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Real UFO/Aliens?

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posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 05:24 AM
Hi all, First i will admit that i am a sceptic to all this UFO/Alien stuff, although i do find it very interesting. But i have a few questions for the more serious believers/researchers...

Alien Abductions

You often here of Alien abductions and how the victim's have been operated on with knife's, having objects placed under there skin for tracking purposes etc...

Now, if Aliens have the technology to travel millions of light year through space would they not have mastered the art of non-evasive surgery? Surely, them using scalpels would be like us drilling holes in people's heads to stop headaches.

UFO sightings

I have never once seen video footage of a UFO that does not look faked. Every time there is footage it is either Shaky, Poor quality or to far off in the distance to be accepted is proof. I have seen tons and tons of footage and none of it has ever appears conclusive.

Now, i have been to many air shows in the past and seen much amateur footage from these shows. In all of these videos you can see the aircraft clearly and although there is some shaking, from handhelds, it is never to the extent i have seen in UFO footage. Even on my own ancient camcorder i always manage to get clear footage. Even in high altitude flights you can normally pick out the distinct shape and some details of the aircraft. So... why if UFO footage always poor quality??

Wild story's

Sometimes the UFO community does more damage to itself than any sceptic could hope to do. When i first started to hear about UFO's/Aliens (many years ago) it was very interesting and sometimes believable. But it seems that the storys get wilder and wilder as time goes on. I can’t help thinking that it is all some kind of mass fantasy that is growing momentum. First off we had UFO sighting in the early half of the century, this than progressed to sightings of actual aliens and then abductions. We now have these fantastic stories of different alien races along with the names of the planets they come from, lizard people, time travelling zombies or whatever... It seems like people are trying keep the whole UFO thing alive people by inventing more exciting stuff when infact it is exactly this that is killing the credibility of it.

So... why the wild story’s, and why believe them?

Alien appearance

As time as gone on the aliens appearance also changes, we have had the greys, the reptiles, the furry ones etc... Are you sure that people's imaginations are not just being fuelled by film and media?

Lack of solid evidance

If I where an explorer, zoologist, or what ever, and said I had discovered a new species of elephant that can talk, would you not want to see proof of this? Or would you just take my word?

Yet in the UFO community thousands of people claim to have seen, been abducted by, or have relations with aliens but we have not one shred of solid evidence. Why?

In conclusion to all this I cannot help thinking that the UFO community has a lot of people that mean well, but have let there imaginations run away with them. And in the long run they do more harm to themselves, in the quest to be believed, then any outsider could hope to do.

I do not want to offend anyone, I am just looking for some answers. Thanks

[edit on 2-7-2005 by undercoverchef]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 05:46 AM
YOu know most of the ats users think i am totally nuts but there are reasons that why you are skeptic.

1 Read the lacerta files(my link in my sig) and then you would know the real stuff.I have been flamed about the lacerta files but i believe it is true.Also to the more wild side read the dulce files.

SEcond you said that all of the ufo videos are fake.Ok then have you seen the 2004 march mexico ufo video which was captured and disclosed by the mexican air force\govt.Do you know that brazilian govt has acknowledged ufologoy and has disclosed some ufo sightings.

Use the search feature to check more about ufos and oh truth is always stranger than fiction.Also google"the truth about orion lizards".I know that it totally outrageous but just read it.

And also visit and view their 2001 video and then you would definately believe.

[edit on 2-7-2005 by warthog911]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:03 AM

1 Read the lacerta files(my link in my sig) and then you would know the real stuff.I have been flamed about the lacerta files but i believe it is true.Also to the more wild side read the dulce files.

warthog911, why do you believe it's true? It has nothing at all to back it up. Have you considered that someone with a free afternoon just sat at their computer and typed it up?

I would be willing to bet that 50%+ of all the abduction stories here are outright lies.

undercoverchef, I like you am a skeptic and treat most of what is written here as fiction, mostly due to the fact that there is never any evidence. However when you look at the picture as a whole and some of the more convincing reports / videos / witness testimonies, it becomes clear that there is certainly something going on.

What it is I don't know, and if I made some wild speculation here it would probably turn up as a first hand account on another message board! If you're not familiar with the main cases in UFOlogy (Roswell, Battle of LA etc.) then read over them and see what you think. To be honest the things that hold the most weight with me are the reports from retired millitary personnel.

