posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 09:19 PM
In a startling decision, Time Inc. has turned in sources in the famous CIA identity case. This is troubling to other news organizations, especially
the New York Times which is also involved in the case. This is troubling to others because it takes away the freedoms of the press that for many years
included anonymity.
Time magazine said today that it would provide documents concerning the confidential sources of one of its reporters to a grand jury investigating
the disclosure of the identity of a covert C.I.A. agent, Valerie Plame.
The United States Supreme Court turned down appeals in the case on Monday, concluding the gravest legal confrontation between the press and the
government in a generation. Two reporters, Judith Miller of The New York Times and Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, face jail for refusing to testify
before the grand jury. In an interview, Norman Pearlstine, Time Inc.'s editor in chief, said he made the decision after much reflection. "I found
myself really coming to the conclusion," he said, "that once the Supreme Court has spoken in a case involving national security and a grand jury, we
are not above the law and we have to behave the way ordinary citizens do."
The announcement by a major news organization that it would disclose the identities of its confidential sources in response to a subpoena appears to
be without precedent in living memory and suggests a turning point in the relationship between the press and the government. The news media have been
under growing pressure and scrutiny over issues of accuracy, credibility and political bias.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
This is very troubling to me. When sources lose their right to anonymity, that is another freedom that is disappearing with our society these days.
More and more we hand over our rights in the name of liberty and justice (kind of ironic). I was never pleased with Time revealing the CIA agents name
but that does not mean that the source loses their right to privacy. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth leaves the world blind and toothless.
[edit on 30-6-2005 by CAConrad0825]