posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 09:22 AM
How culturally insensitive of NASA not to take disruption of astrological horoscopes into account when slamming probes into comets...
Russian astrologer sues NASA over comet
By Associated Press
MOSCOW -- NASA's mission that sent a space probe smashing into a comet raised more than cosmic dust -- it also brought a lawsuit from a Russian
Marina Bai has sued the U.S. space agency, claiming the Deep Impact probe that punched a crater into the comet Tempel 1 late Sunday "ruins the
natural balance of forces in the universe," the newspaper Izvestia reported Tuesday. A Moscow court has postponed hearings on the case until late
July, the paper said.
[edit on 5-7-2005 by JamesinOz]
[edit on 7/12/2005 by Amorymeltzer]