posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 02:11 PM
Wake up yourself. Signing this agreement isn't going to do didly squat. What is going to help is scientist and engineers out there working around the
clock to make an affordable car powered by the hydrogen fuel cell. Honda plans to launch the first line of production by 2006, more like 2010 if you
ask me. Innovation and technology will cut back on greenhouse emmisions, not some overzealous socialist treaty.
Bush is correct to say that "to some extent" mankind is to blame. We don't know how big a portion we play if at all. Listen, the earth has been
experiencing climate changes for millions of years, and only recently has mankind been around, so it is not fair to point to Bush's remarks and claim
that he has not woken up. Whether we humans exist or not, this planet will continue to go through climate changes.