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Generally: Am I the Anti-christ?

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posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:59 PM
Well, at first I saw this pop-up into another thread here.

Apparently there's supposed to be a certain number of illuminati families, families that conceal their lineage and for some reason or another are supposed to be just sooo special. Well, I caught wind of this supposed 13th family, which is supposed to be either the Merovingian or at the very least, the family of the anti-christ. I attempted to track down information on this alleged blood-line and could only find rampaliant babblings on and on about where it was supposed to be or what it could be related to or something like that. I don't like this. I want a definite "they come from the family of this guy named _____" ...This way I will be able to most assuredly track the lineage of ______ and rest well, knowing that I am not, in fact, the anti-christ.

This is all well and good to guess at, but I want to know who they really think the blood-line came from, I mean names people. ..Not to be a total freak. It's just that, I like to assume I'm a good person, but unfortunately I came across a lot of guesses that are in my ancestry so I'd just like to clear my name. Well, it was so long ago, half the planet could be part of the bloodline of the anti-christ. Maybe it's all a big dumb stupid joke, but I'd like to know if it's all the same to you. You could also be the anti-christ. Isn't that a comforting thought?

p.s. don't refer me to this page:

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Incognita]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 10:05 PM
To be honest....I know nothing of the "bloodlines of the anti-christ".

But I can say....if you have to wonder if you are the anti-christ or not it's probably a safe bet that you aren't. Granted I don't know you from Adam...but I would think that if you were the anti-christ you'd probably know it...

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 10:17 PM
the illuminati don't exist anymore. Christianity is just a super successful cult.

no worries mate !

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 11:04 PM
If you aren't driving a really nice car and getting lots of chicks then you are probably ok. If you've ever dated Paris Hilton, I'll put you in the "Maybe" pile.

I know there is a lot of blah blah about Merovingian bloodlines tied to the anti-christ, but there is (AFAIK) no biblical basis for that. I've always heard that the big A-C is from the tribe of Dan.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:55 AM
The Anti-Christ has been chosen and is and is among us.

If you have any doubt, you are not the Anti-Christ for he is and has always been born with a mind set on the distruction of exactly what the name implies.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 01:05 AM
I have had the same thoughts because I thought of Globalization when I was only 9. The Anti - Christ will be a figure of immense political power.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 01:22 AM
The Antichrist will be a Military Man ......
He will know why he is put on this Earth........for reasons to Exalt himself above all things.
He will come at a time when humanity is in real need of a SAVIOUR..

Anti..........instead place of...opposite of...
He will imitate Christ in everyway...............but he will do it for the PEOPLE for self gratification...
The world will see in him a great thinker and mediator between all mankind....he will give man what he wants to satisfy their life on this earth.....
Nothing will be spoken of DYING and thereafter...
He will simply give you what you ask so that he will be worshipped instead of Christ......BOW DOWN TO HIM.

He will be in hiding till the time is right for him to appear on the world stage......and then it is likely for all the world to accept him as the ONE who all is waiting for.
IX helen

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 01:42 AM
I wouldn't worry about being the anti-Christ, incognita. My first mother in law doesn't even know this site exists, so you can't be her!

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 07:35 AM
What if the anti-christ is a child right now. He knows nothing of his destiny and all the things he thinks about he thinks is considered normal. He's just a normal boy in this world, but when he gets older he just goes about his life without ever realizing he is the anti-christ. He could just be a really powerful politician living his everyday life or any other powerful person. He could be doing something in his mind that is what should be done while all the time playing out the role of the anti-christ.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 10:14 AM
so, is the info about the AC as reliable a source as the garden of eden,(6 billion people from 2 in 10,00 years ?) and noahs ark (how did he get the animals from the galapagos on board ?) ?

weren't napoleon and hitler anti-christs ? how many of these guys are there ?

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 10:25 AM
Well, I don't see any antichrists hanging around here.

