posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 03:31 AM
I was just thinking, we are getting really far advance with this whole cloning deal. Now a clone is an exact replica of somthing else right? well lets
say a human man or woman is cloned...what a wonderful feat. but...if you had SEX with is consider Gay? or is it considered Masturbation?
Now it depends on how you look at it....if the clone has not had time to learn any outside information or be raise by society in any way...then it is
technically just another you...not a twin..becasue twins learn on there own...but it hasnt had time to learn yet. which if you look at the deffinition
of Masturbation it means to basically get "yourself" off. to stimulate ones self. so is the clone just consider another you? if so then it must be
Now if he Clone is consider after it is created to be another completely different human being then this would, i assume, be considered a gay act.
but is somthing that thinks just like you...has you morals and view. and has the same dna identically. Then is it actually considered another
completely different human.
I only ask this cause i have my clone in the other room and im deciding what i should do with it... haha j/k but really tho...basically do you
consider a clone another human being or just ones self?
[edit on 6-7-2005 by Maiden Mayhem]