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Aliens as Paranormal Beings: My experiences

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posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:15 PM
Awesome read...and one I can sorta relate to...having experienced rather 'interesting' dreams and events throughout childhood and into early adulthood.

I also hold the belief that what we term 'Aliens' are merely modern faces of an ancient enemy...that they are far more interdimensional than intergallactic. This belief is for a variety of reasons...but basically *and this may not make sense to some* they smell the same - literally - and the same mechanisms used to protect against/repel one also works on the other.

I've posted a few things here and there about my experiences...just snippets...I guess in some ways those who have experienced these things are searching for others who may know what we 'speak of' *if sometimes in riddles*...if only so we can feel less isolated - or less insane...hehehe.


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by alien

I also hold the belief that what we term 'Aliens' are merely modern faces of an ancient enemy...that they are far more interdimensional than intergallactic. This belief is for a variety of reasons...but basically *and this may not make sense to some* they smell the same - literally - and the same mechanisms used to protect against/repel one also works on the other.

HI Alien.
Sorry but I don't understand this quote. Are you refering that aliens are evil and you need to repel them?
ANd about the smell, can you explain it?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:04 PM
Hi InfoIsPower,

Sorry for the confusion...nope, I don't see 'Aliens' as evil persay. I do however see some as being so, or being what we'd term 'good'...and others that seem to change between their good/evil allegences just as much as we humans do. For me they are more spiritual in nature...and with that comes the whole good/evil/neutral etc natures of those beings as represented by their actions.

As for the repelling...well, in some experiences the same methods of protection/safety as I've utilised with 'spiritual entities' have generated the same effects. The smell? Exactly that. Some people 'detect' things in different ways...they see, they feel, they hear...the presence or essence of the being is in some way indicated to them via some form of sense of theirs...for me its always been smell that has always been a common 'sensory indicator' (with a mixture of others...but always smell). And the *dare I say* evil ones smell just the same as evil spirits. The smell to me registers as a cliche repungnant smell...a strong nauseating smell akin to rotting milk.

Sorry if it appears I'm talking in semi-riddles or not making a whole lot of sense here.


[edit on 2-7-2005 by alien]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 08:08 PM
Thanks for the explanation.

Well, i'm intrigued with your experiences but am in no position of answering to any of those things with certain.
As Earth Sister has said on another post the evil aliens( The Greys) have done those things because they needed to, it wasn't harmful, they were desperate. Although, they seemed to act by a more phisical than spiritual way, they abducted and did their tissue collections or whatever they do.

Apparently it stopped by intervention of the organized civilizations that are united for helping us, and somehow protect us from a more "outside" that "inside" danger. With it stopping I don't think that there are any bad aliens terrorizing you and enter your experiences.

I would really aprecciate if you could get in details on those bad experiences. It would help me a lot to understand.

As it seems each human being that have this kind of experiences develops his abilities to recognize entities around him. You feel them by smell, the bad guys smell bad and the good ones smell good.
I want to be reasonable and to don't make early evaluations of my situation, but I think something's going on with me and i'm starting to unveal what it is.

I feel these entities when in my normal day life, but it becomes more strong when I concentrate and relax.
I don't know how to describe the feelings I have, but I can tell that I sense them like a disturbance in the air, like a field of energy that stands there. It's strange but i'm still developing it.
You can distinguish the bad ones from the good ones but I can only sense that they're there but cannot distinguish the bad ones from the good ones, nor I can distinguish the aliens from other entities.

Despite everything I believe that currently all of the experiences one have envolves good aliens. I think that you can't control your senses very well yet and you are confused about the things you feel.

I'm not sure if any of this makes sense, but I hope Earth Sister shows up and corrects me if i'm wrong.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 11:48 PM

Sorry I haven't been online in over a day. I'm surprised that this thread has gotten so many large responses.... there's just so much to write back about.

It might be easier if I framed my questions/comments/responses in bullets:

1) The night before the shuttle accident I actually WAS reading up on the space program. I WAS aware that a shuttle was in space and that it carried the first Israeli astronaut. I even, during that week, had played a space simulator/game on my computer. Now... to debunk myself... it could be argued that my dream was just a product of all of these images popping up from my head due to random brain functions that, supposedly, 'clean out' short term memory during sleep (though my impression is that this theory on dreaming has been discredited). In short... it's possible that I had this dream because I had thought about the shuttle during the week. However... I've heard that 'they' pick people based on their interests. In other words, the impression I get from reading a lot of abduction literature is that some people are picked because they have shown an interest in space travel/aliens and so are 'willing' to have alien encounters. This could be a case where the beings thought that I was interested in contact because I had been thinking about space that week.

2) I did not know the date of the shuttle's return and never thought about the possibility that it was in danger. I did not, that is, have built up anxiety about the mission.

