i dont think theres anything u can tell me to convince me scientology isnt off its rocker
sorry dude i read the book dianetics *very repititious* i guess thats a good brainwashing technique repeating the same thing over a thousand times
makes a book with 5 ideas look big and fancy lol just repeat the idea in as many ways as possible lol
after reading this book ; and reading their website...
all i can say is that this is totally undemocratic
only rich people can succeed in this religion and rise to the top?
WEAK!!!! LAME!!!!
this religion obviously isnt for me im poor! haha!
any religion that wants money is BS seriously
all of them scientology is just the most expensive scam of all...
"oh we need to expand" NO YOU DONT you need to Disappear! lol
im on the total other side of this fence buddy
i thought the pope and his cohort were nuts; but comparing them to scientology *Which has NOTHING to do with science, aside of brainwashing science*
these guys take the cake
your right the masons look nice compared to this cult
"One of the conditions of joining the organization is to sign a contract pledging their loyalty to Scientology for "the next billion years,"
committing their future lifetimes to the Sea Org.
By contrast, the governments of Germany and Belgium officially regard the Church of Scientology as a totalitarian cult; in France, a parliamentary
report has classed Scientology as a dangerous cult; in the United Kingdom and Canada Scientology is not regarded as meeting the legal standards for
being considered a bona fide religion. The nature and status of the Church of Scientology continues to arouse controversy around the world."
just take a look around
its not just us who think these guys are a bit off
The WHOLE WORLD thinks they are losing it lol
every single step of the way; this Cult *remember most nations on earth consider it a cult, even DANGEROUS!*
this cult gets nuttier and nuttier
and NO i dont need to go get brainwashed to defend them
i wont join and ill stay right here enjoying my freedom instead of giving my body to some waky organization of people who dont make any sense at
and for a BILLION YEARS!!!!!
its mentally disturbing
i read the whole boook Dianetics i have 100% right to talk down on this group
thank you; its like 900 pages long u try and read it!!!
i earned my right to complain about them ! cost me 10$ and a few weeks of time reading
i think they are completely out of touch with reality and me calling them crazy and wacky is me being NICE , becuase i sure have a handful of
profanitys to throw at em
whoever the dude is who was in the Sea Org
i can totally understand why you protect Scientology, because it was brainwashed into your head
i am not dissing you; im just saying thats how the group operates
we can build an excellant case to argue that point
you were obviously brainwashed into thinking they are great because the truth is they are not great
they are a cult and they force things onto you
if u resist until death; well; they will let you go at that point
most people wont fight till the death for their freedom; so scientology wins a new pawn....ugh
its just like AOL
i had free service with them for a month
and i called them and said "I WANT IT TURNED OFF NOW!"
and they kept saying "no theres no reason to turn it off we are giving you 3 more months free!!!"
notice im screaming at the top of my lungs
"Sir , we have already giving your account a full free 6months; we CANT take you off!!"
"IF U DONT TAKE ME OFF ILL CALL THE BBB!" *better buisness ...*
"Sir , im sorry but thats impossible we have already entered into the computer your free months and we cannot take it back"
So basically i told them take me off or else and hung up
i havent got all day to play this stupid game u know its very upsetting
and get this .... after about 50days
AOL Calls me up !
"Sir you owe us 60$ "
guess what i said???
" )(@&*)@(&%(*YTY%*&GUHRE(*Y "
and i have learned thru my first hand expierances that Scientology is exactly the same; if not worse
just read their book
its enough proof
if not, check their website
dude in sea org; you were one of the members of the cult; your opinion is Bias!
we need independant researchers to decide this
you were a cult member; and the cults teachings are within you still
only independant research can reveal the truth to us
its like we would take a christians word for what christianity is all about
ya rite
theres 50000 different christians preaching Totally different idealogys
yet they are all in one religion
so where can u get the BEST idea of what christianity is about , since we cannot get this idea from is Bias members??
The Bible exactly; thats where u will form ur independant opinion on Christianity
So we should form our Independant Opinion on Scientology by reading Dianetics *the "bible" of scientology*
and since i read it i will say agian my independant investigation revealed they are a bit too extreme and believe in too many fantasys and only allow
rich people to be invisable Levitate control Matter with their Mind
oh lord its like a fairy tale with a navy with One ship!
sorry for the long rant guys but i bought my right to post this rant
10$ for that book dianetics heck i might have even paid 12$
it wasnt a waste tho i got to learn how bizzare some people take their fairy tales to the wildest extremes.....
please dont take my comments as insults; they are not
they are Warnings, and Information to let people know to watch out because cults are Dangerous!
Examples :: Heavens gate, branch dividians; a trillion more ....
i just hate seeing people get hurt
and i see scientology Hurting people often *a crazy behavior*
its very sad and frightening
anyways whatever...