Unfortunatley you can't take the word of anyone round here, no matter how much you would like to, and you have to simply look into things and judge them yourself.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Nova

1 Read the lacerta files(my link in my sig) and then you would know the real stuff.I have been flamed about the lacerta files but i believe it is true.Also to the more wild side read the dulce files.

warthog911, why do you believe it's true? It has nothing at all to back it up. Have you considered that someone with a free afternoon just sat at their computer and typed it up?

WEll there is some sort proof but then again you would still not believe cuz of the programming of our mind by our is the link and oh i dont wanna go in any more detail of the lacerta file cuz i have gotten a lot of flak.


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:28 AM
i cant offer you any good advice, but i can offer you what comes off of the top of my head

Now, if Aliens have the technology to travel millions of light year through space would they not have mastered the art of non-evasive surgery? Surely, them using scalpels would be like us drilling holes in people's heads to stop headaches.

maybe that is the limit of surgery? or the techniques they have cant be used on people. maybe whats good to them kills us?

Every time there is footage it is either Shaky, Poor quality or to far off in the distance to be accepted is proof

well, ill tell you here and now, that if i saw some crazy # in the sky i wouldnt be calm and steady handed. i would be flipping out screaming "wtf is that" etc...
you see steady handed airshows due to the fact that people go to airshows knowing airplanes and jets are gonna be flying around. i dont go outside expecting ufos and aliens to be floating around in the sky. and if i did, and had the balls to remember to film it, youd be damn sure id be shaky.

and for the crazy aliens and stories and the millions................ and millions of alien races, i dunno. i cant help you there.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:38 AM
probably the best advice is from warthog


"And also visit and view their 2001 video and then you would definately believe

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:09 AM

well, ill tell you here and now, that if i saw some crazy in the sky i wouldnt be calm and steady handed. i would be flipping out screaming "wtf is that" etc...

Yes maybe you would... but i have seen video footage of things happen unexpectedly, Planes crashes, explosions, war footage. Would not these event cause adrenalin?? Yet they manage to hold the camera still.

Besides, i have seen UFO footage where the camera is still... its just that normally when the camera is still the footage is blurred/out of focus etc...

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 01:19 PM
I would agree that the claims of modern day do tend to become more outrageous as time goes on, but that doesn't mean there isn't any good evidence. I think the older cases like the one's in this thread

have stood up to the test of time and are more credible. And the Disclosure Project is also a good compilation of credible witnesses. It is easy to write off the whole subject because of a lot of missinformation mixed in, which I think is the reason why some of it is put out there. To keep people from learning the truth. But if you do look into it with skeptic eyes, you will still find some cases that just can't be explained away.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Nothing is wrong with being skeptical.

Don't read Lacerta or Dulce files , unless you enjoy Fiction.

Once you get the hang of Identifying the B.S. , you'll find there is something truly unexplained happening on Earth.

Don't let the gullible ,and uninformed shape your opinions. There are many people in Ufology who are credible , that make sense. For example Stanton Friedman. There are hundreds of thousands of ordinary everyday people who have had extra-ordinary experiences , that report these experiences honestly.

Just because some people believe everything they see on their computer screens , doesn't mean some people haven't seen , or had things happen to them in their lives. I'd bet that most people who've had real experiences want to tell others what really happened to them , like me for instance.

All the Fake Video's , and Lacerta Files , and mythology gets in the way of the Reality , that Earth is being Visited.

Well I've said my peace.... Happy hunting truth seekers!


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:59 PM
This is a difficult topic, there is little irrefutable proof out there, there is some excellent evidence provided by Gazrok on Roswel and Battle of LA as stated.

The Disclosure project is also very credible with lots of credible witnesses.

Sorry for repeating what everyone already said lol, just confirming that those are good sources to start looking.

Lacerta is an interesting story but there is little proof, seems to be fake IMO (no offense Warthog) and the Dulce files come from unreliable sources.

An excellent member was LizardsAmok, solid researcher, esspecially in the reptillian subject, however he got banned because of his temper problems.

I learned alot from him, I confirmed most of what he said from other sources.

Also, Read Rule by Secrecy, an excellent book by Jim Marrs, great info in general about all sorts of conspiracy subjects, I thought the last part of the book which i'm still reading is the most interesting.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 03:54 PM
And I have a little something to add on the 'Wild storys' question.

The truth, whatever it is is going to be WILD, it is going to be composed of things totally out of our experience. You might want to consider that when you wonder why people believe things that do not seem to make a lot of sense. If you take the step to accept that we have been visited then you are also saying you accept some things that are currently totally incomprehensible.

