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Pathetic!: CNN’s Hard News - Serving 0.0001% of America

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posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 03:22 PM
People! Turn your boob toob OFF if you want real news. All you're getting on the network and cable channels are diversion, infotainment and a lot of nothing relating your daily life. It's garbage.

CNN’s Hard News - Serving 0.0001% of America

CNN feels that it is their responsibility to serve 0.0001% of the population before they serve you. If CNN is the most trusted name in news than what does that say for the rest of the pack?

Today (Sunday, July 3rd) on CNN’s 5PM ET report, the 1st 9 plus minutes of their broadcast was dedicated to 2 missing person stories. There were live interviews with on the scene reporters located at both locations.

Estimating (actually underestimating) that there are 7 minutes of commercials during the CNN news hour cycle, this would mean that approximately 17% of the broadcast was dedicated to these missing person stories.

Missing person cases affect ONLY the missing persons themselves, the abductors and the families and friends. Others may be concerned, but realistically nobody else is really affected by these incidents. So I am going to estimate that 250 people (and that is a generous estimation) in the United States are affected by these two stories. This means it affects 0.0001% of the American population.

Let me repeat that: 17% of CNN’s broadcast was important news to 0.0001% of the US population!!!

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 03:28 PM
In our system of capitalism and a free press, corporations wanting a profit operate our news sources, so of course they're going to run with the "sexy" stories that draw large audiences to improve their ratings to be able to charge more for advertising time.

It's always been thus, and will always be that way.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 03:53 PM
My favourite are the live broadcasts of things like the jackson trial. This crap isnt news.

And I use the term crap nicely.

Perhaps a quick blurb and an alert on headline news is all thats needed for missing persons.

Hell, how many people are declared missing in america now anyways?

Like all other aspects of television, news casts are slowly fading into the personal stories of peoples lives.

Examples, jackson trial, "runaway bride" (that one still makes me mad), missing persons.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 04:00 PM
It's all exploitation all the time.

Back in the day, you came in, sat down with your family around 6 p.m. and ate dinner while Cronkite sat in the background telling you things that happened that day.

However corporate they were, they were widely considered to be credible. There was little blur with news and entertainment. They were far too sober for that.

Watch Good Morning America every day for a week. Each morning between 7 and 8 you will see at least one major exploitation segment. It burns me up listening to whichever talking head interviews the person, fawning over their tradgedy and feigning solidarity in concern. They don't give a rats...! Its about ratings. And they all do it, I'm sure. Just using the above as an example.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 09:37 PM
During the election time CNN was what I watched mostly on T.V., but now its turned into a bunch pervert watchers. Same stories all the time and its always depressing.

heh, and the media tries to find explanations for people who are depressed.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 09:45 PM
It's a tragic collection of depraved and depressed perverts.. And everyone who watches as they go, are equally so.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 09:47 PM
When you think of Cnn, you think of Sexy infotainment? Is this the New CNN or something?

When was the last time you ever got unbiased, serious news reports on television, period? Even local stations use "urgent" stories and scare tactics to reel in viewers. Something in your household, that you use every day, could be a dangerous device, ready to blow with a fatal outcome at any moment. What is it, tune to Channel 3 at 11 to find out."

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by WolfofWar

When was the last time you ever got unbiased, serious news reports on television, period? Even local stations use "urgent" stories and scare tactics to reel in viewers. Something in your household, that you use every day, could be a dangerous device, ready to blow with a fatal outcome at any moment. What is it, tune to Channel 3 at 11 to find out."

I'm sorry - your remarks do not compute with ATS members.

Please rephrase...

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:27 PM
As CNN's Ratings Continue to Fall...

Anyhow, I think the reason for some of those numbers, ECK, is because of the sheer amount of news that can now be found or had, mainly from the internet.

I am not talking news as from "truthout" or "indymedia" or the likes, but simply straight up news. Another aspect of the internet is the relative ease of comparing sources and what is being reported to give a fairly up-to-date and relatively reliable picture of what is going on. Kind of hard to explain all the positive and minor negative aspects, but I think some here will understand what I am trying to indicate/explain.

TV, cable, or satellite news is not the attracting or does it have the draw as it once had and controlled.


posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:04 AM
IMHO most news stories are designed to make it appear that the world outside your door is more dangerous than it really is. Again it's just another way the state controls the population with fear.
It gives the authorities more power than they need, and we want them to have.

They are playing on our emotions, that's why most news is focused on events involving families and children. Other than the war of course.

They know the average persons worst fears...

Most news does not effect you personally, but because it's focused on things familiar and close to us, it does effect the population psychologically and emotionally.

