posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 06:07 PM
tiger what are you trying to say " Rus now has 64 subs US ONLY has 74" umm that would mean that we have more subs then you, but let me guess
you have some website that proves the 1 Russy sub can take on 20 US subs and never be seen, or your going to say russia has a secret under water
cavern that is holding an additional 11 subs to close the gap on the US subs,
Well i guess if Russia is that sneaky, Then we will just bring all of our Navy ships that are in reserve, Ive seen someones post on here with a
website as proof" i just cant find right now" that if the US took all of there Navy ships in reserve those ships would make up the worlds 3rd
largest navy,
And russia is going to Draft or Recruit 5 million men, LMAO LMAO LMAO LMAO, Dude cmon China has the largest population in the world and even they cant
recruit 5 million men i think there army is at like 2.5-3 mill strong, and Russia has a smaller population then the US, And it costs many to trains
and operate a 5 million man army with Gas, Food, ammo,armor,medical aid, Russia fell apart trying to build a huge army, why would they do it again,
thats like slamming your head into a brick wall getting knocked out pickin yourself up and slammin your head on a wall again. it doesnt make sense