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area-51, are there any documents that can prrove what it really does?

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posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:59 PM
i wanted to check some out. im also going to start this group and make a web site for the group im gonna make up called "CCIG" civilian conspiracy investigation group if anyone would like to join. in that case, i would like to try and find out what goes on in there. most web sites only say what they THINK goes on in there.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 09:04 PM
I join your group

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 09:06 PM
ive been searching for years and all ive come up with is what they think goes on in there and various claims from people like bob lazar (true or false ???
) if there is anything i would also like to see but i think it could be a case of join the back of the que

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 09:07 PM
i think if there were documents to prove what it does we would know about them. It seems either the Government are good at keeping secrets or what people think goes on in there doesnt happen.

Personally I think that of all the people that would have ever worked in Area 51 for the past 50 or so years of its existance at least one of them would have spilled the beans if there were dodgy goings on.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:08 PM
Yep, it obviously exists and is up and running. There's no doubting that, so that would mean that their are alot of people working there so you'd think of something happaned there'd be more people coming out talking about it.
But then again, you don't get people that work there saying anything normal about it either. Has anyone ever claimed to work there or still work there?
At other military airfields people who work there don't keep it a secret, why would they at this one?

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:17 PM
Also, you would expect if all of the supposed former workers were hoaxers, that a real former worker would come out and say that infact there are only normal military activities going on there. This isnt the case...people either speak out about wierd stuff going on, or dont speak out at all.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:33 PM
How many times have you seen a interview from random person 101 from Nellis or Dover or anywhere else?

You dont....

People dont "come out" and talk about normal happenings. If Area-51 is legit and normal. Then its safe to bet you won't hear anything from there because its legit and normal.

Its also safe to bet if it is aliens, top secret black projects, etc.. then you won't hear anyone coming out about that either. Why? If they do and dont have conclusive evidence it proves nothing. If they do and they have evidence they would be long dead before said evidence gets anywhere.

So that is the delimma for Area-51 and all secret projects around the world. If it isnt happening its normal and there is nothing to talk about. If it is happening and someone talks they disapear.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 01:26 AM
But you still here people go "I'm currently working at Nellis" or where ever. Or does know one have a husband or father or know anyone that works at Groom Lake?

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 04:09 AM
i'd like to join... U2U to me when you find out when and how...

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 02:06 PM
Put me down, I'll join.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 08:14 PM
I find it funny that the same government/military that said Area 51 didn't exist until they just about "absolutly" had too also say ETs don't exist. Think about that for a second. What is that, a Catch 22 or something intelligent?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:21 AM
The word "document" made me think of garbage. Now, I do realize a secure facility will incinerate, but is everything incinerated? Plastics, food refuse, etc. Anyone know if A51 has their own dumping grounds? Have waste trucks ever been seen leaving?

My thought is, if there are waste trucks, perhaps some crazy mofo would, uhem, "confiscate" it? heh. I mean, people are people - people screw up, I would venture to say plenty of paper for leads could be found with the trash of lunch that was eaten while reading.

Just a thought [oh my god, I had a thought !!!!]


posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 12:53 PM
I know for a fact, that Aeornautical engineering takes place there. A friend of my father, used to work there, and developed some of the most modern UAV'S. About eight years ago, he visited us, and showed us some pictures of some of the planes he had begun working on. Now, these plane have just been released publically, as un-tested prototypes. However, the pictures I have/had show the plane(s) flying.
It seems to me that the government likes to keep it's projects secret, even through testing, so that once it is presented, it will be successfull.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by ASnake4
i wanted to check some out. im also going to start this group and make a web site for the group im gonna make up called "CCIG" civilian conspiracy investigation group if anyone would like to join. in that case, i would like to try and find out what goes on in there. most web sites only say what they THINK goes on in there.

Sign me up! Also, Check out the Groom Lake Reseach Project in the ATS Research forum! It's not difinitive, but it was an indepth ATS Research effort that went to exhaustive lenghts to find the truth about Groom Lake! We used every source we could think of: Books, Video, The Net, Eye witness reports, Freedom of Information Act Requests, Contact with conspiricy researchers, ECT. (we even had someone go pull geological maps of the area to see what kind of rock they would be digging into if the built an underground base, and if there were any natural cave formations in the area that the builders could have made use of for hideing stuff! Below is the Link to the Research:

Groom Lake Research Project

As I said, there is a lot more to be learned, but it's a starting point. If you are intrested, It there for you to use. U2U me so I can help!

Tim (ghost)
ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

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