posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 02:14 AM
Hey guys,
Well, i'm sorry if this is outta place and all, but *shrugs*, I don't know. Maybe need to just get this prob out here and off my mind. Feels like I
have to talk to someone.
Today, my girl and I kissed for the first time (both of our very first times), afterwards, we watched a sad movie and departed our seperate ways. We
were kinda quiet, but she said she'd be online tonight.
I finished talking to her a lil while ago, some was really bugging her and she didn't want to talk about it. She went over the house of a (male)
friend. "What happened, just relaxed?" I asked feeling jelouse. "yes" she said. I typed out "ah, thats coo", but she said "yea, I guess".
By this point I could tell something was bugging her. Usually we'd be chattin away about whatever nonsense. I voiced my concern that he might have
done something, but she didn't want to talk about it. Now I was really concerned that this guy mighta done something to her. Then, she asked
something that puzzled this concern. She asked if I thought she was a mean person, then if I thought she was weak. She's not really either of them,
but I told her that she seems to be a lil insecure.
She said thanks and all, and might not go to classes tomarrow or even go out saturday (both of us were going out with some good friends and this guy I
think, to the beach). I told her if she needed anything in the middle of the night (talk, vent, whatever within reason), I wouldn't mind getting
woken up. She said thanks, but she just needed some time to herself.
Now i'm up, can't sleep and worrying more than maybe I ought to. I mean, like Johnny Cash said, because she's mine "i'll walk the line". I love
her and all, so this really gall's my back end.
Don't know what you guys could or should say. I'm already thinkin the worst case here (tho she does tend to be sentimental at times). Just give me
your opinion.
Thanks a ton,