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Originally posted by Tamahu
I want to continue this discussion but I've been real busy. I'll gather some info and present within the next couple of days or so.
Quote from Tamahu:
Jesus is a mythical person who's story is based on the sages/avatars and Buddhas such as: Yeshua, Shakyamuni Buddha, Horus, Tammuz, Tutankhamen, Krishna and the previous Buddhas in general among a few others.
Quote from jagdflieger (as response):
Tamahu Would you like to post some comments supporting your assertions to indicate how Shayki Buddha, Krishna, Horus, etc. are incorporated into what you call the "Jesus story". What you have given us is basically a bunch of assertions which state that some link exists. Yet you give no details as to what these links are or any documentation to support your contentions. In my part of the world this is also called "a lot of hot air".
Quote from riffraffalunas:
IN support of Tamahu, you will find much evidence & supporting links by checking out ESSENES NAZOREAN order (the volume of material, sooo large)
Quote from jagdflieger (as a response):
Again all we see is air. Again no specific web pages, documents, etc. which show the how Shakyamuni Buddha, Krishna, etc. can be related to Jesus. Again all we see are assertions with no specifics. Basically the web site is full of gnostic writings, most of which have been throughly refuted elsewhere. Gentlemen you have proven nothing except you can make assertions without one iota of evidence to support your statements. Where I come from that is called "a lot of hand waving" while still keeping the ballon aloft with hot air. Would you be so kind as to give some details to support your statements.
Quote from tamahu:
Jagedflieger, Riffraffalunas, Skadi..
I want to continue this discussion but I've been real busy. I'll gather some info and present within the next couple of days or so.
Quote from riffraffalunas
discussion..?...(presenting an info trail, is all i did... Jagedflieger can look or not...a convicted/convinced heart is not easily changed...) Of course, there is a 2 thousand year campaign of spin & trickery & fabrications to overcome...the blurring of facts-fictions-reality-metaphor WHICH WE ARE CHALLENGED TO PROVE WRONG ON A SINGLE---> page, post or paper ~~but, what the hay~~
Critics should remember that the scenes described are literally carved in stone on the walls of the Temple at Luxor and stand as an original source of mythical elements of the Horus myth.
Again, critics should remember that the Osiris myth resurrection scenes described are literally carved in stone on the walls of the Temple of Osiris at Denderah and the Temple of Isis at Philae and stand as original sources of mythical elements of the Osiris myth.
Critics should remember that the mythical elements of the Bel-Marduk myth are literally carved in stone on Marduk's Ordeal tablet/Assyrian Bel Myth Tablet which stands as an original source of mythical elements of the Bel-Marduk myth.
There are two passages in Acts which contradict this chronological sequence:
Acts 5:30: The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree [emphasis added].
Acts 10:39: And we were witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem; whom they slew and hanged on a tree [emphasis added]
Notice that the sequences in Acts is thus: (1) Jesus is slain/dies/is dead; (2) Jesus is hung upon a tree.
The sequence of execution/death by crucifixion is not the same as the sequence of execution/death by some unknown method and then being hung upon a tree.
The mythology and symbolism relative to Osiris and Horus is rather complicated ... In ancient Egypt the kings were gods; the living king was the Horus and the dead king was the Osiris.
Jackson, p. 96, cites a Professor Hocart as saying the following:
Osiris, after his death, became a king in the underworld ... and from his dead body his successor, Horus, is conceived. But every dead king is Osiris and every living king Horus. Thus Osiris and Horus are really the same, Horus being the living form of Osiris, an Osiris the dead form of Horus. There is thus a succession of men who are killed, become gods, and are succeeded by their posthumous sons. ... (A. M. Hocart, Social Origins, London, Watts and Co., 1954, pp. 79-82.)