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wild in the streets

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posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 09:12 AM
Driving in my home town of San Pablo CA has become risky business. Here every few stop lights has one, two or even three drivers running through the red light. Then there's the people too scared to do the speed limit driving 25 in a 40 mile zone and holding back others to their "snail pace." And intersections at side roads are constantly blocked by drivers backed up at stop lights. Then everyday at 3:00, the road in front of the local middle school literally becomes a parking lot as parents stop in the middle of the road to wait for their kids. But my biggest pet peeve is the jackasses who stop in the middle of a two lane road divided by an island, to wait for the drive thru at McDonalds to move forward!

I recently questioned a San Pablo police officer as to why nothing was being done about the widespread violations being committed in my town. According to him, " their hands are tied." " It's all politics," he explained. Because San Pablo has a huge number of Mexican illegals in residence, cracking down on these offenders becomes complicated. Many wouldn't have licenses. Without licenses, they couldn't be covered by insurance or have their vehicles registered in their name. Then there's the question of legal documentation to be in the country. As soon as a few illegals had their cars impounded or worse, groups like the LULAC would plead racial discrimination! That's exactly what happened last year in Oakland when sobriety check points busted several illegals. As a result the check points were stopped.

This racial profiling has led to blatant reverse discrimination. The other day my husband was driving the two block distance from our home to "Kragens" and forgot to buckle up. An obvious Caucasian, he was pulled over for this slight offense and cited $92.00

At a time when American citizens are being "put under the microscope" and increasingly harassed, a "blind eye" is turned on known law breakers. What the hell is happening to our country?

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by dollmonster
I recently questioned a San Pablo police officer as to why nothing was being done about the widespread violations being committed in my town. According to him, " their hands are tied." " It's all politics," he explained.
As soon as a few illegals had their cars impounded or worse, groups like the LULAC would plead racial discrimination! That's exactly what happened last year in Oakland when sobriety check points busted several illegals. As a result the check points were stopped. What the hell is happening to our country?

What is happening you ask? A strange twist on what happened to Texas, California, Hawaii- really the whole American South West pretty much before America annexed it.
Foreigners are moving in and being allowed to get away with some ridiculous political moves, giving them a higher status under the law than the average citizen. They are not integrating culturally, and elements in their population aspire to take the land from the nation currently holding it.
The difference here is that it's usually taken an armed force to make a nation accept this sort of crap, such as the US Marines forcing Hawaii into the Bayonet Constitution.

IF American politicians can't pluck their cranium from their rectum within the next 20-50 years, it may be too late to change things. Once that point is reached, the first time their is a major economic problem in the US (ie: depression) especially if America slips in terms of military dominance on the world stage, there will quite possibly be an armed conflict here in America.

Perhaps the saddest thing about all of this is that there are plenty of us in the citizen population who are just fine with that. There seems to be so little hope for our government to act in our best interest that some of us, even me at times, say great, let the reconquista begin- at least then we can fight back.
America had better wake up. Many politicians seem to see it as a black man's problem right now. Give it time. In 50 years it won't just be black students who Mexican gangs are starting race riots with in our schools. It won't be just mostly blacks losing their jobs or seeing their wages driven down to 50% or less of what they once were. It's a disgusting shame- but I think that's the real reason that nobody in power is making waves about the Mexican Invasion- they see it as one half of the poor killing the other, to the benefit of employers. That's not going to last.

I've got no quarrel with anybody on the basis of what they look like or where their grandfather was born, but Mexicans (I don't say Mexican Americans because the majority of the problem is not from legal immigrants) had better get with the program and start obeying our laws, and Americans had better get on the ball and force them to do so- because one of these days the problem is going to spill out of Los Angeles and hit home for the rest of us, and there won't be any winners.

