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NEWS: AP Photo shows Iran's new President as 1979 US hostage-taker

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posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:48 PM
Before jumping to conclusions, we might want to wait till more facts are in.

One of those 'facial ID' fellows was on the news... ( CNN, I think ) and he pointed out several differences in the photographs of the two men.

1. The eyebrows were a lot closer together on one man, wider apart on the other.

2. When seen in profile, one man's nose had a prominent hook, the other's was straight.

3. The ear lobes were much was longer and pointed, the other was shorter, and flat across at the bottom.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 10:53 PM
Seekerof, is was this comment of yours that set me off:

"Regardless of whether the photo(s) is of the new Iranian president or not, he has been identified by those who would know: 6 of the living American Iranian hostages"

To me, that is rather an insulting thing to say... why purposefuly say something that you know will p$$ people off. And what irritated me about your posts is twice now you've dismissed entire threads with just one sentence...

You dismissed the 'is the photo fake' thread in one sentence by saying that photoshop wasn't around 25 years ago...

You dismissed this thread with the above quote i've included...

that doesn't give any credit to the people who come here and discuss things at length and with sincerity...I mean, like i said before, 6 hostages, remember a guy, 25 years since they last saw him, they were blindfolded most of the time (his appearance has changed so much we and the WORLD are having a raging debate about whether it is him even) and you just act like thats PROOF. Well if we are having so much trouble seeing a resemblence how could an ex-hostage say that he would notice him even if he had blonde hair and whiskers or whatever it was he said?

In my opinion those american hostages were paid to say that.

I guess i shouldn't have called you ignorant, i'm sorry. But try to be open-minded, we are all on the same side in that we all want peace and the truth in the world and in these threads.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:05 PM

In my opinion those american hostages were paid to say that.

By who and for what reason??

You think that someone pulled strings to have a man elected in Iran that looked like a hostage taker in the 70's and then paid 6 American former hostages to lie and say its him?!!?

Do you even think before posting such silly ideas??

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:17 PM
"You think that someone pulled strings to have a man elected in Iran that looked like a hostage taker in the 70's and then paid 6 American former hostages to lie and say its him?!!?"

what gave you that idea... i haven't once even mentioned the circumstances of how he was elected... i do think maybe this whole story is a psy-op though, and that the man in the photo is not the president (my view of whether the photo is real or not has evolved throughout the day but now i'm content that its real, just not of the president). The purpose of the psy-op? simple... villify the new president in the eyes of americans as much as possible. i dont think thats so far fetched do you? i mean, compared to the lie about WMD's and more relevantly, Saddam's links to 9/11,... its nothing. But the neocons use the same tactics and i can see through them... too bad your being played for a fool, guess there is truth in that saying:

"you can fool some people all of the time, those are the people you want to focus on"

- some dude at the nuremburg trials

[edit on 30-6-2005 by metallicabrainz]

[edit on 30-6-2005 by metallicabrainz]

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:44 PM
I remember this well. I dont think this is the same person.

I watched all this unfold real time. I may be wrong; dont get me wrong.

IMO, this is not the same man. They look alike. Maybe they are kin. If they are related it is a problem.

I think we should wait about a week or so before going forth with this. This isn't going away anytime soon anyway.

At this point, and I may be wrong as heck, I think this is generating a way out for this administration to attack Iran.

There simply isn't enough proof 'yet' to draw a conclusion. The people taken hostage MAY be mistaken because they did after all spend 444 days in hell. However that being said, I would take their accounts as serious even after all this time.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.

If he is the same person then Iran will soon be the next American battlefield.

If not and it is proven to be false, Bush will find another reason to attack Iran anyway, so I think it doesn't matter in the long run.

I think Bush wakes up every morning thinking this: "We Americans meaning [sic] need to secure those oil fields for us."

Why should Bush care about everyone in all the other countries?

The rest of the world needs to wake up. Bush is taking the oil fields of the middle east so my country can have cheap oil for the next 5 years or so til China puts up a big stink.

Yes this is way off topic to people looking at the surface of this post so I'll go away but I think this is what is happening. This is the end of this rant. I will not blabber anymore about it

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 12:28 AM

... too bad your being played for a fool,

Dude, you are being played for a fool, i'm looking at the photos its the same guy. The hostages know it too. Get over it.

[edit on 1-7-2005 by Boatphone]

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 04:08 AM
Boatphone CNN had facial experts and they said on live TV that the faces are not the same...

so who is more likely the fool here... me, backed up by the BBC and CNN.... or you on your poor lonesome.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 06:59 AM
I don't lend much credence to this claim.

