posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 10:22 PM
Well... UFOs have been associated with small scale blackouts in the past, and the classic movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still" involved aliens
creating blackouts inorder to force humanity to behave...
But, in this case, I'm positive that the culprit is not some Grey named Klaatu.
Before we can argue that UFO's caused the blackout, we must first show that UFOs were observed near the blackout zone.
The post "UFO over New York" has already shown that the UFO which was hanging over the city was the planet Mars, and that a second UFO near the
buildings was an aircraft... So, there is really, as of now, no evidence to suggest aliens had anything to do with this.
If, however, you find evidence that shows a UFO visit occured on Thursday, please let us know.