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40,000 Iranian Suicide Bombers Ready to kill Americans…

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posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 02:37 PM
Scary stuff. Hey, at least the new Iranian President is a rational guy….. (NOT)

“On July 2, 2005, Al-Arabiya TV broadcast a report on an Iranian movement of suicide bombers with the aim of targeting Americans in Iraq and Israel. The volunteers said they wanted to carry out martyrdom operations to liberate Islamic lands and stated that so far 40,000 "time bombs" have been recruited

According to the chairman and spokesman of The World Islamic Organization's Headquarters for Remembering the Shahids, Mohammad 'Ali Samedi, his organization began recruiting suicide bombers about a year and a half ago, as reported by MEMRI last year.(1) Since then, he has engaged in organizing conventions, registering volunteer suicide bombers online, and providing guidance and training for martyrdom operations.

The organization's supporters, and those participating in its activities, include public figures, such as veteran MP Mahdi Kuchak-Zadeh, from the prominent conservative party Coalition of Iran's Developers (Abadgoran) which backed Iranian President-Elect Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad and Revolutionary Guards officers such as General Salami, head of The Revolutionary Guards Headquarters for Strategic Operations….”

Additional info on this here

So, lets sum Iran up:

-Leaders Chant “death to America” openly and pray for its destruction
-State sponsored “extraterritorial” assassinations and terrorism
-State sponsored terrorist support of groups like Hamas and Hezbollah
-Safe haven for on the run terrorists (Osama?)
-Actively seeking and developing nuclear grade materials and weapons
-Successfully tested long range missiles capable of carrying said nukes
-And now, a 40,000+ strong suicide squad bent on killing infidels (code for Americans)
-Oh, almost forgot the newly elected President responsible for the revolution that started a 444 day US hostage crises

Iran makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, I am certain I would be embraced and loved if I found myself in downtown Tehran...ALLAHU AKBAR!!

[edit on 5-7-2005 by skippytjc]

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 03:11 PM
Well its easy, the US needs to get its oil stealing, muderous bottom out of the middle east.

Simple eh?

[edit on 5-7-2005 by Kriz_4]

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 03:18 PM
cool! That's 40,000 less Muslim radicals we have to deal with.

Let's just hope they have bad engineering skills........

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Kriz_4
Well its easy, the US needs to get its oil stealing, muderous bottom out of the middle east.

Simple eh?

[edit on 5-7-2005 by Kriz_4]

First: Care to comment on the topic? any thoughts on 40,000 bent on suicide bombings?

Second: Any supporting data or such to back up your off topic comments?

If your only goal is to randomly chant "hate" statements maybe another forum is more appropriate?

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 03:26 PM
[sarcasem] wow this is like wow 40 000 people willing to blow them selves up if the US decides to get trigger happy again or halusinate again
a big wow to the 40 000 bravo to LAtimes to warn everyone about this threat

those 40 000 people are a real threat to us


i highly doubt 40 000 people are going to blow them seleves up
a very sexed up figure there

i can imagine a fraction of that willing to fight to the end fighting off a invasion force by the US if they went in

but 40 000 where did they get this from?

i know the CIA?

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 03:37 PM
For a start can they afford the bombs? and if they are man made they will be useless and it will be obvious if 40,000 people went to Isreal or any other country to try and create mass destruction, its wishful thinking and get no where even with a million people. Its that all they have as weapons? If its true or even attempted.

But then again who said they will all use bombs strapped to them selves? some may fly their own planes over the country or use trucks. But you may as well use an army who are willing to die and move into the land they want or have to defend. Its not a solution its ancient thinking into todays terms.

[edit on 5-7-2005 by The time lord]

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
First: Care to comment on the topic? any thoughts on 40,000 bent on suicide bombings?

Sure. A hilarious statement if I am honest. Do you really believe it yourself? I mean, when you read that website you keep quoting, it comes across as rather unprofessional, biased and frankly not much different to thet famous arabian "extremeist" website we all love to hate.

Second: Any supporting data or such to back up your off topic comments?

Excuse me? Are you asking for the obvious?

If your only goal is to randomly chant "hate" statements maybe another forum is more appropriate?

I don't see what hate you are talking about. Although every single one of your topics appears to be anti-iranian, anti-iraqi or may I even suggest anti-Arab subjects, or even wishful thinking. However, I do accept that my wording may have not been exactley how I meant to convey my opinion. I did not mean the US as in the whole population. I did however mean it's "regime" and it's followers.

The US is in the ME for the oil, everyone knows that. Heck, even a lot of war supporters on here are saying the same and justifying it for what it really is. The US needs oil and lots of it, for the countrys economy. Thats a fact.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 04:11 PM
Here are my thoughts, anyone care to enlighten me

Why would 40,000 people be willing to kill Americans? Surely there's a reason of some sort. And thats even if the report is entirely accurate, I think they'd be more likely to kill anyone who has the audacity to invade their country. Find out what they're problem is maybe? Will save a lot of lives.

Yes this is a rather typical point, but all the bullet points listed could practically be applied to America anyway, talk about irony, and skippy I'm not saying you are a supporter of all things American but it seems as though their government seems most worried about Iran so i feel this point is relevant.