3) I did not watch any movies or read any books about ETs in the days prior to the mission.

4)The 'dream' was extremely... unusual. It just felt different than normal dreams.

5) When I woke up... I was anxious about the shuttle. When I saw that it was 'missing' (as the first reports stated on TV) I felt as if everything had suddenly fallen into place. I almost -- and this will sound funny -- half expected NASA to come on tv and state that a UFO had been spotted near the shuttle right before the accident. It felt THAT clear. I mean... it felt like one event from sleep to wakefullness. It was really uncanny.

6) Question for Earthsister: Where did you get all of your information from?

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 07:02 AM

6) Question for Earthsister: Where did you get all of your information from?


Everything I know about alien life I learn from alien life. My husband Jack and I work with the organization of visiting races and have progressive educational contact. We don't understand everything, and can't explain everything we understand, but we apply what we know to helping others open their own relationship with their own alien contacts. We don't study human's alien/ufo material to learn about alien life, but it helps us learn all about humans.

Alien contact is lifelong and never random. Contactees who do not yet physically realize they have contact, still know it inside, and their interest is as strong and natural as their fear and denial may be. That is why ufo buffs seem to attract alien contact. Once a contactee feels he wants to have contact, it raises the probability that he will discover his contact.

But when the aliens really need you, they will come get you whether you are ready or not. lol. (Jack told me to write that.)

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 08:48 AM

If you are talking about the same Space Shuttle Columbia accident that happened about a year ago or so, then I had about the same similar dream you had. I'm not sure when the dream exactly took place, but I believe it was either during or even a little bit before/after it happened by less then a few hours or so. When I had the dream it was as clear as anything that it was taking place in a real-time type way. I felt as if I was indirectly taking part in whatever this alien being(s) (there had to have been more then one) was doing. The dream started off with me litterally flying/floating in the sky towards the space shuttle. For a few minutes I flew around the shuttle. I then noticed this alien being (mostly of light fir, but I felt this light could easily take any physical form it chose) Eventually it changed into the same grey (more like snowy white) alien as the shuttle was still ascending upwards. Out of no where the alien-being got my attention by more or less likely saying (telepathically), "Look at what I'm about to do..."

Thats when I knew there was something wrong or what was percieved to be the pinnacle of this event. So I flew into the shuttle trying to warn the crew, yet everything I did, wasn't getting through. I saw the whole crew, not even knowing who these people were, which was further proven upon a future-filled awakening state by me watching the news and reading the paper as I saw the same images of crew in real life as I witnessed during the crash in dream life. I also felt there were other people (etheral spirits) experiencing this in real-time dream that were doing all they could to witness, prevent, help out, or even cause this incident to happen. The day Space Shuttle Columbia crashed, I believe I woke up watching it on t.v. My dad told me what was going on, but it almost seemed like I already knew what happened and how it happened in the most clearest of subconcious ways. For the most part, that dream of mine continued with further different dreams attempting to explain to me in more detail how it happened (of course with this alien being showing up throughout the whole dream). If you want to further talk about this "onlyinyourdreams" then U2U me because I know for a fact there is something we can both learn from our own (dream) ' real - 'time' - life ' experiences.

~ Eric ~

[edit on 4-7-2005 by 2Super7E123]

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by EarthSister

There is no hell or punishment like our religions teach us, but God takes care of everybody in his own way.

EarthSister, thank you for your response. It's really cool that you have chosen to share your experiences in a forum such as this. It must be a great comfort to have had some of the experiences you have had (though there has to have been a few anxious moments as well).

I'm not particularly religious, but if I were, I'd probably skew towards the Old Testament end of the spectrum as it relates to concepts of judgment and purification. It horrifies me to no end to think that someone like Hitler could merely remove himself from this plane of existence and not be made to suffer for the irreparable harm he engineered on this planet. I find myself constantly oscillating in my views regarding the judgment of others. While I have been against the death penalty for most of my life (and will continue to be against institutionalized capital punishment due to the data suggesting significant racist slants), I have almost come to view a refusal to "flip the switch" on someone as a lack of moral courage on my part. If what I am doing in truly in an effort to make this world a better place, then I should be strong enough to be able to face my maker at some point and risk his contempt for my actions.

I'm always struck by the cases where parents have lost children in murderous circumstances, as I can think of no recompense sufficient on this earth other than the extermination of the criminals in question. If one does try to "turn the other cheek" and move on with one's life, it seems like there is the possibility that one is in fact living a lie and avoiding the one true purpose that this life has granted you in lieu of such horrible tragedies. Granted, I would never judge such a person, as I would be grateful for any way in which they could find some peace in this life. My concerns are more personal in that I don't know if I could truly operate in such a way, and I can't decide if this realization makes me more or less of a person. Judging by my reactions to the horror stories some people endure on this earth, I can honestly see myself not caring if I ran afoul of God in my efforts to find a balance. There is much on this planet that I would gladly risk a broken hip for if it meant I could have a lively discussion (or just plain wrestling match) with one of the angels on high.

