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NEWS: Series of Explosions Rock London 07/07

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posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:56 PM
No, GradyPhilpott it's the line before it not the one you are using.

The point I am making by it, is you people can't say all Americans are with us like so many have tried to. Just to display not every American felt bad and not every Arab felt good.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:29 PM
My point is that you are attributing to Brit Hume what he didn't say and yes, you are probably right, somewhere some American is probably delighting in the misery of Londoners, but frankly, I haven't heard of it. I meet a fairly good cross-section of Americans in my daily life and never have I heard anyone say that they have a hard-on for the British and would like to see bombs going off in London, killing the innocent, but then no one I know hangs out on this board.

[edit on 2005/7/9 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Odium
"I mean, my first thought when I heard -- just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, "Hmmm, time to buy."

He was talking about the bombs going off, not the comment on the stock market. His first thought, not one of his.

You are really making a big deal out of this.

BTW, just so you man does not speak for all sentiments and emotions of all Americans....

I am not going to try to claim to know what one man could have thought because noone but that man knows exactly what he thought, and why he thought about it. But in here you are trying to claim that Americans all think like this man, which is obviously not true.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:38 PM
Now here is the point:

I don't really care what the guy said, I don't give a damn - I used it to make a point. This point is simple, no one person can speak for all of them. It is clear a lot of people dislike it when I do the same with an American to speak for all Americans. So don't use Bin Laden to speak for all Muslims. List goes on.

Otherwise, it's fair to say the KKK speak for all White Americas? Do you now see the point?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Otherwise, it's fair to say the KKK speak for all White Americas? Do you now see the point?

When did I, or anyone say that all Muslims are like this?

I don't think anyone is saying all Muslims are like this, we are talking about "Muslim extremists," not regular Muslims that would not think for a second of commiting terrorist attacks.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 03:57 PM
As The Finger Points

It's natural to want to make sense of things like the bombings in London as soon as possible, because not knowing usually feels worse than knowing.

In times like these, jumping to comfortable, foregone conclusions is a difficult temptation to resist, and I can't knock anyone for yielding to the temptation, because I do it all the time myself.

Knowing this to be the case, however, I challenge my fellow ATSers to keep an open mind and try to avoid being led astray by all the conflicting information surrounding these events.

It's easy to point fingers at convenient targets, including those linked to our pet theories -- or one another -- but it is highly unlikely that any of us had anything to do with this attack, or that any of us really knows all that much more than another about what actually happened at this point.

There is a truth behind all this, but it is shrouded in layer after layer of deliberate lies, honest mistakes and indifferent fate.

Beware of theories that support your prejudices. People get paid good money to create and sell them.

The truth is rarely as comfortable as falsehood. Thus if you are confident and comfortable with your thesis, it is probably wrong.

Or, to quote a learned sage of great renown:

Ozzy's Uncertainty Principle

“If you think you're right, you're wrong, and if you think you're wrong, you're right.” -- Ozzy Osbourne

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Do you now see the point?

Yeah, we get the point Odium. You're a trouble-maker.


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Majic
As The Finger Points

It's natural to want to make sense of things like the bombings in London as soon as possible, because not knowing usually feels worse than knowing.

In times like these, jumping to comfortable, foregone conclusions is a difficult temptation to resist, and I can't knock anyone for yielding to the temptation, because I do it all the time myself.

Knowing this to be the case, however, I challenge my fellow ATSers to keep an open mind and try to avoid being led astray by all the conflicting information surrounding these events.

It's easy to point fingers at convenient targets, including those linked to our pet theories -- or one another -- but it is highly unlikely that any of us had anything to do with this attack, or that any of us really knows all that much more than another about what actually happened at this point.

There is a truth behind all this, but it is shrouded in layer after layer of deliberate lies, honest mistakes and indifferent fate.

Beware of theories that support your prejudices. People get paid good money to create and sell them.

The truth is rarely as comfortable as falsehood. Thus if you are confident and comfortable with your thesis, it is probably wrong.