If there were 'Iranian' terrorism abroad, then Iran would be in a lot of trouble, so why would they do it? Also, it would be within the interests of oil hungry Bush to have a terrorist attack on his people, so he can invade Iran, doesn't that make it possible that all this terrorism is exaggerated?

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 05:35 PM
Although i dont want these people to ever attack Americans, do these people realise that if they enlisted in their countries army they would probably be able to do alot more damage to Americans than if they are blowing themselves up?

Suicide bombers are sometimes shot, sometimes captured, sometimes set themselves off too early and most times only cause casualties!!!

If they joined the Army they would do alot more damage to an invading army!

Silly people!



posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Kriz_4
Sure. A hilarious statement if I am honest. Do you really believe it yourself? I mean, when you read that website you keep quoting, it comes across as rather unprofessional, biased and frankly not much different to thet famous arabian "extremeist" website we all love to hate.

Recruiting of ‘suicide bombers’ in Iran is no new news, this has been going on for many years against differing foes. BBC, AP, Reuters etc... have all reported on this time and time again. The reported numbers as they appear are not so unbelievable following the news over time.

Originally posted by sal88
Why would 40,000 people be willing to kill Americans? Surely there's a reason of some sort. And thats even if the report is entirely accurate, I think they'd be more likely to kill anyone who has the audacity to invade their country. Find out what they're problem is maybe? Will save a lot of lives.

Although I tend to agree toward the bias of some sites as on the ‘fringe’, however; the ‘source documentary’ news cast on Al-Arabiya TV (Dubai) shown 7-2-05 may shed some light in understanding of the article's basis, (take it as you like of course). And as to why? this is a question not to be understood through personal ethnocentrisms.
Al-Arabiya, English translation clip approx 8min Sometimes very slow loading
Alternate Link, quick load, (view clip #736)
The '40k' are discussed approx 1/3 through

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 06:21 PM
40.000 suicide bombers waiting to kill Americans?

Invasion on Iran would be a silly idea right now. If each of those suicide bombers succede in killing one US servicemen that would mean

yep, 40.000 dead US soldiers.

Talk about coming home in the bodybag.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by yanchek

yep, 40.000 dead US soldiers.

Talk about coming home in the bodybag.

40,000 suicide bombers dont mean 40,000 dead American servicemen and women. it might as be like 30 bullets in a clip means 30 enemies dead

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 06:31 PM
That is pretty sick. These people are destoying their own cultures not protecting it. They are just showing each other how little they value life...even their own lives....

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Kriz_4
Well its easy, the US needs to get its oil stealing, muderous bottom out of the middle east.

Simple eh?

[edit on 5-7-2005 by Kriz_4]

I'll tell you whats simple...

It's easy to see that you are too simple minded to realise that maybe, just maybe, Iran is actually a dangerous country.

You cry foul if the US goes into Afghanistan and Iraq to go after the human scum such as Hussien and OBL...Guys PERSONALLY RESPONSABLE for litterally TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DEATHS...but it's OK for a government to openly admit to recruiting 40,000 - I'll say that again, FORTY THOUSAND - suicide bombers, whos singular mission is to strap bombs to their chest in order to kill as many other people as they can...But the US is the evil one?

Get a clue, the only reason the US is over there is because of the wack-jobs that end up ruling every freaking country over there.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 07:16 PM
I have an Iranian friend who was in the country a bout 2.5 years ago. He says Iran is damned dangerous and we should invade. Though I don't feel quite so strongly in favor of an attack. I do agree Iran needs to be watched very closely, along with some other countries not so far away...

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 07:20 PM
The US needs oil and lots of it, for the countrys economy. Thats a fact.

No we don't. 100 years ago whale blubber was the energy source and we got along fine without it.

We can refine gasoline out of coal. The diesel engine can run on a number of things including cooking oil and hemp oil.


posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by jnkhampton
I have an Iranian friend who was in the country a bout 2.5 years ago. He says Iran is damned dangerous and we should invade.

Your Iranian friend said that? I was in Iran in 2002 and it wasnt dangrous. I went around the country for 5 months and it was very beautiful. Hope you might visit one day as a tourist.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:11 PM
What may be even scarier is that some experts say there are more Hezbollah terror cells operating inside the United States than there are al Qaida, or any other group for that matter. They're just waiting for the go-ahead, which will likely come with an attack on Iran or their nuclear facilities. I'd be willing to bet they'll launch attacks even if Israel attacks their fascilities alone, as common sense dictates such an attack would require a "green light" from the US government.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by yanchek

yep, 40.000 dead US soldiers.

Talk about coming home in the bodybag.

40,000 suicide bombers dont mean 40,000 dead American servicemen and women. it might as be like 30 bullets in a clip means 30 enemies dead

In the Marines 30 rounds equals 30, maybe 40 dead enemies. In the army 30 rounds means 29 misses and one possible.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:43 PM
And here i was thinking that after the Iraq debarcle people would be more less susceptible to obvious bollacks.

Ahwell, i guess we didn't learn anything and Iranian war will be sold easier than chocolate to a fat farm.

Roll on, i think i'll start on that bomb shelter for when the war reaches my shores.

I hope it's not your family member that dies in this war.

[edit on 5-7-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

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