I know that God hurts when we hurt, and I truly only approach him in the way I approach my own loving parents when I feel hurt. I've just lately been frightened at the prospect of so many people on this earth committing vile acts without ever really having to answer for them. As I mentioned before, I am not interested in a cartoonish version of Hell, and I fully realize that none of us are perfect. I just want to know that there is a balancing act at work somewhere and sometime.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 01:45 PM

Thanks for a description of your experience. Though it's not exactly like mine, it's close enough to warrant interest...

So, a few questions:
1) Did the being overtly say that he was responsible for the accident or did you just interpret him that way?
2) Do you mean that he intuited "Look what I can do" to mean 'Look, I can't destroy the shuttle' or 'Look, I can show you the shuttle as it is now'? My own experience was more like the second interpretation.
3) You said that you sensed other people or viewers in that area. Did you get a sense of whether they were 'remote viewers', 'cloaked' UFOs, something paranomral, or anything else?
4)Did you have this dream/vision AS the shuttle was breaking apart? Mine occured while the shuttle was still intact (but on its way down). Did you see any details that might hint as to what part of the descent you were seeing?

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams


Thanks for a description of your experience. Though it's not exactly like mine, it's close enough to warrant interest...

So, a few questions:
1) Did the being overtly say that he was responsible for the accident or did you just interpret him that way?
2) Do you mean that he intuited "Look what I can do" to mean 'Look, I can't destroy the shuttle' or 'Look, I can show you the shuttle as it is now'? My own experience was more like the second interpretation.
3) You said that you sensed other people or viewers in that area. Did you get a sense of whether they were 'remote viewers', 'cloaked' UFOs, something paranomral, or anything else?
4)Did you have this dream/vision AS the shuttle was breaking apart? Mine occured while the shuttle was still intact (but on its way down). Did you see any details that might hint as to what part of the descent you were seeing?

Question 1) It seemed the being was directly involved with the accident due to the feeling I got by communicating with it and how it portrayed it's demeanor. I felt a disturbing presence of evil, not of peace or of anything remotely considered good.

Question 2) Neither of those hold true. The being made it seem like, "Look what I can do..." in terms of this is how the shuttle is in it's real time present state. More likely as,"I have the ability to cause havoc (destroy it)," in a highly vindictive way.

Question 3) There was definately a paranormal feeling about the dream, mainly with how I sense other entities experiencing the same event as it unfolded. Remote viewers, YES. Cloaked UFO's, YES. Plus, along with my certain belief in how others can presently have the same dream as someone else, I strongly believe who ever else was experiecing this was having the same (real time) dream both you and I had, of course with different circumstances (interpertations) involved.

Question 4) As you can read in my prior post when I brought up my similar dream, the shuttle was still intact. The dream began moments before the pinnacle of the shuttles disasterous descent. It was still intact and the crew was still conciously up/aware. Also upon the crews astonishment when the shuttle fatally changed it's coarse from upward to downward, I saw everyone's face/reactions change to mere panic/sadness. Eventually I witnessed the crew's death and how their souls/spirts ascended into heaven with the assistence of some guardian-angels. From what I saw in the dream that caused the shuttle to it's doom dealt heavily upon numerous flashes of light, almost likely strikes of lightening, but in a controlled non-atmospheric way. The flashes of light (energy) in my belief were directly caused by the aliens themselves.

I hope that helped you in trying to figure out how our dreams correlate with one another's experience. I am highly positve their were other people experiencing the same thing, not neccessarily exactly, but similarily like you with your dream.

[edit on 7-7-2005 by 2Super7E123]

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Well... not to fill the ET forum with dream stories...

But, last night, I had another dream you guys might be interested. In it my mother and I were talking in her kitchen when, suddenly, all the clocks in the room (on the stove, oven, etc) started blinking and going wild... then went out altogether. A minute later all the electricity went out. We both assumed that there was a power failure and, as we walked towards the windows to look for a stormfront, the sky outside suddenly became jet black (it had been around 4 in the afternoon). Then, before we could make it to the windows (at this point we were getting nervous), a extremely bright white light began to pour into the house (as if it were being beamed in from all directions). It actually even 'seeped' through the roof and ceiling (as if some of the light was actually slipping through the molecules of the wood, tile, and bricks) and formed into a ghostly downpour. At that point I looked up and said something like, "Is that you, God?" and then, perhaps trying to cover all the basis, I added, "Or maybe aliens?"

At that the dream ended.

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