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UFO technology ?

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posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 04:03 AM
Has anyone on this board done research on the development and invention of laser's, kevlar, integrated circuits and fiber optics ?. I am aware of Colonel Philip Corso claims. I would like to investigate IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, Dow Corning and Dupont to see it they where actually capable of producing these goods from terrestrial origins. i highly doubt that the companies i have named had knowledge of where new inventions came from if they where from extra terrestrial sources that is. I would speculate that they would have been leaked in from self companies the military owned.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by Sand_man
Has anyone on this board done research on the development and invention of laser's, kevlar, integrated circuits and fiber optics ?. I am aware of Colonel Philip Corso claims. I would like to investigate IBM, Hughes Aircraft, Bell Labs, Dow Corning and Dupont to see it they where actually capable of producing these goods from terrestrial origins. i highly doubt that the companies i have named had knowledge of where new inventions came from if they where from extra terrestrial sources that is. I would speculate that they would have been leaked in from self companies the military owned.

New inventions? Neither of those are very new. We've known a long time how to reflect and focus light, make armor, primitive computers and cables. All you listed is just improvements of old technology (in fact, 90% of current tech is, few really "new" things).

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 05:55 AM
Will i hope to find this out.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 06:16 AM
I did a paper for a history of technology course on the transistor, and in my reading also learned about the history of the integrated circuit, the direct descendant of the transistor. Those two inventions definitely had terrestrial origins. I personally think all your listed inventions had terrestrial origins, but those two I can guarantee did.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 07:46 AM
DragonsDemesne: thanks for the heads up but i may be coming to the same conclusion. So then what is the corso guy talking about ? is he debunked ?

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:44 AM
I read that fiber optics and night-vision had been developed using extraterrestrial technology. I don't know how true that is though.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by DragonsDemesne
I did a paper for a history of technology course on the transistor, and in my reading also learned about the history of the integrated circuit, the direct descendant of the transistor. Those two inventions definitely had terrestrial origins. I personally think all your listed inventions had terrestrial origins, but those two I can guarantee did.

How can you be so sure(note I know virtually nothing about the transistor)?
I know Friedman mentioned this in "Crash At Corona" and said the transistor(well I'm pretty sure it was the transistor anyway) was invented not long after the Roswell crash, and that it was invented during rather fast/sudden(maybe even suspicious) circumstances.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by _Anubis_
I read that fiber optics and night-vision had been developed using extraterrestrial technology. I don't know how true that is though.

I can remember when the first night vision systems came out. They were pretty crude and not really very useful. Subsequent versions improved over time. Did not magically appear all at once. There is a development trail for NV.

Kevlar is the same. Dozens of materials were tested before kevlar was first released. It is still being refined.

Chatham armor used by the U.S. and British military did appear all at once, but the idea behind it is as old as plywood.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:34 PM
The story of the transistor is rather odd. There is plenty on this subject available on the net but I will just hit some highlights.

The thing that first caught my attention was the original team put together to do the research that lead to it. Normal practice is to put 1 experienced man together with some junior ones. Makes sense since you cannot know that any particular line of investigation will pan out.

In the case of the transistor there were 3 experienced men assigned to the work. Strange in and of itself.

Even stranger is all the reports by people who knew and worked with them that the 3 in question were not exactly the brightest crayons in the box. I have read more than one quote from people like this who just plain do not believe that these three could have possibily come up with the idea on their own.

Add to that the time and place the transistor was invented and you have at least some interesting questions to ponder.

I think the mistake most people make on this subject is the idea we 'got' something from UFOs or Aliens. What is more logical is that in looking at what we found we got some ideas to pursue along with materials to study. These 'germs of ideas' would then have to be developed into something useful by normal science efforts. This is very hard to prove, and very easy to cover-up.

The other aspect of this is the idea of general inspiration. If you are simply shown something that you cannot deny came from 'elsewhere' the mental effect would be an opening to new possibilities. Education is a wonderful thing but it has a downside in that you learn too much about what is supposedly 'not possible'. It is no surprise to me that most great discoveries are made by fairly young people.

The three things I feel that were alien-inspired are the Transistor, Stealth Materials and Fiber Optics. It took a very long time to find a use for fiber
optics beyond fancy flashlights.


posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:59 PM
If you are looking for connections that draw the picture..
start with why Sandia (AT&T) has there very own missle range in nevada... (tonepah)
or why they have a network of connections with Los alamos and other high tech step brothers of our government...

they are corporations mixing with our government at black tech levels...
IMO that the government black lab inspired info is passed to these corporations to disseminate via consumer products or military hardware...

not pointing at aliens under the curtain... but there is certainly a passing of tech from government black labs to specific corporate labs that have a long history of getting these great freebies...

[edit on 5-7-2005 by LazarusTheLong]

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