posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 03:43 PM
Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
I don't think this is right... It's not thier fault that they end up on someone else's wireless signal. It's like someone watering thier lawn...
Some of the water ends up on thier neighbor's lawn. Is the neighbor in some violation of the law? I don't think so!
Actually, in a case like this it's not accidental. This is more akin to something like the neighbor hooking up a hose to your faucet. I know of a
few people who do actively seek out a Wi-Fi connection in the manner mentioned in the article--drive around with your laptop and wait till it says
you're connected. The one's I've heard of just do it to keep up with work while they're in the field, but like the article states, it can be used
for illegal purposes.
If you have a wireless router for your laptop in your home, everytime you log on to the internet it's using the router's IP address, which is
generally static. If someone drives by and snags your WiFi, then they download some kiddie porn or something,
your IP address is getting
logged and there's little you could do about it if they track it down. Kinda scary if you think about it.