posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:33 AM
"illegal sellers", that is people doing what has been a persons right since time began, could just sell it cheaper without the costs of labour and
such, not to mention taxes. Not that I think it isn't a good idea, here in Canada, if it were legal our debt would be gone in a year or so - but when
it was tried the government took over the growing and the result was skunkweed that wasn't worth the baggie they put it in.
Most users returned the government crap and went back to the street dealers because, well, theirs didn't suck. If the government were to do this,
first they would have to know how to grow the stuff, secondly admitt the were wrong, and then be in a position to be liable for all crimes they have
committed in the name of reffer madness.
Marc Emery has a list of 10 or 12 things that the federal government has to accept before he stops his fight with the government. Including the
release of any people jailed for marijuana offences, all property returned that was illegally siezed, and no doubt some form of monetary retribution
for jailing, and stealing, and generally making criminals out of normal people.
It is just a flower people.