posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 01:36 PM
Ok, First off im not saying these things dont happen in churchs, they do and have. What im saying is where do you draw the line? when does it go to
far? I mean are we really going to stop with just gays? we are descriminating against pedophiles, rapists, and all the others, They dont get a channel
too? Im not a bigot or a nazi, but if i really believed that this was it and that the line would be drawn here, it would be ok, but i know thats not
going to be the case. It's just a matter of time before another group of worse sexual deviants trys to get protection status for whatever they want.
Im also tired of all the problems of the world being blamed on the church, What kind of suffering have they caused? you mean because the muslims dont
like us we caused 9/11? or we caused whats going on in iraq? Granted there have been some unchristian things done in their name.
BTW the gerbil thing i was refering to was shown on comedy central's south park, a show kids do watch. What are these kids to think?