And this form of control has many uses. It feeds many industries that make money "protecting" us from the overblown, exaggerated danger.

It keeps the population constantly worrying about danger from, well almost anybody, instead of seeing where the real danger lies...

It's another way of manipulating the population to believe that without the protection of the state, then we can expect nothing but chaos.

And the more disillusioned the population becomes with the state/government, the more chaos they will create. They'll do anything to strengthen the fallacy that we need to be governed.

"It's hard to fool the individual, but it's easy to fool the crowd"

"The crowd silences the individual"

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:09 AM
I think CNN really dropped in quality since Ted Turner left. He was crazy but he had a vision for his channel. Now it's purely about ratings and profit, like any other channel.

-koji K.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
It's always been thus, and will always be that way.

Thankyou for quoting the useless essence of conservatism so clearly.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:14 AM
What always shocks me about these exploitation stories is when I turn to the back pages of my local papers and find about 100 equally gruesome, heart wrenching tales of missing kids, rapes, murders, and all that stuff. And yet the vast majority of viewers across the country will only hear the one that CNN (or any other network) decides to run as their story of the week, which usually won't even be in their own locale. If people want to gawk, then they should do so in their own backyard, where it might actually do some good.

It also shows these stories for the pointless fluff pieces they are. If there was only one ghastly crime in America a day, then it would make sense to run the stories. But they pick and choose depending on who they can get interviews with, which stories have sex appeal, which stories the other networks are covering, and a whole host of other poor reasons.

-koji K.

[edit on 5-7-2005 by koji_K]

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 07:34 AM
Fluff... that's all there is on tv.

How many times have you watched the news to be told, coming up in the next hour we take you to for the latest updates. Then they show you a clip of what's coming up.

So you decide to leave to tv on because the story looks interesting and you are treated to a couple more reminders with the same clip of this upcoming segment.

Then when they finally do air the segment, it's the same old crap they've been telling you what is coming up. I feel like I've wasted so much time waiting to hear more details on a story which is never forth coming.

Or at 4pm in the afternoon, you hear "coming up at our 11 o'clock news hour, life saving info on which everyone needs to know to protect themselves.

Well I go to bed early, I'm not around to watch the 11pm news, if it's really so life threateningly important why don't they air it at the earlier news shows???


[edit on 6-7-2005 by EarthNug]

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 08:00 AM
CNN stinks.
No one watches it.
Those that do watch won't admit to slumming.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 08:21 AM
Do you guys remember what Ted Turner said more than a month ago??

Delivering a speech on the 25th anniversary of its founding, former CNN owner Ted Turner said that the network should focus on core news and not "the pervert of the day". CNN has recently fallen behind FOX news in the ratings. Turner stated that CNN should have a more environmental and international focus to distance itself from local news outlets.

Did CNN listen?? No, they blasted the Holloway story into the sky the very days after.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 01:55 PM
Excellent points/story ECK........this is exactly what I have been talking about with regards to certain threads and topics, just much more succinct......I'll be using this thread as a reference......

[edit on 6-7-2005 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 02:11 PM
Well, I have CNN international. It's supposed to be different, but it's not.

It's the same crap as back in the states, the only difference is the John Stewart and L King come on at different times....BTW, IMO, Stewart and King are the only worthy shows on CNN....there's a couple others but that's my favorite.

Oh yeah...and the desk anchors are in Europe...but the field reporters are the same for both CNN's.

The quality has gone down lately for sometime now.....


posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
In our system of capitalism and a free press, corporations wanting a profit operate our news sources, so of course they're going to run with the "sexy" stories that draw large audiences to improve their ratings to be able to charge more for advertising time

Corporate press and free press are two very different things.

The mainstream press has an agenda : dumbing down the people and indoctrinating them with false information, distorted information, misleading or purposely unbalanced information. The so-called news topics mentioned in the first post is one of the many methods used to promote that agenda.

posted on Jul, 15 2005 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by SportyMB
Well, I have CNN international. It's supposed to be different, but it's not.

It's the same crap as back in the states, the only difference is the John Stewart and L King come on at different times....BTW, IMO, Stewart and King are the only worthy shows on CNN....there's a couple others but that's my favorite.

Oh yeah...and the desk anchors are in Europe...but the field reporters are the same for both CNN's.

The quality has gone down lately for sometime now.....


One more thing is different- CNN international has far less ads, instead it has that "CNN is available in these fine hotels!" segment. To me less ads makes a BIG difference in how I percieve the news... I mean they all depend on corporate sponsorship, but I don't like being reminded of it every 5 minutes.

-koji K.

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