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POLITICS: New Stamps Renew Racial Tensions with Mexico

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posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:38 AM
Negative white stereotypes:

See a pattern here? Can you say, "Southern whites?"

[edit on 2005/7/1 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:52 AM
nice balance to it.

too bad that the liars and manipulators

aren't interested in that

they have an agenda

PC [ or COMMIE SPEAK ] they want to socialize the entire planet


it's unamerican...and I really don't give a flyin' rip what fox says or american blacks say

it's a bloody contrivance to complain about a loveable character

that goes back to the 40's that every native loved

can u imagine, how the actors who had jobs and good ratings,

on AMOS n ANDY felt , when their so-called brothers, caused

them their jobs due to protests ? what a bunch of manipulated crap...

and how about the FRITO BANDITO ?

eh ? [ I'm "old school" , and I don't buy into this BULL,that they're force feeding, to anyone willing to swallow .]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

See a pattern here? Can you say, "Southern whites?"

[edit on 2005/7/1 by GradyPhilpott]

It doesnt matter, theyre only whites. [insert sarcasm smiley here]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:24 AM
"Yeah.... blondes are pretty scarce around here !" (Carl Denham 1933)

The comparisons posted previously to Little Black Sambo are accurate... however, we've much bigger issues to address with our ever-migrating neighbors to the South.


posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Legalizer

Originally posted by shots
Keep in mind what President Fox said a few weeks ago. "Mexican migrants take jobs in the United States that "not even blacks" want."
[edit on 6/30/2005 by shots]

Isn't that basically what Bush said when he stated "Immigrants take the jobs Americans don't want"

No. Far from it. It's merely a statement of fact and it's been fact for ages... My grandfather came to this country, with his family, as a boy. His father took jobs that American citizens of that day would turn their backs on.

With few exceptions, immigrants are initially hired into low paying, low esteem jobs. To their credit, immigrants often assimilate well into our society and move upward on the economic scale rapidly. Those that refuse to 'Americanize', i.e. learn the language, stay in low paying, low esteem jobs.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:28 AM
Everyone has different causes and that's what makes the world go 'round I guess (that and money and power).

The Sambo thing, I'll give my "white male" opinion on something regarding race (which usually seems to be meaningless to most, unless of course it's a negative feeling, which is then automatically racism...IMO IMO IMO).

Anyway, I read an old antique copy a few times when I was a kid and here is what I got: A story about a boy and tigers. The boy tricked the tigers and saved the day. The end. Oh, and this book had really great pictures. Colorful, interesting, etc.

So, if I saw Sambo on a government product, I would think "hmmm, is this PC? Should I care? Should I buy it?" BUT!!!, I would mainly remember the book about a boy and tigers.

I think that the stamps being a government product is weird, but they will disappear and only collectors will wind up interested in them.

However, if an art gallery were to have an exhibit featuring paintings from "Little Black Sambo" and people were to protest (seems very likely), that is out of control. It's a weird revisionism and the denial that people can actually grasp the useful implications of such an exhibit. Discussion is valuable, protesting on some thought police idea is pointless.

On one hand, the art is great, on another it's racial, on another it's creative, on another it exemplifies change in society.

TO ADD about the stereotype in culture. The FAT WHITE MIDDLE-AGED MALE OF LOW INTELLIGENCE is the king of the castle right now. Every creative director in advertising I have ever talked to says this outright. For whatever it's worth.

[edit on 1-7-2005 by 2nd Hand Thoughts]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:13 PM
I want the Barney Fife Stamp !

That's Great Stuff !!!!

I have been reading the posts and iIsee good and valid points on both sides of the spectrum !

Personally it doesn't matter to me if they get banded or not but I think that we as people need to be a little more sensative of others during this time. The time when we are already wise to the fact that there is so much racial tention anyways-Why add to it ? I think it's just plain common sense?

But then again most people have more dollars than sense !

Truth !

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Personally it doesn't matter to me if they get banded or not but I think that we as people need to be a little more sensative of others during this time. The time when we are already wise to the fact that there is so much racial tention anyways-Why add to it ? I think it's just plain common sense?

I don't know, is there a sense of racial tension in Mexico? Are they making that stamp because they don't see anything wrong with it?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 09:39 PM
Ayiee, yie-yie-yieeee,
I am dee Frito Bandito.
I love Frito's Corn Chips,
I love dem I do.
I love Frito's Corn Chips,
I take dem from you.

Maybe it's time for the bandito to make a comeback.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Legalizer
Whats worse, some stamps in a foreign country, or the majority of African American males being arrested and imprisoned in the United States?

Lets get our priorities straight and keep our noses out of the business of foreign nations.

