posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:11 AM
Well first and foremost, I've been on this site for quite sometime now, even before the whole 'Aussie Bloke' ordeal. I actually forgot my old
screename and password, because I haven't posted here in so long- due in part to alot of false info being doled out at the time.
Well I just want to share a couple frightening/interesting experiences with you all, and hope someone can give some sort of insight or meaning behind
These experiences are all inter-linked by the way
It started a while back ago when I used to notice the number 11:11 alot. I mean, I'd wake up at 11:11 a.m... I'd go to bed at 10:00 p.m, only to
wake up an hour later at 11:11 p.m, go back to sleep and wake up at 11:11 a.m again. I came to the conclusion that number had just been imprinted in
my brain, and it was some sort of alarm( similar to an alarm clock). I still think that's what it is. ( I also used to get random phone calls from
the # 1111-1111-1111)- go figure?
I'm not sure if this is common in everyone, but I could also voluntarily choose what time I wanted to wake up. I mean, I'd go to sleep at a certain
time, then I'd say to myself, " I'm going to wake up at 4:30 am ". Sure enough, I'd wake up between 4:25 and 4:35. I wanted to find the
relationship between, "11:11" and my 'ability' to wake up voluntarily- so I went to the internet (duh).
I didn't find anything but some garbage about being a light worker and a star child, or something to that effect. It was quite funny actually. I also
happened to stumble upon something about 3rd eye vision, and opening chakras and all that stuff ( sorry, im trying to make my story as coherent as
possible; i just have so much to say ). I was always very skeptical about such things, seeing as though I'm a Christian.
Anyway, I wanted to actually try it...just to see if it really worked. So I did what the website told me...clear my mind of all thoughts....imagine
and object in front of me...and try to grab it with an imaginary hand. I visualised picking up a cup with an imaginary hand coming from my brain.
Astonishingly, I could visualize it almost as clearly as in real time. What happened next was kind of strange. I could start feeling my blood flow
through'd have to experience this to understand what Im saying....throughout my entire body, I could actually feel my blood going through
me..the tension in the veins and arteries..and the actual direction of blood flow.
I opened me eyes, and vowed never to try that again. I was a Senior in highschool at the time, and I was searching for a college to attend. I left the
'3rd eye' website and proceeded to to search for college. I found a college I was very interested in, SUNY in Plattsburgh..I wrote
it down on a piece of paper, and left it at the PC...( this was all in the afternoon; my parents had travelled, and I was all alone in the house)
When it was about 11:00 p.m, I was downstairs watching AdultSwim on T.V ( lol, just thought Id share that with you), when I noticed the lights
flickering upstairs. Naturally, I thought it was some sort of electrical fault. I tried to ignore it, then it became more frequent and rampant, so I
went upstairs to see what was going on. Noone was there. This was very strange.
I decided to turn off the T.V and head off to bed, because I was getting tired. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. While I was
doing that, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I rushed outside to see what caused it ( keep in mind im alone in the house). I'm like, " what the
f%$k is going on here". I was bugging out at this point. I go back into finish what I was doing, until i heard another knock. I rush out immediately
to see if i could catch whover was doing it...again NOONE WAS THERE.
I started searching the house to see if maybe someone snuck in trying to pull a prank, but that would be near impossible, because I opened the door AS
SOON as I heard the knock.
Anyway, I go back in to the bathroom, close the door again (looking back, i should never have closed the door) and lo and behold..there was a third,
loud knock- louder than the rest. I said to myself, Lord God protect me from all evil spirits and against of the Devil.
This time, a note literally flew in under the door...literally just flew in from under the door. I picked it up and read it- strange enough it was the
same note I wrote my college of choice on. I dont know the correlation between the note, and a demon(if thats what it was) damn near giving me a heart
attack..but i I proceed to read it anyway..
It read, " My name is Dan I died in this house years ago....blah, blah, blah....You will die tomorrow"
I start asking myself, "why me, why me"? I had always heard that ghosts were meant to be friendly and amiable...why was one trying to scare the #
out of me? I picked up a Bible and proceeded to read Psalm 23. I waited for my parents to get back, and I showed them the letter. My Dad, then burned
the note.
Well I'm typing this right now, and obviously, I didn't die the next day. I'm just curious as to why the entity sent me the letter...and who or
what the entity actually was. I was so scared while all this was going on. I couldnt even sleep in my own room...I used to sleep on the floor of my
parents room for about a week when it happened...I was that scared.
I have some other things to share, they are not so relevant...but maybe someone can find a relationship between them and my story..
1. My dad is one of those people whose dreams always manifest themselves in real life....or he can see things in the future. He has dreamed about
assassinations of politicians and the deaths of famous people, and they ALL come to pass. I dont get it. He told us about 9/11 before it
happened...and it came to pass..he dreamed about my aunt smiling down from heaven and waving at our family...a week later..she died of an unkown
cause. He dreamed about to death of Nigerian President Sani Abacha( for what reason, I dont know)..and it He claims that one night, he
actually woke up while he was having a dream, and he noticed a white light in the process of going back into his body.( he says it was his spirit). He
also said he asked God to take the dreams away from him, and God did- for a year. He prayed to God for it back after a year, and God gave it back to
him. Weird. He also used to make predictions in highschool, for his schools newspaper...all of which came true.
2. I dont know if this is a medical condition with me, or everyone can do it....but I can send electrical pulses around my brain and throughout my
body at feels really nice though. I actually do it alot, even now as I type. Actually tickles.
Well thats my little story...just thought I'd share it with you all. If anyone can shed some light on my experiences, I'd be extremely grateful.
Thank you.
[edit on 4-7-2005 by atlscribe]
[edit on 4-7-2005 by atlscribe]