posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 01:41 PM
There is a Native American cleansing ritual that WORKS. Burning dryed sage.
You have seen this in countless films, when the Native elders or Shaman is burning somke and pulling it toward them with their hands, they are like
bathing themselves in this smoke. They do this for sick people as well.It is believed, that the smoke from dryed sage is close to the Gods, that no
evil thing can exists within the area the smoke has been. When doing a sweatbath to cleanse the body and spirit of negativity, you cleanse yourself in
the sage smoke first. Prior to prayers to the Great Spirit you cleanse yourself in this smoke as well. No unclean thing can speak to the Great Spirit
and be prior to prayers a person cleanses themsilves in this manner, to make the spirit clean.
Many New Agers also adhear to this practice. Wiccans and Pagans as well.......these people use a sage smudge in the same manner for the same
A building can be cleansed in this manner. You go throughout the entire building with the sage burning, and you SMOKE up every room. When you have
smoked the entire place, you THEN open windows and doors for the smoke to be cleared out, taking all negativity with it.
Ghost hunters will also cleanse homes in this WORKS. Plain and simple it works.
I can not vouch for the reality of Shadow people, I have not encountered any in the physical world. The Astral world, well thats and entirely
differant matter, and I have encountered beings as you describe them. many people DO claim to have seen such things in the physical realm, and I have
seen so many unexplainable things I dare not say they DONT exist.
When encountering such things in the astral, I cleanse myself and my home with sage. This WORKS! this makes for a much more pleasant experiance.I
cleanse my own place about once a KEEP things clean, spiritually speaking.
When I move to a new place, PRIOR to moving in I cleanse the entire place with sage. I advocate the cleansing of schools prior to the childrens return
in the fall, and a few of my sons teachers have had me come and DO this in the classroom. It WORKS!
This townhouse your friends live in, well ANY place you live in SHOULD be cleansed. I would suggest smoking every person in this house as well, to
cleanse their aura of anything amiss. You never know WHAT lived there or what kind of emotional baggage is left behind in a rental. Cleanse the area
as I have described to you......when your in a rental its a good idea to do this every month.
You can get a sage smudge at a health food store, or a new age type crystal shop. They are NOT spendy, a 5 dollar smudge will last you over a year.
After the house is good and smokey, closets and crannys and basements and attic included, you open the doors and windows so the fresh air can come in
and the bad 'stuff' can leave.
I am telling you to DO THIS!!!
Who cares what it really IS your seeing? If its negative YOU can make it go, DO IT.
If it is a good thing then the sage will not chase it off.
[edit on 5-7-2005 by theRiverGoddess]