Okay ... this sounded so strange I just had to check it out.
The Journal Enquirer in Enfield Connecticut (couldn't find them
online, I saw this in a clipping sent to me) this week reported
that the top level Scientologists are required not to have
children and that if they get pregnant, or their wives/girlfriends
get pregnant, they are forced to have abortions.
I thought that was tooooo far out to possibly be real.
So I got online and found a few items that backed it up.
If I hear negative things about someone else's religion
I like to go to those people and ask them what the truth of
the matter is.
So .. if there are scientologists or former scientologists, or
people who know scientologists, please link me or tell me
about this. Is this true? Why would a religion want to
not allow children? I THINK the Shakers were that way,
that only converts were allowed in and they didn't have
children because of non-sexual activity, but forced abortions
is different.
What gives here? Anyone know? This has me perplexed.
Thank you.