news. It absolutely poured rain today, so I took some follow-up shots of the BBQ. Flash, no flash, closeups..... everything. I'll get them uploaded if anyone is still interested.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 08:37 PM
i've been lookin at this pic since u uploaded it and it's driving me crazy!(i did a google image search of all kinds of reflective stickers) in my opinion(not a pro or anything) it does appear to be a sticker or decoration. Sorry I couldn't be of more help...

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by adamneldon
i've been lookin at this pic since u uploaded it and it's driving me crazy!(i did a google image search of all kinds of reflective stickers) in my opinion(not a pro or anything) it does appear to be a sticker or decoration. Sorry I couldn't be of more help...

That's definitely where I stand on this issue as well. It's some kind of sticker or decoration that was there. I don't think it was a reflection, though. I think it was placed right where we see it and my opinion will remain until otherwise proven wrong.

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