posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 06:38 AM
Great points, John Bull 1.
Here is what I resent:
1) the "a" typical" conspiracy script that runs like this since prior to 911:
* Israel knew.
* Israel did it.
I have no problem whatsoever with anyone, including you, wanting to talk about MOSSAD or Israel. There are a number of Israel related topics that you
will find absolutely nothing from me on. What I do find ironic is that all this drivel that comes out against Israel and then gets thumped down in ATS
as concrete proof for the masses, is coming from the likes of infowars, conspiracyplanet, indymedia, rense, etc. Then people and members wonder
why some simply rebuke and refut such sourcings and their mentions? Pretty self-evident to me.
Yep, ATS is a conpsiracy site, but you know, we have a motto which decrees: Deny Ignorance. As such, ATS sets itself apart from those other
conpsiracy related forums, boards, and alternative news sourcings because we do not simply swallow each and everything that gets spewed out by those
conspiracy related alternative news sites that I have mentioned above, among many more.
You, or anyone else, wants to point the finger at MOSSAD or Israel, do so, I have no beef with it at all. What I do have a beef with is the "a"
typical defence given when the few of us that do not buy into all that mumbo-jumbo assertions and claims pulled from the likes of the sourcings I
mentioned above decide to call bluff.