posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 08:20 PM
Say! Maybe we can have a huge concert, featuring hundreds of famous bands and singers...and we can broadcast it all over the world, and Bono can host
it, and people from around the world will donate millions of dollars for the children of Africa, and everyone will feel joyous that they stopped
disease, and famine, and coups, and slavery, and brutal communist dictatorships, and tribal rivalry's, and racism, and poaching of elephant
ivory...golly gee, what a swell idea!
We'll call it "LIVE 8", sort of like a play on words from the old, inneffective Live Aid concert from long ago that was supposed to do the same
thing ("...don't they know it's Christmassssss...c'mon, sing along!"), but failed miserably because we gave all the money to the completely
corrupt governments that created and continue to encourage all the terrible things that happen in Africa, and they simply spent it on themselves,
without a single penny reaching anyone outside the cabal governments.
But gee, BONO wants all the rich countries to cancel all the debt the corrupt countries created with their non-producing communist dictatorship
regimes. By forgiving all that debt, those rotten countries will forever be free of corruption, and slavery, and disease, and wanton murder, and
famine, and coups, and tribal rivalry's, and racism, and poaching of elephant ivory.
Hey! Let's ask Bono to give all his many millions he has made in the capitalist countries, to the corrupt communist dictatorship regimes in the Congo
and the rest of Africa! Wouldn't that be wonderful! I'm so giddy that this just may happen!
What? They aleady had a concert that failed miserably called Live 8? Gee, and so many corrupt communist regimes could have been helped too.
Well, let's hope, at least, that the French forces do not fire on unarmed, non beligerant civilians this time.