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Strange things around us to notice

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posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 03:54 PM
looking through an old urban legend book... i found that if you play stairway to heaven by Led Zepplin back wards you get a long satanic message. also, hidden in Xecel 95 for microsoft, there is an game you can play called the hall of tourtued souls. However i am still trying to locate the book, called "The baby on the car roof and over 400 other urban legends"

posted on Jul, 22 2005 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by 2nd Hand Thoughts
This one's kind of light-weight, but...

Most apple cultists know this one, but not always. It could potentially freak out some ipod owners. The first apple computer, APPLE I was sold for $666 dollars. I posted this because it's so easy to prove and show someone.

$666? I find the price unbelievable. All the other computers have gotten better AND cheaper, but Apples have gotten much more expensive.

It's all Bill Gates' fault. He's always to blame. The spanish-american war? That was his fault too.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 12:44 AM
christianpatrick: The Apple 1 was actually 666.66$.

"After marathon sessions of stuffing and soldering PC boards, Jobs delivered the computers to the Byte Shop. Although these "fully assembled" computers lacked a power supply, keyboard, or monitor, Terrell bought them as promised. In July of 1976 the Apple-1 was released and sold for $666.66, which was about twice the cost of the parts plus a 33% dealer markup.[6] Two hundred Apple-1 computers were manufactured, and all except twenty-five of them sold over a period of ten months.[7]"

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by Supraliminal
looking through an old urban legend book... i found that if you play stairway to heaven by Led Zepplin back wards you get a long satanic message. also, hidden in Xecel 95 for microsoft, there is an game you can play called the hall of tourtued souls. However i am still trying to locate the book, called "The baby on the car roof and over 400 other urban legends"

Is this game posted on the net? What is Xecel95? I used to have Windows 95 upgrade, is that what you are talking about? How did you access it if it was hidden? I know I got a ton of questions but this is the first I've heard about this one.

Well my patience overwhelms me a whole two minutes and I had to look it up, it seems its hidden things in many programs, here is a webpage with directions
and also

[edit on 23-7-2005 by goose]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:19 AM
For those of you who still have the OLD Excel 95 (not office 97), try this:

1. Open a new file.
2. Scroll down until you see row 95.
3. Click on the row 95 button, this highlights the whole row
4. Press tab, to move to the second column.
5. Now, move your mouse and click on help, THEN about Microsoft Excel
6. Press ctrl-alt-shift and click on the tech support button simultaneously.

This is really eerie, has a doom style format and you can walk all around the hall (using your arrow keys)...and on the sides of the walls are the names of the tortured souls....

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 01:42 AM
ever looked at the logo on a pack of marlboro cigarettes? Unfortunately, I'm new to ATS and don't know how to post the image, but if you look in the space between the horses legs, can see two klansmen holding a banner. Until very recently, the banner also used to say "Vene Vidi Vici" ( I think that means "we came, we saw, we conquered")

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 10:13 AM
If you hold a Marlboro pack sideways (so that the top of the pack where you open it is to the left) and twist it around and around there are 3 very distinct K's. (all in red.... two of 'em oare on top one of 'em is a really small one on the side)

If you hold the pack upside down it supposedly says Horrible Jew.

Oro= Horri
bl = ble
ram = jew

It's a little hard to see at first...and quite a bit of a stretch. The KKK thing with the two little klansmen is quite the coincidence!

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Supraliminal
looking through an old urban legend book... i found that if you play stairway to heaven by Led Zepplin back wards you get a long satanic message.

Many songs wil do that. for example, if you play any country song backwards, your wife will come home, you will get your pickup truck back, and your dog will return to life.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Supraliminal
looking through an old urban legend book... i found that if you play stairway to heaven by Led Zepplin back wards you get a long satanic message. also, hidden in Xecel 95 for microsoft, there is an game you can play called the hall of tourtued souls. However i am still trying to locate the book, called "The baby on the car roof and over 400 other urban legends"

A few other examples there, including the one you mentioned. Funky!

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:02 PM
Theres another song, which is basically rock with weird noises, but if you play backwards its the first page of the bible. I can't remember the song, but im sure its intentional..It actually sounds really disturbing.

Now this is the biggest conspiracy of all.. on the pop-tart box, it ses microwave for 3 seconds.. have you ever tryed microwaving something for 3seconds. Now really microwave it for 30seconds...


posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:17 PM
Nightwing the landslide thing is totally true. There is two possible occurences

1 is the called the natural geo-mechanical thermo reactor. And yes they do exist. Where radioactive naturally occurring elements in the ground, "cook" because of the pressure and over time convert one element into a highly enriched version of another element. And they create enough heat to produce all sorts of crazy effects on the surroundings including crystallizing soil sediments, starting fires, melting rock etc.

