we dont need oil...
I think you are mistaken. Not only do we absolutley need oil to sustain
a 6 billion+ world population but more, when you write you are holding
a pen made from it filled with ink made from it while your child
plays with toys made from it, wearing diapers made from it, later eating
a dinner that was grown in fertilizer made from it, protected by pesticides
made of it, injected with preservative made from it, packaged in it, stored
in a refrigerator lined with it, cleaning up with dish soap made of it, You
walk in shoes made of it on carpet made of it, You are almost certainly
wearing it right now, you brush your teeth with it holding a toothbrush
made of it, Are you starting to get the point?? You sleep in it on a pillow
made of it, Your house is painted with it using a brush made of it, if you
have glasses or contacts you are looking through it, Calling for pizza you
are holding it in your hand. You shave with it, if you are wearinng makeup
it is on your lips. I could go on and on but I'm sure you're starting to get
the point i'm making.
Oil is all around us all the time and is responsible for
our entire way of life. without oil (not just oil but
cheap oil) our
lives would/will be quite different indeed.