Or, to quote a learned sage of great renown:

Ozzy's Uncertainty Principle

“If you think you're right, you're wrong, and if you think you're wrong, you're right.” -- Ozzy Osbourne

We have two pieces of evidence to support the idea that the bombings were committed by agents of the security services, both mentioned before

The warning to Netanyahu not to attend his meeting given before the bombs went off

The deployment of 1000 personnel employed by a security consultancy agency to an exercise on 7/7 at the exact time and with bombs exactly 'hypothesised' at the exact locations where they exploded

Both conclusive evidence of foreknowledge in my mind, and at the very least enough to transform a theory into a strong possibility

I'm constantly astounded at the perpetual bleating about al-Qaeda and Muslim fundamentalists here. That's why I've been giving the anti-mantra

Anyone who has studied 9/11 in any detail will have recognised the forces behind the 7/7 attacks the instant they caught them off the telly

It took me about 3 nanoseconds to know who was behind it , and the same is true for thousands of others
It's not about 'pet theories' it's about recognising and understanding the form

And yet people jump in and give it with the now essentially racist 'Arab terrorist' crapola

Amazing - it's complete blindness to the way the world is, its self-denial and submission and surrender to the controlling forces

What's wrong with you people, you like being taken for complete buffoons?

BTW, Ozzy, to the best of my knowledge, the only rock star to have performed personally for Bush and unsurprisingly (though Bono may well have bent over forwards for him, so to speak). His thoughts have, therefore, zero credibility

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:31 PM
Like The Back Of My Hand

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Yeah, we get the point Odium. You're a trouble-maker.

Just one troublemaker on a website that's full of them.

There aren't a lot of mainstream, orthodox conformists on ATS. Our community is not attractive to camp-followers and sycophants, after all.

So to be branded a troublemaker on ATS is something of a badge of honor when it comes to holding differing views, from where I sit.

Odium, I think Grady is giving you a compliment.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:39 PM
I'm not giving him a compliment. I'm not expecting lock-step thought either, but this is not the time to start with the divisive rhetoric. In this instance, Odium would do better to speak for himself, instead of projecting his pathologies onto others. Either that or shut up.

[edit on 2005/7/9 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:41 PM
Can we get back to the topic rather that taking knives to each other?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:44 PM
The Iron Man Of Irony

Originally posted by dh
BTW, Ozzy, to the best of my knowledge, the only rock star to have performed personally for Bush and unsurprisingly (though Bono may well have bent over forwards for him, so to speak). His thoughts have, therefore, zero credibility

Say what you want about Bush, but when you start claiming Ozzy has zero credibility, you're trampling on sacred ground.

There's nothing at all wrong with speculating about this or anything else. That's as fundamental to ATS as shouting “Deny Ignorance!” from the rooftops.

We're all entitled to our opinions, and present them here in the grand marketplace of ideas that is ATS.

I am all for speculation, which I think is healthy. What I consider unhealthy, however, is confusing speculation with fact, which is something I think you're doing by making unqualified claims without clear evidence to support them.

It may seem cumbersome to use words like “possible”, “maybe”, “uncertain” and so forth when discussing subjects like these.

However, these terms serve an important function. They remind us that we're dealing with uncertainty. They also help us to maintain intellectual honesty, which is a mandatory prerequisite for being able to identify the truth when we occasionally stumble upon it.

If we lose sight of the very real need to preserve our intellectual integrity, then we will tend to lose sight of all facts and ultimately become lost in a maze of our own misconceptions. Been there, done that, still do it more than I like, but I'm trying.

That's the gist of my warning, which my fellow members are quite free to heed or ignore as they see fit.

And I, of course, am free to give.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 04:50 PM
ok seems like something more is happening

Police Evacuate Birmingham Bars, Theaters

Controlled explosions are happening at this time,

[edit on 9-7-2005 by asala]


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Majic
The Iron Man Of Irony

It may seem cumbersome to use words like “possible”, “maybe”, “uncertain” and so forth when discussing subjects like these.

However, these terms serve an important function. They remind us that we're dealing with uncertainty. They also help us to maintain intellectual honesty, which is a mandatory prerequisite for being able to identify the truth when we occasionally stumble upon it.

If we lose sight of the very real need to preserve our intellectual integrity, then we will tend to lose sight of all facts and ultimately become lost in a maze of our own misconceptions. Been there, done that, still do it more than I like, but I'm trying.

That's the gist of my warning, which my fellow members are quite free to heed or ignore as they see fit.

And I, of course, am free to give.

