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Roswell used in "how to do a coverup" manual

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posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 12:15 AM
Ok, I dont know where to begin in posting this. I stumbled upon this and its just weird.

This is the worst example I have ever seen!

The document is about using some database computer system.

Please allow me to post the entire quote.

Suppose that a multilevel database relation with element level labeling is constructed to summarize potentially sensitive flight mission information, as depicted in Figure 1.1. This relation's schema specifies a primary key of Flight ID and three attributes that describe the Origin, Destination, and Cargo of each flight. Associated with each element is a security label.

Flight personnel on the ground, who are cleared to Secret, may need to be privy to Flight ID and Origin/Destination information. However, it may be desired that the nature of the flight manifest be at times hidden to all but Top Secret users. For example, Flight 007's cargo of alien spacecraft debris may be considered Top Secret. However, ground personnel may learn weight and size specifics, and may even be witness to the real-world loading process. The absence of data in the Cargo field would increase the likelihood of low users correctly inferring the presence of a Top Secret cargo with resulting natural curiosity as to its nature. It is possible that such an inference would threaten the success of the mission.

Instead, a "cover story" could intentionally be created so that low users are placated by the plausible, but erroneous statement that the cargo consists of weather balloon debris.

The question then becomes how to store and manage this conflicting information in the database.

Getting a little personal here...

Flight ID




. . .

007 S

Roswell S

Area 51 S

Weather Balloon Debris S

007 S

Roswell S

Area 51 S

Alien Spacecraft Debris TS

That is the worst example you could use in your " HOW TO DO A COVERUP " guide !

Yes a great government guide. And its on a military page.

Here it is:

The document

Of course the page is filled with stupid examples.

BTW try access:

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Dulcimer]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:27 AM
I dont want this to be swept under, surely someone read this.

Plus the page contains more info.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:40 AM
Weird... What's Sidewinder? You're right, Roswell is a horrible example of a coverup.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:44 AM
ahem. this is where it gets weird.

Product Name: Sidewinder G2 Security Appliance Model 2150 with Sidewinder G2 Software v

Product Type: Firewall

Date: 10 May2005

Conformance Claim: EAL 4 AugmentedAVA_VLA.3, ALC_FLR.3

PP Identifier: U.S. Department of DefenseApplication-level Firewall Protection Profile for MediumRobustness Environments, Version 1.0, June 22, 2000, and U.S. Department of DefenseApplication-level Firewall Protection Profile for Basic Robustness Environments, Version 1.0, June 28, 2000

So should we be able to read this? ... hmmm

I found it fair and square.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 03:09 AM
Good find. Its coming from a .mil address so I guess it is government issued text. Though it appears the site itself has no homepage in which to initiate a site-based search for this file. Strange, but thats the military for you.

Using the event at Roswell and even considering it a real ET cover up on a military site, even in jest, creates lots of questions in my mind. I wouldn't think a government issued website would want to bring attention to the matter even jokingly because such things invariably lead to curious questions being asked which I am sure government public interaction personnel are tired of answering.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 03:19 AM
This was also in 1996. How did the government talk about area 51 or groom lake then? This was long before any of the exemptions of hazardous waste etc where they openly talk about the region.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 03:50 AM
Yeah thats a gov firewall Dulc. Should we be able to read this, I don't see why not. Althought the document is not classified it isn't really stating anything. As far as you know it could of been put there to get a reaction. and if this document was classified and then put on the unclassified system then when they do find out , the guy that moved the file (or girl) is gonna get burned.


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 05:45 AM
It' won't come up now, does anyone have any copies of the whole document(s), the web pages saved?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 05:53 AM
Uh it's working again now..
Here's a list of docs:

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:24 AM
Interesting find.

How did you find it anyway?

Anyway, here's a link to the corporation that authored the original document.

Under acknowledgements the document also states that it was produced under the guidance of the National Security Agency.

All this stuff is probably way out of date since the documents are at least 9 years old. It's probably on a long-forgotten server somewhere.

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Junkheap]

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Junkheap]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 11:40 AM
Ahhh yes thats true but what also is true is that the government uses the crappy old documents. Its true all they do is revise them. Or add a letter on the end of it and call it new. Anyone that was in the military or worked for the government can attest to this.


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 12:12 PM
I'm not able to see it, my FF browser just sits there and nothing comes up. Any one else able to see it with FF?

I'm sure it was somebody's idea of a joke, and probably not meant to be seen by the public. Nice find.

What else is there on how to cover something up besides this flight database?

Why would they need a manual on how to cover something up anyway? The government always tells us the truth, don't they?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 01:02 PM
i keep trying and i cant get the link to work either

maybe they figured out we found their secret stash


well anyone got the full document and can post it up here?
hope you copied the page because it seems like we wont be able to load it anymore

ill keep trying the link and ill post if it works

but if it Doesnt work ever agian?
You FOUND Classified Stuff !!
and the minute u posted a link to it; bam; website goes down

ya what a coincidence huh

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000
I'm not able to see it, my FF browser just sits there and nothing comes up. Any one else able to see it with FF?

I'm sure it was somebody's idea of a joke, and probably not meant to be seen by the public. Nice find.

What else is there on how to cover something up besides this flight database?

Why would they need a manual on how to cover something up anyway? The government always tells us the truth, don't they?

I cant get it to work now. Strange. I use firefox so it shouldnt be a problem.

Like Agent Smith said, its an open directory. Theres more documents there. I havnt had the time, and now the chance, to look through any more of them. When it comes up again I surely will.

To Junkheap about how I found it. Trusty google search.

To all the people who cant view it use the google cache I found.

Cache of file

That link is using firefox, im not sure how it will impact IE users, if at all. Just a heads up.

Using googles cache and my saved history I can actually get all the links now and view them from the safety of google

cached links

Visit that link, then copy the url of the link you want, go back to google search for that string, then view its cached page at the bottom.

Allows you to view everything. But its all bland.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 01:22 PM
scrap that last idea. This is easier.

Search this in google

This gives you a handy list with the ability to view cache of each item.

Edit note: I know alot of people will be thinking, bah its just some computer manuals and junk. But what is the reason to use this as an example? Does it not seem odd ?

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Dulcimer]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 01:33 PM
Thanks, I was able to see it from the link you provided. It looks to me to be a procedure written on how to organize a data base using examples like Roswell and Star Trek.





Enterprise U

Exploration U

Talos U

Enterprise U

Exploration U

Rigel S

I don't think it is on how to cover anythin up. But who knows.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 03:51 PM
I mentioned how it uses other bad examples

Also the very notion of them mentioning cover up data is sad because we are to believe they are telling the truth.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 04:44 AM
Well actually we are only told the truth when it does not conflict with National Security. In cases where it does we lie with skill, and that is how it must be if we are to survive as a Nation. One only needs to look at the 3 different 'official explainations' of what happened at Roswell to see what we are willing to do to protect our secrets.

I am all for Transparency when appro, but there are things that must be kept secret too. The fight is always about the where the balance point lies not if secrets must be kept at all.


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