posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 08:14 PM
knows where it came from.
When Crime Lord Boninigia wants to "send a message" to some Joe Bloggs who isn't playing by the rules, the person who is supposed to "get the
message" has to "get the message"!!
That means "Fat Tony" goes over to Joe Bloggs, beats the crop out of him and says "Mister Boniningia is very, very disappointed with you."
Result: Bloggs knows what the problem is and promises to pay on time from then on.
But if Fat Tony, oh I dunno, ran over Joe Bloggs' dog on the street, and didn't tell Joe--then what message is being sent? Or, say, Joe Bloggs'
son gets beat up at school---by some random punk apparently unconnected to the crime lord. How does that help Mister Crime Lord get what he want?
And what if in fact the punks appear to be part of a gang that is completely opposed to the Boningias? Maybe it was actually a car that ran over Joe
Blogg's dog. And a gang of punks who beat up his son.
So hypothetically if The International Zionist Conspiracy/Mossad/whoever blew up bombs on the tube to send the UK a "message"---how exactly would
that work?
Do they deliver a diplomatic cable saying "by the way, we did that, because of the gas deal." Tony Blair would be waving it the next day on TV and
things would be much much worse for the Israelis.
Think about it: how exactly would pressure, via terrorism against the UK, ever help Israel in economic and diplomatic matters? The answer is that
it wouldn't. It's completely illogical. Not to mention morally revolting. Surely UK's first suicide (even if unintentionally so) bombs would
make them really really pissed off against whoever did it.
But of course, when it comes to The Jews--oops, sorry---Zionists (the new politically acceptable pejorative form), people seem to feel free to blame
any random atrocity of the day by some fantastical chain of "logic". Almost always, without any actual evidence.
It hardly means Israel is made up only of angels---like every other country of mortals---but the ease at which nonsensical conspiracies and malevloent
motives get attached to them is depressing and reflects essentially on the sad attitudes of the the people who think them up.
Sometimes things are exactly what they seem. When you have radical imams preaching for decades about killing infidels, and many people who follow
them, when the 713th bomb "against the infidels" goes off, it probably comes from a generally similar place and group as the first 712 of them.
How many people seriously believe that the insane radical settlers on the West Bank are really diabolical al-Qaeda Arabs in disguise?
jeez, guys. Deny ignorance. There are lots of forms of ignorance.