Ok, sure, there may be a Race or 10 that is very much like us, but the majority almost certainly are really, really different. Since at the moment we have nothing solid to base our opinions on, how can one judge. Common Sense? That is human and means nothing at all.

I will tell you this much, some day we will learn some of the Truth, and I will bet that it will be even wilder than anything you have ever heard. And the possibility exists that one, or possibly, more of the most outrageous tales that you so easily dismiss could in fact be the utter truth.

We do not know, and so we keep sifting. I am not so arrogant to make bold claims like 'lacerta files' are BS, no one, n o o n e, has the knowledge required to make that judgement. I still pick and choose what seems like a real possibility, and believe me I write off most of what I hear. But that is just to keep the research going, I know better than to think I can be really certain of anything at this point.

A Hoax can, and should, be uncovered, but that should require as much effort as is put into looking at it when it was thought to be real. To my utter amazement people just seem to instantly accept when anyone says 'I faked that'. I think that should require the same level of proof that we are looking for with the real stuff, sadly it rarely does.


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 05:12 PM
Well... Thanks for your replies so far... You have all helped to give credit to this topic and i will definitely read up on some of the sites that have been suggested. However i still remain sceptical... but... you never know

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 03:29 AM
I'm a believer of the U.F.O. phenomena, because of all the evidence that's out there.
This evidence may not be factual, it may have been stretched, but it's still evidence.
There's government officials and intelligence who have reported U.F.O.s in the past and having dealt with alien beings.
There's soldiers, there's police officers.
These seem to be credible people.

There's also manuals in Fire Stations that have instructions for the fire fighters on how to handle things in a U.F.O. scenario.
There's instruction on if it lands, to be cautious around any beings that emerge from the craft because they might have telikentic powers..
Anyway, it's really in there.
This leads to the belief that the government is aware of U.F.O.s and that they are aware that they might be piloted by E.T.s
Maybe they have these instructions because they believe it is possible for them to travel here, or maybe they know that they already are here.

There's the manual for commercial air pilots which has an instruction which states that in case of a U.F.O. encounter, not to report it.

I don't trust alot of the footage, and images now a days, because people can do alot of things with today's technology.
Then there's the ancient paintings, ancient writings of "wheels in the sky", the bible which states "tall grey beings walked upon the Earth during these times", the stories of flying crafts that battled in the sky over cities.
All of this has to be taken into perspective.
With so much smoke, there has to be a fire somewhere.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 01:36 PM

Skeptic - One who practices the method of suspended judgment, engages in rational and dispassionate reasoning as exemplified by the scientific method, shows willingness to consider alternative explanations without prejudice based on prior beliefs, and who seeks out evidence and carefully scrutinizes its validity.


Your level of sketicism is understandable. There are many people who do not wish to believe the 'accounts' of those who cannot provide sufficient evidence to back up thier seemingly outragious claims, and who could blame them...and you?

Please read:

From: Bernard Haisch

When Prof. Peter Sturrock, a prominent Stanford University plasma physicist, conducted a survey of the membership of the American Astronomical Society in the 1970s, he made an interesting finding: astronomers who spent time reading up on the UFO phenomenon developed more interest in it. If there were nothing to it, you would expect the opposite: lack of credible evidence would cause interest to wane. But the fact of the matter is, there does exist a vast amount of high quality, albeit enigmatic, data. UFO sightings are not limited to farmers in backward rural areas. There are astronomers and pilots and NASA engineers -- and others who have been around the block a few times when it comes to observing natural phenomena -- who have witnessed events for which there is no plausible conventional explanation.

...all in all I have now gotten to the point in my exposure to the (UFO) subject at which I think it somewhat more likely than not that something not merely delusional, but real and important may be going on with regard to the UFO phenomenon. If so, I would like to discover what it is, or what the ensemble of phenomena are if it is a multiplicity of things. My estimation of the probable reality of the subject puts me somewhere between the majority rejectionist view of the mainstream scientific community and the majority accepting view of the general public (depending on how the issue is presented in opinion polls).

Also, please read: Brane Worlds, the Subanthropic Principle and the Undetectability Conjecture, in which it is discussed, IMHO, that the human race lives in a 'fish tank' without being aware of the intriguing possibility that it could be in fact immersed in a large civilization.