The AC was originally intended to be the Roman emperors and Revelation (a book that a lot of the people who compiled the Bible didn't want in there) was supposed to be a warning screed against the Evil Roman Rulers like Caligula and (VERY specifically) Nero.

Nobody with emperor-like powers would hang around this place. They'd all be off, enjoying their wealth, ordering people around, and (as I recall my AC legends), he would have women swooning at his feet and have ministers and other politicians running in to consult him about everything.

The idea of him hanging around Internet BBSs is absurd.

..of course, Simon Grey might be the AC. You never know... (note for the humor-impaired: this is a joke. It's meant to be silly. I don't for one minute believe in the AC or that Simon is some sort of Evil Overlord.)

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
I wouldn't worry about being the anti-Christ, incognita. My first mother in law doesn't even know this site exists, so you can't be her!

Don't under estimate her power I’m sure she trolls here.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 11:49 AM
The way I see it, is according to Nostradamus theirs three major anti-christ. 1st Napoleon (Though I have doubts on that one), 2nd Adolf Hitler, 3rd ?????? many experts point toward Mabus (Though Im skepitical).

In Hitlers book Mein Kampf he discribes voices in his head during WW1. These voices will sometimes scream "Move!" and just out of fear he will, Adolf describes how these "voices" have saved him many times from enemy fire.

So for me, its not growing up knowing your going to become the anti-christ its seriously believing in your ideals. If the AC denounces god and christianity then theirs no way he believes he is the anti-messiah, because he doesn't believe in religion.

oh well, thats my perspective.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 02:19 PM
The anti-christ doesn't really have anything to do with 'bloodlines' or any of that.

One of the myths surrounding the illuminati is that they are now made up of 13 families, and that the heirs of that family allways enter into the illuminati, hence the 'bloodlines' concern.

The other part of this is that the merovingians are, from things like the davinci code, said to be descendants of jesus. The merovingians aren't part of the 13 illuminati bloodlines tho. Indeed, the merovingian line was destroyed a heck of a long time ago and there's certainly not an unbroken chain of 'Direct Male Descendants' anymore. The whole idea is hazy anyway, since 'families', as we know them, haven't allways been around and some of these 'timelines' stretch far too far in to history to be accurate.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 02:34 PM
the anit-christ is chosen but i am quit sure is none here.

He stays in an island tie up and everyday one peace of metal breaks up til he comes out.

Even in the Quran is writen about the anit-christ and the prophet warned us about him

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 04:27 PM
if i found out i was the anti christ, which im not but in thoery, i would do what i have to do, y? b/c it has to be done, its how it works! it just is.

and we can only hope that in fact the anti-christ appears, y? b/c its how it is supposed to be, but at the same time i pray he dosnet succed, b/c that would suck balls.

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Incognita
which is supposed to be either the Merovingian
This is all well and good to guess at, but I want to know who they really think the blood-line came from, I mean names people. ..
You could also be the anti-christ. Isn't that a comforting thought?

So you are from the Merovingian family? As I understands it you then might be in family with Jesus and if 'Jesus' will be reborne he can only come from this family. The anti-christ can not come from them.

The anti-christ is supposed to be a good person who do great things. That is why the world will follow him. But then he dies and something will posess the body and it is this 'something' we have to worry about.
So it's not something to worry about.

[edit on 6-7-2005 by Ghaele]

posted on Jul, 6 2005 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Zach
if i found out i was the anti christ, i would do what i have to do, y? b/c it has to be done, its how it works! it just is.
and we can only hope that in fact the anti-christ appears, y? b/c its how it is supposed to be, but at the same time i pray he dosnet succed, b/c that would suck balls.

Luckily there are no fate or destiny so you're all wrong. No prophecies have ever been correct. Except the 'It might rain today' prophecies...

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 09:41 AM
[edit on 9-7-2005 by Incognita]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 10:41 AM
oops... sorry, but that would be the last thing i would worry about.

Keep on truckin

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