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Vimanas = Ancient UFO's

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posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 01:16 PM
4000 y.o. indian Hindu holy writing tells of flying chariots (Vimanas) that had heat seeking "arrows". They also tell of a terrible weapon that destroyed a ancient civilization in a mushroom cloud, this weapon had such a terrible heat hat it set people and animals on fire, those lucky enough to survive had to wash of a poisoned dust in the rivers to not get sick. Other writings tell of all the weapons in the vimanas, and tell that some vimanas was made to travel between places on earth, another type was used to travel between planets, and yet another between stars. The secret to making the vimanas was given from the gods, but the knowledge destroyed the civilization says the poem Mahabharata. This sources are dated sciencifelty dated at least 4000 y.o. and is still today part of the Hindu holy books.

Charles Berlitz in his book Doomsday 1999 cites Dr. Robert Oppenheimer (of the Manhattan Project) answering an inquiry from a student at Rochester University:

The student: Was the bomb exploded at Alamogordo during the Manhattan
Project the first one to be detonated?

Dr. Oppenheimer: Well -- yes. In modern times, of course.

Makes you wonder if Dr. Oppenheimer knew more that he told

Read more about Vimanas here:

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 01:22 PM
The Achient Atomic warfare is in this thread I made. Alot of skeptics though.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 03:35 PM
"Welcome to the club"

I've belived the Mahabarata describe atomic war and connected it with the hindu's tradition of ritual washing. After such a war cleaning oneself in a running river would not only be a ritual but a neccesary for survival.

But this has nothing to do with aliens

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 03:51 PM
Come on people it is an ancient writing when people didnt know of any thing more powerfull than Fire/Lightening exsisted. These "Vimans" are most probably the Indian version of mythical tales that describe flying people and flying chariots and stuff. I am sure that they must have ment a veery fast moving chariot when they say " flying " chariot. Do you actually believe that Aleins would come and give some primitve people "nuclear weapons" and "flying vimans" ? these are not the standard peices of glass and trinkets that we are talking about.
Why are people still discussing viamans ? they are just folklore and stories that were used to bring fear of the devil in those ancient times!

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 03:52 PM
Atlanteans were known to those in ancient India to be imperialistic and to have had weapons that could destroy an entire city. As such, the former were unparalleled in technology in the ancient world. Unparalleled except for the Anunnaki/Zetans which I believe they had a War of Independence against...and lost.

The tilting of the planet on its axis, worldwide earthquakes, and The Great Flood (which is reported in various ancient cultures) was not caused by "normal geological disturbances" or from the "misuse of a great quartz crystal." It was the result of a nuclear holocaust that was orchestrated to destroy the Atlantean civilization

The Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 12:13 AM

We know a great deal about history back a few thousand years, some might even say 10,000 years. But once you get beyond that we really cannot say with any certainity what happened. Perhaps we are the latest in a series of civilization cycles, or beings from other places have indeed taken visible action here.

Not saying there is proof of this, just pointing out that the possibility exists that really old folk tales could have a fantastic basis. Looking for example at the study of Egypt over the last 100 years provides a good example of how far from real understanding of all of History we might still be.


posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 12:25 AM
in addition to what TAU mentioned

there is a REAL possibility that this planet has been thru many many births

and it is quite likely , that all the "births" , go thru similar cycles of eventual technology , abuse , corruption, collapse etc...

ever hear of that ?

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 12:48 AM
That is an intersting theory, if you read robert jordans stuff, he has the same kind of idea, he plays with the concept of the earth going through phases, one which is sort of prehistoric kind of thing where everything is chaotic, there are no civilizations and humans are scarce, a phase where humans eventually develop technology, a phase where humans develop technology and some sort of "magical abilities', and lastly a phase where technology is neglected and everyone relies on magic

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 01:15 AM
if those things , as described in the rg veda , aren't great descriptions of ufos'

then I don't know what would be...

I'm glad it [ veda ] still exists , a great piece of the planets history is inside.
and a treasure for anyone who gives it more than just a glance.

I remember reading that, man, [ each of us ], was described as being , just a thought in brahmas' mind,
and if he stopped thinking about any one of us, you would cease to exist...


posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 01:45 AM
flying a swift and powerful vimana
hurled a single projectile
Charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns
Rose in all its splendour...
a perpendicular explosion
with its billowing smoke clouds...
...the cloud of smoke
rising after its first explosion
formed into expanding round circles
like the opening of giant parasols... was an unknown weapon,
An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
...The corpses were so burned
As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.
After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected... escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment.

Ancient verses from the Mahabharata: (6500 B.C.?)

that is the passage depicting the mushroom cloud and poison fallout the author of the thread was describing im sure.

I beleive we dont give the ancients near enough credit. We concider them "primative" yet they've done quite a few things where we cant figure out where they got the know-how from. The construction of the pyramids, easter island, stone henge, their amazing accuracey with astrology, greek fire, etc etc. Whether these things were of ingenious men or gifts from "prometheus" type aliens, there's just too much evidence contrary to our system of science and beleifs to say we know how the ancient world worked, or even our present world for that matter. Way back when they thought the earth was flat, but in ancient times even before that there is evidence they knew the world was round. This is a good example of how knowledge can be lost and found throughout history. We currently think there are 3 dimensions with time as a possible "fourth". I think in this day and age our "the world is round" has to do with extra dimensions which might lead to the possiblity of flying ships such as vimana due to the idea that in other dimensions the laws of this world's physics do not apply. I'm going to have to stop now or I'll ramble on forever, but I hope my post was helpful.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 02:34 AM
from what I gather, you can scratch EASTER ISLAND off the mystery list.

[ keep in mind, a lot of interest and money is generated from keeping the MYSTERY alive ]

I believe this is the correct link

I had the show on my hdd recorder but deleted it...


posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 02:37 AM
doh, ok well dont let one bad apple spoil the bunch

swap out easter island for the nazca lines then

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 03:10 AM
Thanks for all your insight! Yo probably also heard about Hitler's attempt to recover such ancient technology from their keepers in modern times. The Vimanas was built to last thousands of years, I guess that if kept dry they could even be Vimanas left in th world today.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Davood
That is an intersting theory, if you read robert jordans stuff, he has the same kind of idea, he plays with the concept of the earth going through phases, one which is sort of prehistoric kind of thing where everything is chaotic, there are no civilizations and humans are scarce, a phase where humans eventually develop technology, a phase where humans develop technology and some sort of "magical abilities', and lastly a phase where technology is neglected and everyone relies on magic

IMHO, that last phase you are referring to, The Age of Magick, has yet to come but is in the works. Technology will be largely but not entirely abandoned because Magick will prove to be better in the overall sense.

[edit on 7-7-2005 by Paul_Richard]

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