2 has something to do with pulverized limestone interacting with highly enriched nitrogen (or some other organic type compost) they causes a low yield chemical reaction which can be absorbed and re-radiated upon itself within the soild depending on the elements and components present in the soil. This slow burining chemical reaction can raise the ambient temperature quite high.. whether or not to the 500 degrees I am not sure but high enough to start a fire for sure.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 04:45 PM
The Led Zep sone is not an urban legend though. It's not a long message either though. If you play a certain part of it backwards it sounds like it's saying "sweet, sweet satan, my sweet satan" or something like that. I heard it and it does sound like that. but the joke about it we always had was about the people trying to find the santanic message by playing it backwards, becuase if you just listen to it normally the lyrics tell "in life there are two paths you can go by, but there's time to change the road your on". It's flat out telling you you can pick good or you can pick evil if you just listen to it normally.

What i have always wondered is why would people put signs on dollars bills and stuff like that anyway. I always hear people saying "hey , i found a triangle here or there" or a pyramid with an eye or whatever you want to say. however i never really hear anyone asking why anyone would actually put those symbols there anyway. what i mean is , are they supposed to give certain groups some type of hidden power or something if they have certain symbols in key locations or on certain items, or whatever.

Also remember sometimes a triangle is just a triangle or a symbol is just a symbol. i remember when Stone Temple Pilots first came on the scene there were people saying there was some sort of mystical meaning behind their name or something. the Stone Temple Pilots said it was simply that when they were little they came up with the name from the STP oil cans. no mystical meaning, just people playing to much into something that is not even there.

Like recently someone put a thread up here asking if anyone thought the red triangle on the bass ale cans meant something. i mean does someone actually think that the NWO put a red triangle on bass ale so that everyone who drinks it is then somehow under the control of the nwo then, you know? sometimes a triangle is just a triangle.

also one of the reason s i hate that Led Zep song, stairway to heaven, is because of the heads of my prom picking it as the official slow dance of the prom. Thing is the song speeds up about 80% through and then goes back to slow. so when it speeds up, you end up feeling akward and not really knowing what to do. Yet the genius heads of the school prom picked that song. it's funny because i just heard someone on a talk show say the same thing about that song ( i think it was david duchovny on conan o'Brian who recently said it).

[edit on 2-8-2005 by GREGNOW]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 09:04 PM
Am I like the last guy in the world to notice that the fedex logo has an arrow in it?

Certainly not the most interesting thing to post about, but I just never really looked at it. What else am I missing?

The other day I lost a vitamin on the floor. To find it, because I was thinking about not noticing the fedex logo arrow, I looked where it "wasn't". My eyes naturally wanted to look for a "spot" on the floor, something that shouldn't be there. So, whenever my eyes did what comes naturally, I'd quickly look to a BLANK area.

I found the vitamin right away.
If I ever lose a needle in a haystack, instead of looking for something shiny, I'm going to feel for something sharp.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by evilgenyus
ever looked at the logo on a pack of marlboro cigarettes? Unfortunately, I'm new to ATS and don't know how to post the image, but if you look in the space between the horses legs, can see two klansmen holding a banner. Until very recently, the banner also used to say "Vene Vidi Vici" ( I think that means "we came, we saw, we conquered")

Dang, You beat me to it !

I never heard the klan thing before though. I know it did used to say Vini Vidi Vicci. They changed it after all the lawsuit B.S. in the states. After all the deceptiveness, it looked really bad, klansmen, or not.

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 10:08 PM
Since I have company logos on the mind today, does this one look suspicious to anyone? Or is it just me...

It is from "THE NEW WEBSTER'S Deluxe Desk Reference Library"

It is a little five volume set. This emblem appears on the spines of each volume.

Published 1986-1987. Lexicon Publications Inc., NY, NY.

[edit on 2-8-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 10:34 PM
Not just you, looks like an OWL to me, as if its watching you , evil looking thing.

I noticed today the "C" in "Coca" in coca cola... Looks like a sea serpent?


posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 10:53 PM
As a very successful logo designer said on national (Australian) radio, telling in trade secrets would cost him his life. He wasn't joking!

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Vorta
Not just you, looks like an OWL to me, as if its watching you , evil looking thing.


Hmm. He looks really sinister to me. And why is he wearing a necklace?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 02:59 AM
I don't get the reference to the arrow in the FedEx logo... I don't even see it. If it is there what is the signifigance? Can someone provide a link to the logo with the arrow?

posted on Aug, 3 2005 @ 01:00 PM

The arrow is formed by the white space between the E and the X.

And an interview with the designer at:


About the windoze "tortured souls" Easter egg, I seem to remember that all the names were all programmers/developers. Extremely tortured souls no doubt.

[edit on 3-8-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

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