Ozzy is an a-hole and a tool. Though I'm willing to forgive. His mind's too messed over to realize it. End it - I don't want Ozzy as a diversion

Of course if you're looking for uncertainty, you'll find it

I have no uncertainty about 7/7. It's an itty-bitty small operation compared to the multi-agency grand mass-mind control spectacle of 9/11 which was bound to have glaring holes in the official story

7/7 will have much less evidence - it's a reinforcer - they chose Tube tunnels, because that way the visual evidence is hidden from public view

I would suggest that the two simple pieces of evidence of foreknowledge are enough to demonstrate, well, foreknowledge and involvement

[edit on 9-7-2005 by dh]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:20 PM
GradyPhilpott, it wasn't directed at you - you were just what we call a "pawn" so I could demonstrate people dislike to be generalised which has been seen on this thread and several others on the topic.

People in teh first 10 pages already blamed the Irish, Muslims, etc, before we had any proof - which we still don't have. This "fear" and "hate" mongering only causes more "fear" and "hate".

Also my name as more meaning than is listed there, keep trying to guess why I use it. :-)

Muaddib, same goes - you just got dragged along. There are just a few people who I've already called out who are shouting out who did it without the proof - let the Police do their job.


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:28 PM

[. This "fear" and "hate" mongering only causes more "fear" and "hate".

let the Police do their job.

Of course, thats the whole of the deal. Fear and hate is what they want to engender

The police will never do a real job, because the people who give the orders ultimately, in this case the Metropolitan Commisioner, are in on the deal

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:32 PM
As long as the West practices unrelenting military coercion, which now has a long and sorry history, against the Muslim World in the Middle East, "terrorism" will continue. Better to make an effort to understand the roots of this conflict, understand the other side's needs and goals, and try an approach other than continuing military mayhem and destruction.

What is "terrorism" but a poor man's method of fighting back? Give them some aircraft carriers, fighter planes, cruise missiles, Black Hawk helicopters, Abrams tanks, and the latest Humvees, etc. etc. ad nauseum, and then we can all comfortably sit back and watch a respectable conventional war where each side has equal ability to destroy the other.

Better yet, shed the idiotic military mentality, address the roots of the problem with humane rather than resource-grabbing goals, and we will likely see some progress and a lessening of the continuing murder and mayhem on both sides.

As it is, all we hear from Washington and the right-wing media is kill, kill, kill! It has become sickening and deafening.

[edit on 7/9/2005 by dubiousone]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:35 PM
P.S. - We often here US President George Bush say that he is going to "spread democracy" around the globe. Really!? Does anyone in possession of their temporal lobes really believe that bull$hit?

I don't see any effort to "spread democracy" into Saudi Arbia?

It seems that the only places where we are "spreading democracy" are places that have material resources or strategic significance that the U.S. "leadership" wants to grab.

This is not news. Certainly everyone on ATSNN who hasn't been born yesterday is fully aware of this and is becoming numb and closing their ears to the relentless steam of bull$# propaganda from our own Western governments.

[edit on 7/9/2005 by dubiousone]


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by dubiousone
As long as the West practices unrelenting military coercion, which now has a long and sorry history, against the Muslim world in the Middle East, "terrorism" will continue. Better to make an effort to understand the roots of this conflict, understand the other sides needs and goals, and try an approach other than continuing military mayhem and destruction.

What is "terrorism" but a poor man's method of fighting back. Give them some aircraft carriers, fighter planes, cruise missiles, Black Hawk helicopters, Abrams tanks, and the latest Humvees, et. etc. ad nauseum, and then we can all comfortably sit back and watch a respectable conventional war where each side has equal ability to destroy the other.

Better yet, shed the idiotic military mentality, address the roots of the problem with humane rather than resource-grabbing goals, and we will likely see some progress and a lessening of the continuing murder and mayhem on both sides.

As it is, all we hear from Washington and the right-wing media is kill, kill, kill! It has become sickening and deafening.

Oh such terrible bollox
It may be true in the fightback in Iraq or some place
It certainly isn't true in the London bombings
How many times does it need to be said
The muslims didn't do this. They don't need to be justified. This was a false flag operation by the intelligence services
I'll reiterate this as long as stupid people come along and suggest the work of the mythical al-Qaeda

[edit on 9-7-2005 by dh]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 05:42 PM
dh -

Don't misunderstand me. I am not saying that this was an act of Muslim or Al Qaida terrorism. You may well be correct in your assessment.

[edit on 7/9/2005 by dubiousone]

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