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Black Men Attacked in Queens. Deserved?

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posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:36 AM
Uncle Joe, this took place in the middle of the night (2 am I think). What do you think a bunch of young men were doing up at that hour? I'm speculating here but alcohol, drugs, or both might have been used.

Young men with attitudes and bravado will go for the bat over a phone call to the cops. That's what they do in that area. Besides, the three guys won't be arrested for scoping out cars. So these white men did the stupid thing.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:40 AM

That may be the way things are, but thats not the questions being asked.

Did those black guys deserve their beating? To me, they did not, there were much better solutions to the problem than a swift kicking.

Perhaps i would have a different opinion had i visited the area in question. As things stand though i dont beleive that a beating on this level is justified by anything.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:42 AM
Don't know if this is true. I got in from another (even more wacky) site.

NEW YORK (AP) - Three black men who ventured into a historically white neighborhood early Wednesday to steal a car were chased by a man with a baseball bat, police said. One man was beaten and suffered a fractured skull.

In Wednesday´s attack, Nicholas Minucci, 21, was being charged with first-degree assault as a hate crime, menacing and criminal possession of a weapon, police Commissioner Ray Kelly said at a news conference.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 12:40 PM
Joe, I never said I agreed with the beating. I also never said the white boys were in the right for doing this. I merely pointed out that this was not simply a hate crime. The way the media reported this last night on the 11 PM news and in today's papers, it was the equivalent of a cross burning or a lynching simply because they were black. It was a car theft gone horribly wrong and not a random attack on three black men who were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 12:56 PM
Sorry, i didnt mean to imply that you agreed with what happened, and i wasnt aware of the time of the attack, a factor that i agree does change the situation entirely.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 01:08 PM
That's awful. I have been to Queens and my sister lives there, half the population is African American, why can't people just live with it.

Did they specify which area of Queens this happened in? My sister lives in Forrest Hills, I can ask her about what happened.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 01:14 PM
THE POLICE DO NOT PREVENT CRIME. They come in AFTER THE CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED. It is up to the individual citizen to stop criminals. A neighbor lady went to the store for some laundry soap. She left her washer running while she was gone. After being gone only a few minutes, she returned and noticed a stream of water coming out of her washroom and running down the driveway. When she looked in her washroom, her washer full of clothes was gone. I say THE CRIMINALS GOT EXACTLY WHAT THEY CAME LOOKING FOR. The neighbors knew they were criminals, just as I know the juveniles riding through my neighborhood with their lights out are not missionaries from the Latter Day Saints. You do not need to be a mind reader to see when a criminal is "casing the joint".

[edit on 6-30-2005 by groingrinder]

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 01:16 PM
kitsunegari, it was Howard Beach. white, mostly italian neighborhood. Same place that the 12 boys beat nelson limerick and his friends 20 or so years ago.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 01:18 PM
justifiable violence is a slippery slope. can't we all just get along ?

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 06:11 PM
oh, thanks. yeah i asked my stepsister, and she said she heard abut it, but she didnt say much.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 07:25 AM
an update on this story. I haven't read the whole article yet but one of the arrested individuals was arrested shortly after 9/11 for assaulting a Sikh wearing a turban. The attack took place hours after 9/11 and apparently the man and his friends said "you **ing arab, why don't you blow this up?"

I still think this group of white men would have beat the hell out of anyone who they caught messing around with cars in their neighborhood but it does add the race card to the mix.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
one of the arrested individuals was arrested shortly after 9/11 for assaulting a Sikh wearing a turban. The attack took place hours after 9/11 and apparently the man and his friends said "you **ing arab, why don't you blow this up?"

funny how most people dont understand there is a vast difference between a sikh and a muslim (or arabic and asian). the sikhs (mainly asian) were almost wiped out by the muslims (mainly arabic) in the 1700s and many sikhs suffered horrendous torture during that time. but some people dont need to be bothered by minor details like that do they?

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 08:55 AM
hey, don't blame me. I was just giving y'all more information on the parties involved.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:31 AM

one of the arrested individuals was arrested shortly after 9/11 for assaulting a Sikh wearing a turban. The attack took place hours after 9/11 and apparently the man and his friends said "you **ing arab, why don't you blow this up?"

funny how most people dont understand there is a vast difference between a sikh and a muslim (or arabic and asian)... but some people dont need to be bothered by minor details like that do they?

I think that was perhaps part of Crakeur's point....

....that bigotry was part of the offender's history; iow, this wasn't an isolated incident.

I saw similar reactions after 9/11... idiots yelling for "all you ****ing Arabs need to be sent back!" and many even suggesting "we kill all the towel-headed (insert choice of expletive)".

Gotta love tolerance

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:32 AM
sorry Crakeur. that was not aimed at you, but of the guy in the report that you mentioned.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 09:50 AM
if it had been white guys in a black neighboorhood it wouldn't have even made the news...


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 07:49 AM
Violence is wrong.

That said, if you go looking for trouble you can't cry foul when you find it and it runs over you. If you go out looking to jack cars and impose your will on someone else(Like the car owner's) then you have to know that someone will try to impose their will on you. They got what they got.

If you call the police what happens? They come out and cool the issue, only for the guys to return later. Heck even here in T.O, the racial thing is getting out of hand with one race seemingly committing a lot of the crime, while being immune to hate laws. Which is leading some malformed people to think that taking care of their own is a better way of handling it.

Sad that humans seem to feel the need to form tribes on the most superficial reasons.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by elevatedone
if it had been white guys in a black neighboorhood it wouldn't have even made the news...


Why not?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 12:02 PM
Cobra are you serious? do you really think if three white kids got beat up it would have made the news and be called a "hate crime"? we try to live in an egalitarian society, unfortuneatly as whites we have to look the other way in the name of "equality" or be labeled a rascist. According to some of these people on this board the white kids had no right to 1. protect their property. 2. protect themselves and neighborhood. If three white kids wanted to steal a car and got beat for it they would have been told they got what they deserved. BTW alot of people were upset after 9/11, if you lived in new york and had friends and family just killed would you be very happy about it?

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone
if it had been white guys in a black neighboorhood it wouldn't have even made the news...


Yeah but if it had been a white woman then that would have been another story. By the way the dangers of "ghetto" neighborhoods are greatly exagerated. For a few years my girlfriend lived in a rough neighborhood in the Bronx. I visited her constantly at all hours taking the 4 train home at four in the morning back to queens. I was never targeted for the color of my skin or at all for that matter.

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