And here we can clearly see what the Democratic Party as an institution thinks of blacks. Keep them on the party plantation to harvest votes and slap them in the face every time there is any danger of them turning their focus away from the rallying cries of party demagogues.

Has it occurred to anybody that maybe African Americans are disproportionately represented in the prison population because they are disproportionately represented in the criminal population? Could that in turn be caused by the an irresponsible liberal PC culture that doesn't give black children an equal and fair opportunity to be corrected and brought up properly because that might upset their parents, who are viewed primarily as a voting block to be kept angry at the establishment rather than a segment of the American population that ought to share equally in the opportunity that America affords to its citizens?

Why aren't white children getting into race riots with hispanics in Los Angeles schools? Why aren't white highschool graduates having as hard of a time entering the work force and making their way into the upper working class and middle class? Could it be because it's not "politically incorrect" for the authorities to get involved when a white student reacts inappropriately to racial tensions on campus? Could it be because it's not politically incorrect to hold back a white student if he can't perform in school, or even to remove him from a home where unacceptible behavior is tollerated?

No, none of that could be to blame- let's focus on the liberal talking points and tie it into a slam on Bush over employment rates to reinforce the Democrat PC scam that is designed specifically to undermine African Americans in our society and convince them that the resultant disaster is oppression from white conservatives!
While you're at it, let's just tell the African American community to ignore the blatant racism directed at them from Hispanics, because Hispanics are supposed to be another Democrat voting block. Talk about racism. Liberals, pray to God that the African American population never overcomes your sabotage and puts more of its people in college than in prison, because when that day comes your party is going to reap the whirlwind of the rage of a people betrayed.

Edit to add: Is such mockery of any other race being adopted in government issued stamps or other official forms, or is this not a clear and unrivaled dehumanization of a race by a government?

[edit on 2-7-2005 by The Vagabond]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 10:13 PM
The forgot to mention that the civil rights movement did not contain any social parameters that would

A)Help African Americans understand/deal with the blatant oppression they had faced.

B)Help African Americans understand/deal with the subtle oppresions they would face.

C)Help the rest of America understand and view the changing social situation.

In changing the civil rights laws, not much credance or effort was given to re-educating the population and that is why the African American population is disproportionally represented in the class real economic concessions were made and past racial tensions and stereotypes continued, for all intents and purposes, under the radar. These contained attitudes manifest themselves in subtle ways, the least of which was given a short term 'patch' in the form of Affirmative Action. It's a reality that is slowly changing, but such is the case with all 'social-engineering' efforts.

All you all would do well to step back and take some context with that reactionary stew you're brewin'..........the present has a funny way of being a manifestation of the past and an implicit protaganist of the future.........

Btw........the Mexican Government is completely out of line with the stamp.....understood that they have issues with racism, but the answer is not perpetuation. A recall needs to happen.......

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:52 AM
sorry to nitpick here

but STAMPS didn't renew tensions

PEOPLE renewed tensions over stamps

[ I'm sure you knew that ]

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 08:48 AM
All the Mexicans I work with are prejudice against blacks. I am cluless as to why, but I'm constantly getting on them for using the n word.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 08:54 AM
All the Mexicans I work with are prejudice against blacks and I constantly get on them for using the n word.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 09:04 AM
In my experience some of the most biased people against certain minorities are members of other minority groups.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Truthisoutthere
Interesting Stamps !

I wonder how the hispanic culture would take it if Califonia created a Stamp depicting border crossers as tax evaders ?

Or a mexican standing at the window of a fast food resturaunt or diggin a ditch ?

Are we getting to bothered about this stuff as a society ?

I remember years ago when (some) not all hispanics were complaining about the use of a small dog in Taco Bell commercials here in ths states.

I think we all need to be a little more careful in these times with racial issues.

And we need to (relax) a little bit more about this and not take it so damn serious !

Truth !

i used the quote as a example
Being hispanic I accept my culture but dont always agree with it having said that the usefull idiots who said that dog represents me should have been shot by a fireing squad. who in there right mind would say yeah a dog represents my race we are dogs and not only that were a small weakly dog. that is so stupid im not going to say racist things dont exist but its just a dog and the cartoon from mexico has been out since a long time ago i think 1920 at least why does everyone care about it now? theres people in mexico who look black but are not ive even seen them here in tx there darker than life but there mexican. Whos to say that cartoon was not a darky mexican ? mind your own - worry about your own country a cartoon is not going to take over this country.Who are you usefull idiots who say a country is wrong or is acting wrong.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:26 PM

GRADYWILPOT and those with these "opinions" make me so mad I started a thread:

sorry for reviving old news but it must be said

[edit on 9/13/2005 by theBLESSINGofVISION]

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