IMHO, when there is a phenomenon or group of phenomena that are deemed 'unexplained' by the scientific community, these may indicate that, @ a particular moment, portions of reality are inaccessible or beyond the scope of human understanding. And so, the scientific method, deemed as the best instrument for humans to gain scientific knowledge & understanding, is proportionately limited to/by the source of its creation.

Our intellectual faculties and habilities are limited by our brain capabilities that are by no means infinite. Therefore it is most natural and sensible to assume that there may exist important key scientific concepts and results whose understanding is completely beyond the brain capabilities of our species, but is within reach of much more evolved and sophisticated brains corresponding to much more advanced civilizations.

And read: Science, Proof And The "UFO"

If there is a another, non-human intelligence operating on the Earth then "science" could be of little help and there may be no "proof" available except as these "others" desire. The concept of "proof" requires that there exist a human agency possessing the ability to determine with authority what is happening in the world. When "science" is dealing with things like sulphur dioxide or chimpanzees there is no problem. But if "UFOs" are the products of a superior technology then where is the "authority" to determine what is really going on? We must remember that scientists are neutral, objective observers only within their narrow specialties.

"Ufology" can never be truly "scientific." This is because of the nature of science and the probable nature of the "UFO." If in fact the "UFO" represents another intelligence of some kind then the fundamental assumptions of "science" and "scientists" are null and void. These assumptions are:

1) The universe is objective (totally material, in effect, dead) and knowable with certainty by human beings, i.e., by scientists, who are the most human.

2) The scientific method is the best way to study the universe and its language is quantification--mathematics. The ideal here is the "hard, physical evidence" that can be deemed "proof" by the ultra-materialists of the world of science.

3) The highest form of "science" therefore is physics, the most provable, with chemistry a strong second.

But if the UFO is not "objective," if instead it is under the control of an agency equal or superior in intelligence to humans, then the UFO is not necessarily knowable at all, let alone knowable with certainty. Science assumes that humans are at the top of the universal brain chain. Science has not really looked at what it might mean if we are not.

The "scientific method" demands repeatability either of experiment or observation. It assumes "control" of one kind or another by human beings. But if the "UFO" represents another intelligence then that "control" may not be available. And if that control is not there then science is not going to give us what we need. We need more than science.

Hope this helps a little...and happy reading!

[edit on 3-7-2005 by evilution]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 01:10 PM
I don't believe many of the reports I've read. I'm not quite sure if abductions take place but there are enough reports that make me wonder. Most of the videos that I've seen look fake or are of such poor quality who can really say. But some are astounding.

I know I've seen 3 different ufo's. I don't know who made them, who was piloting them, or why I would be the one to see them (why me of all people?). But I did see what I saw and that's all I can say.

I don't even know if I really want to know the truth because of the implications it might mean for all of us. One thing I've learned in my 51 years is to be careful what you wish for!

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 01:34 PM
Undercoverchef, take this into consideration.

If just .0000000001% of all alien abudctions, ufo sightings, or wild stories are true and invlove aliens they are real. It's perfectly normal to be skeptical of things, such as the Lacerta Files, but sometimes fact is stranger than fiction.

[edit on 4-7-2005 by Charlie Murphy]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 04:31 PM

You have brought up a few exact key questions to the understanding of all of this going on. I assure you that there are straight, normal answers to your questions, but they just are hard to get at. Please don't give up.

The comments and ideas on this thread are very good. I will just add my own to them too.

Alien Abductions: All permanent alien contactees receive implants periodically from alien life. Some of them are for non-evasive surgery. Most simply monitor/measure "complete" body function for a short time as needed and then dissolve. They are tiny computers and most are made of organic material. None are tracking devices. A great portion of the stories you hear about abduction, surgery and experimentation by alien life are completely false, as you suspect, and they are found on the upper sensational end of the spectrum with the stuff humans go to movies for.

UFO sightings: First off, we have only had videos of alien crafts since we have had video cameras. We have only been sharing them widely, publicly since we have had wide public use of the Internet. Clear videos and photos of actual alien crafts were once easily confiscated by seductive, interested govt agents before the public grew suspicious. Then they were explained (leaked) as secret govt technology, or debunked as fabrication along with the personal reputation of he who held the evidence. Now, a great amount of false evidence is being created by the govts, in order to disguise the growing evidence that cannot be hidden, and mixing it all up into a thick dark soup. A much smaller percentage of physical evidence that is available for viewing today is authentic anymore. Consider crop circles- the earliest ones you got to see are the greatest proportion of authentic. Today, the authentic ones do not even look like the more familiar hoaxes.

