posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:48 AM
TORTURE: Sister Dianna Ortiz,
In Guatemala in 1989, Sister Ortiz was kidnapped, taken to a secret prison and repeatedly raped and tortured by troops commanded by General Hector
Ortiz, a speaker in Buffalo at the 24th annual Rev. Joseph Bissonette Latin American dinner, said there are more than a half-million survivors of
torture living in the US; more than 150 governments, led now by the US, engage in torture: “Many of our fellow Americans wear a blindfold hiding
from the truth of what our government is doing. But each of you has eyes to see, ears to hear, and a voice to oppose this crime against humanity.”
"Torture is not limited to any single country but is a worldwide plague"
"I carry the words of a policeman after he raped me, "Your God is dead." However had left out one important fact, with God i too had died and dying
with me was my trust in the human family"
"At any moment, the smell of a cigarette, the jangel of keys, seeing someone in uniform, being alone in the dark, or even the simple act of making
eye contact can transport us back to that horrible time"