posted on Aug, 15 2003 @ 03:20 PM
The air was cold and wind was strong. I started to walk down a dusty road. It was quite,too quite. I looked around to see if anyone was there, but no
one, not even a bird. I continued to walk and in the horizon there was a camp, a strange camp. It was something i have never seen before, hushed away
from the nearby town. When I got to the end of the road, I could see the gates of the camp and there were two guards standing outside the gates. They
looked at eachother and walked towards me.
Fear sank in, I didn't know what to do. The guards got closer and I was scared, I thought they were going to kill me. The guard on the left spoke to
me. It was in german. I can't speak a word of german, but somehow I was able to speak to him. He told me that everyone was ready and we waiting for
my commands. I nodded and the guards walked with me into the camp. As I walked through the gates, I heard screams, felt like I had entered hell. It
was like walking around a zoo, but with people inside the cages. The people inside the cages had a jewish star on their clothing. I didn't count how
many people were here, but it looked like hundreds or even thousands and they looked sad.
When I see people suffering, I usally help them, but in this case I felt almost as if I was on another level to them. It was strange and I didn't
know why I was here and wanted to leave, but something inside me prevented me from going. Suddenly I heard a gunshot, then laughter, I ran quickly to
see what happened and to my horror a small child had been shot by one of the guards. The guard should no signs of regret. He was a tall man, black
hair and smooth face. But his eyes looked evil and he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I can't believe what he just done, I should be angery
at him for killing a small child, but I wasn't. I walked over to him and shooked his hand. I couldn't believe what was happening.
I looked at the prisoners and shouted at them to move the girl. They did what I said and picked her up and carried her away. A guard shouted at me and
told me I had a phone call in my office. I had a office?? things were getting to stranged for me. I had no idea where i was and didn't Know what I
was doing. I walked away from the area ,where the girl was killed, and walked to my office. On my way to my office, it started to rain and I buttoned
up my jacket. As I done it up, I could see a funny symbol on the jacket and I remember try to think where I had seen it before. Then I just ignored it
and walked quickly to get out of the rain. I saw a building on the left and walked towards it.
I walked up to this tall,white building. It was my office. I can't explain to you how I know, but I just do. I opened up the door and warm heat hit
me. I took off my jacket and sat by the fire and warmed up. Soon after I got in, a guard asked me if I was going to accept the call. I replyed to him
that I was and I walked over to the desk and lifted up the phone. My heart stopped, I knew where I was and what I was doing here, it cannot be surely
To be continued......
[Edited on 15-8-2003 by infinite]