Fuzzy photos and videos can be of authentic alien crafts though amateur, yes. But many are fake and created on purpose by those who are actively debunking entire belief in the whole subject. Certain videos and photos make it to your attention, and others do not. All are either pushed to you or held back from you when possible. Few authentic photos or videos can make it to your attention still, but that is changing now. Your frustration shows that the debunking is working by keeping you confused and discouraged.

The alien races are very careful to control all physical evidence of themselves as much as they possibly can- who has it and how it is used. It is a very dangerous thing to have here on Earth, especially if you are suspected as a person who knows things that the powers of Earth do not want commonly known. For a person to have authentic evidence of the alien races or direct access to it, or a direct relationship with the alien races, means that it names him as a direct threat to National Security. This makes him trapped as a potential hostage, and leverage as blackmail against the alien races to prevent them from showing up or teaching publicly on Earth. Without evidence, the contactee is safer and more productive while he is free to speak, with nothing to prove himself a threat.

The alien races realize their responsibility and use great care in allowing any individual humans to possess real evidence personally. However, nutty people with false evidence are completely free to help confuse everybody all they want regardless of the aliens or the govt. This is a problem to the alien races and the public opinion of people who have actual, progressive contact. Even people who really have an alien experience, don't always tell the truth about it. The aliens aren't fooling around, and only the serious, trustworthy and willing contactees go on to advanced, progressive contact.

The alien races are steadily, methodically increasing public sightings of their crafts, and also steadily increasing their personal contact with their human contacts, and the humans' awareness of their contacts. This all in direct proportion to human's accurate understanding of the alien races and their intentions. Their goal is to open diplomatic contact with our world, and nothing less will do.

Whenever people see or film the alien crafts in the sky clearly to all, it proves something. But "what" it proves in our minds, is "the" major concern for the alien races right now, not whether the people see them or believe they are real. If you witness the alien races clearly for yourself, and that only proves true to you whatever the powers of Earth say about them, then you are taken only further away from the truth than you were before. If it was difficult for the alien races to approach a human to communicate before, what is it like once he believes the aliens are evil demons, master manipulators and mad experimenting scientists. At least before, people don't know what to think and there is still a chance to learn.

But if you hear things and think things and see things that are not quite clear to you yet, then you keep on trying to figure it out, and in that process, we all get together and talk about it! And share our experiences one on one and learn from each other, who are learning the truth from the alien races and our experiences with them. We are free to investigate and think on our own, regardless of "belief." Once the aliens show up en masse for all, what percentage of people are going to believe whatever they are told over their television, or in their churches, next? How many people today, would believe what the aliens said about themselves over what their govts or religions told them to believe?

The leading govts are "never" going to disclose what they know of the truth, because most of it is all about themselves and what they have been doing behind our backs all this time of this maga-conspiracy against humanity and against the alien races who want to help us change it. The alien races are desperately sneaking into humanity to teach, so that when they show up openly to all, there will be some truth in the basics of what humans think.

When the leading govts are forced to admit publicly that the alien races are really here, THEN the uninformed, confused loyal civilians will suddenly believe all the evidence they have ever seen, AND whatever they are told by their govt it means. The govt deceptions will only change their lead, into "what about" the alien races is true, and continue their propaganda and debunking on the reputations and intentions of our visiting races and the humans who know them.

Wild Stories: Both sightings and personal contact are steadily increasing per the alien races. It's strange and unnerving to these people who witness them, and the people act strange and do not understand what they see even for themselves. The descriptions of events of contact are difficult to tell and difficult to understand by others. The way things happen both technologically and naturally are so far beyond what is normal or comprehendible to the people, that this makes the aliens themselves look strange and the stories of contact with them seem wild. But it's normal, every race is doing it but ours. The wisest, most level headed people who have contact do not go running to tell it. Most are confused themselves, and afraid, and do not risk exposure. They avoid being treated badly, and will not subject their families to the stress and ridicule from the community, or to govt harassment. But you will hear more from them later. Right now we hardly have a forum. All the forums still belong to the skeptics and debunkers. Except for ATS, of course.

People make up a lot of wild stories, or tell the stories in a wild way deliberately. This is normal to human nature regardless of the subject. Some people like the absurdity and take the spotlight. More humble people with more integrity don't want the spotlight. The more sensational the person and the story, the more it is told. The govt influence on the investigative pool touts the absurdity, multiplies it and adds in some of their own "alien abductees" too. Those of us who have actual realistic, productive alien contact do not contribute to the madness and are not even invited by those who are running the UFO circus. We don't fit the field. You only really hear about the wild stories. The wilder they are, the more you hear them.