Sounds like I better start thinking about moving to Australia one of these days... I DO NOT want to spend my retirement shooting it out "Atzlan" Nationalists. But you asked what the hell is happening, and that's what I see happening.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by dollmonster
This racial profiling has led to blatant reverse discrimination. The other day my husband was driving the two block distance from our home to "Kragens" and forgot to buckle up. An obvious Caucasian, he was pulled over for this slight offense and cited $92.00

That is because they will make a buck anywhere they can. It's not right, but that's the way it is. Everywhere nowdays.

At a time when American citizens are being "put under the microscope" and increasingly harassed, a "blind eye" is turned on known law breakers. What the hell is happening to our country?

The Minute Man movement out in the desert southwest recently shed a much-needed spotlight on the government's inability or unwillingness to combat illegal immigration. If the government was to enforce the laws already on the books, you wouldn't be seeing this tremendous influx of illegals - and their ability to thrive within our society.

Here's my proposal: Let's start with the hand that feeds it: Employers. If employers from mom pop industry to the corporate ceiling are found to be employing illegals, fine them a substantial amount of money. If they are caught again, put them in jail; and send their illegals back to their country of origin.

The government is failing us miserably. It's time for those of us who care, to make our voices heard. Watch your local representatives and hold them accountable for their actions, or inactions.

[edit on 7/3/05 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Here's my proposal: Let's start with the hand that feeds it: Employers. If employers from mom pop industry to the corporate ceiling are found to be employing illegals, fine them a substantial amount of money. If they are caught again, put them in jail; and send their illegals back to their country of origin.

The government is failing us miserably. It's time for those of us who care, to make our voices heard. Watch your local representatives and hold them accountable for their actions, or inactions.

[edit on 7/3/05 by EastCoastKid]

Amen to that. I think I've made it pretty clear to everyone who will listen that I'm going into politics in a few years, and it occurs to me that you can't just pop right into congress.
Methinks I'll stir up some trouble in city politics on the way up. Order police to run stings at day-labor pickup centers- not on the workers- on the employers.
Not to mention a major crackdown on illegals who use fraudulent SSNs. Identity Theft! HELLO. What do you think happens to an honest hard working man when the IRS realizes they've sent 10 returns to 10 different cities with the same SSN on them?
Oh yeah, you may see ol' Vagabond on the news being called a nazi or some such crap, cause if I ever find myself in an executive office with a police force answering to me, we'll have us a sanctuary city- no La Migra. Just hard time for the stuff that One-Bill Gill Cedillo and his ilk can't even dare to defend.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Here's my proposal: Let's start with the hand that feeds it: Employers. If employers from mom pop industry to the corporate ceiling are found to be employing illegals, fine them a substantial amount of money. If they are caught again, put them in jail; and send their illegals back to their country of origin.

The government is failing us miserably. It's time for those of us who care, to make our voices heard. Watch your local representatives and hold them accountable for their actions, or inactions.

Amen to that.

So what do you think would happen if we started holding employers accountable? Peronally, I think they'd get real patriotic all of a sudden if it came down to fines and jail time.

The question is this: is our government really intersted in national security?

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 08:28 AM

So what do you think would happen if we started holding employers accountable?

Do you really think that employers, the mom and pop to international corps would even be held accountable? Heck no! As has been happening, there have only been token "raids" to pick up illegal workers, The mom and pop business that get caught only change the name of the buisness and continue on as normal. The larger Corps.... "hey remember that nice donation that we made for you? How about taking it easy? Thank you!" Jail time..... never will happen remember, it is a goverment for the goverment or buisness, not a goverment of / for the people.

The question is this: is our government really intersted in national security?

Yes, but only to an extent. It is not interested in the security of the civilians, it is interested only in protecting it's resources and power. The goverment is only interested in gathering more power for itself and for the buisnesses that supports the goverment's agenda. As long as there is a terrroristic threat that threatens the goverments or big buisnesses interests then, the US goverment will pursue the terrorists. I am almost so disinfranchised by the US goverment and it's disregard of it's people that I almost believe that if 9/11 attack had been an amusement park instead of the twin towers, there would be no war today. The goverment would only be making "noise" that it is pursuing the culprits.

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