Alien Appearance: When the leading govts launched (leaked) their propaganda campaign against two particular alien races, both called "The Greys," they made the word "Abduction" be synonymous with the word "Alien" from the get-go and plastered horror into the minds of all on the verge of discovery of them. These two races, who look very much alike to us, both the typical depiction we know so well, were the largest threat of exposure (so the govts thought) to the leading govts' corrupt secrecy, IF and WHEN humans either befriended them or found out exactly what the agreements were between them and our leading govts.

There are 218 races visiting Earth, and many of them somewhat fit the basic common description of "greys" to hear it told. But all are very different race to race, as different from each other as we are from any of them. They have been increasing their personal contact with humans, as well as general human awareness of them steadily over a period of time, as you can see, so you are hearing more about them. You are also hearing a lot of false accusations against them, and descriptions of races that do not exist at all, designed to keep you afraid or in disbelief or both, so you would not trust the people of an alien race when you got the chance to meet them, or trust anybody else who works with them.

All of the races visiting Earth are much further advanced than we are, friendly and peaceful. Though, the best description for their manner is professional. They are not perfect and they can't control everything, especially not the way humans are acting, but there is nothing to fear from them.

Keep thinking for yourself. Just look at how humans normally behave and think in all of life, especially in regard to religions as a parallel in concepts, and then you can figure it out. It's not a hidden subject, it's just disguised right in front of your eyes.

[edit on 7/4/2005 by EarthSister]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister
Keep thinking for yourself. Just look at how humans normally behave and think in all of life, especially in regard to religions as a parallel in concepts, and then you can figure it out. It's not a hidden subject, it's just disguised right in front of your eyes.

Hi ES, that in itself is food for thought. thanks for your insight and knowledge and the sharing of it.



posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by EarthSister

Alien Abductions: All permanent alien contactees receive implants periodically from alien life. Some of them are for non-evasive surgery. Most simply monitor/measure "complete" body function for a short time as needed and then dissolve. They are tiny computers and most are made of organic material. None are tracking devices. A great portion of the stories you hear about abduction, surgery and experimentation by alien life are completely false, as you suspect, and they are found on the upper sensational end of the spectrum with the stuff humans go to movies for.

dont you think that it is the mark of the beast.I am having some doubts on the GF.The gf supports nesra and if you got to this anti nesra site

There are 218 races visiting Earth, and many of them somewhat fit the basic common description of "greys" to hear it told. But all are very different race to race, as different from each other as we are from any of them. They have been increasing their personal contact with humans, as well as general human awareness of them steadily over a period of time, as you can see, so you are hearing more about them. You are also hearing a lot of false accusations against them, and descriptions of races that do not exist at all, designed to keep you afraid or in disbelief or both, so you would not trust the people of an alien race when you got the chance to meet them, or trust anybody else who works with them.

earth sister the greys are evil,why would they make a secret treaty and not disclose themselves,you think that the dulce wars were a joke.All alien abductees were implanted which is the mark of the beast.I think the GF is another distraction by the evil reptilians,greys to take control over this planet and our creators are our only hope who have destroyed us 6 times already.

[edit on 5-7-2005 by warthog911]

[edit on 5-7-2005 by warthog911]

[edit on 5-7-2005 by warthog911]

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 02:56 AM
Well I am very skeptic myself to all those UFO stories and abductions. What i find moste lost is when people talk about beiing abducted and cutted up and maby some implant have seen alot of documetaries going trough people claiming to be abducted and finding strange marks on them selfe and some are convinced with implants, but the doctors always find something that is rather a piece of glass, stone or some other material. so these people claimed to be abducted and where inserted an implant but failed with their truth. so to be honest I dont really believe the peple actually where abducted at all. Its not my business why they did it but I can guess they joust wanted some lights in their life(or they where tricked to). I if an Intelligent ET is up there they dont need to abduct nor implant stones and glass. they got technolgy advanced enaugh so they can reach and do whatever they like to. for us it would be Divine Powers. Can you believe that? no? its much easier to believe in the simple implants and stone abductions...

I do believe in the existence of Extraterrestrial Intelligence. but not in that way.

Respect to the ETIs.

[edit on 5-7-2005 by Cardu]

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