I believe the accuser is a well-meaning american whose mental wounds from the 25 year old incarceration have left him susceptible to error.
Who wouldn't want to bring to justice one of their captors? I doubt his memory. I doubt the timing.

Similar identifications have proven false (though admittedly some true) in the case of Nazi Concentration Camp guards from WWII.

Police will confirm the impact that stress and the passage of time have on the accuracy of the identification process.

We cannot allow our national policy to be swayed by such statements, though I believe this Iranian-issue to be a drop in a much bigger bucket.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 08:00 PM
The real Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

Thank you.
Have a nice day.


posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 09:25 PM
Ok, so one of those two men in the photo is the new President of Iran.... There's still nothing we can do about it.

[edit on 7/2/2005 by Flinx]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 11:32 PM
This doesn't surprise me. It wouldn't surprise me if Bush knows about it also.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 12:43 AM
chin does not match plus this guy is to tall to be Ahmadinejad

As you can see the taller guy is not Mahmoud Ahmadinejad nor does his chin matches Ahmadinejad in the above photos.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a short man, maybe not the short man below in the photos?

nose does not match.....unless it was broken really bad lol...

everything matches almost, nose and ears can change over time???

It doesn't matter if it is or not, right?

[edit on 3-7-2005 by XPhiles]

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 01:24 AM
I will go on the record as officially stating that if the Bush Administration violates another country's right to sovereignity, I will not sit idly by again. This was a man elected by his people, and if BushCo wants to take them down, I will have no problem laying my life down before my own government to tell them no, enough is enough.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 01:34 AM
Your are typing that behind a computer screen, right, Loki?
I love the bravado dude, really....


posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 01:42 AM
TO be honest here I have not followed this thread until now. I have this basic question to ask all of you. Does it really matter if he stormed the embassy? He is not really a danger now is he? The previous president, a reformer, was unable to effect change due to the fact that the ruling clerics have all the power. This guy may be a sycophant, but takes his orders from above. THose are they guys we should be worried about not this puppet.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
BTW, Iran Focus is owned and run by Association Libertes in Paris. Google them, do some webpage translations and you'll find this:
Association for the Defense of the Rights of the People and Freedoms Public (ADL). You know who ADL is, don't you?

Originally posted by the_oleneo
So? What's your point?

Do I really have to spell it out for you?

Originally posted by FredT
Does it really matter if he stormed the embassy? He is not really a danger now is he?

Unfortunately it does matter, because the battle being fought here is for the minds of the American people, and maybe also the minds of the citizens of a future "Coalition of the Duped II". It could very well be that this story is just another propaganda exercise to continue demonization of "the enemy". Even if in the end it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Iranian President had absolutely no involvement in the Iran hostage crisis, it doesn't really matter because the seeds of hate and fear have already been planted.

Psyops and propaganda work from multiple angles, on multiple levels, and across a time frame. This episode conveniently reminds the American people of the hostage crisis and past terrorist acts by Iranian elements, and the image of an American, blindfolded and surrounded by hostile foreigners is a very powerful psychological trigger. The faceless nature of the subject also sets of triggers..."this could be anyone...maybe you."

People are terrified that BushCo is ratcheting up another war in the ME. So is it really important that the truth of this matter be made crystal clear? You betcha! We've been fooled before, we don't want to be fooled again.

[edit on 2005/7/3 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Loki
I will go on the record as officially stating that if the Bush Administration violates another country's right to sovereignity, I will not sit idly by again. This was a man elected by his people, and if BushCo wants to take them down, I will have no problem laying my life down before my own government to tell them no, enough is enough.

Oh the drama............ also what a load of rubbish.

It's ok not to like BushCo, it's ok to down right despise them. It's ok to not like war, it's perfectly ok to protest against it. But what you are talking about is twisted.

If war with Iran does come you need to educate yourself on exactly who it is here your defending. Iran is not the land of fuzzy bunnies, it's a country that commits some of the worst human rights violations on the planet, a country that funds and trains terrorists to go out and attack civillians.

Some links to Human Rights Watch and other independent goups info on Iran:

Oh what the heck, why bother pointing out any negative aspect of the tyranical Iranian system. It's not gonna matter to some people, people stuck in that ideology, that fantasy, that Pres. Bush is a Nazi. I'm not a big Bush supporter but come on now, aren't you in truth going a little overboard in the rhetoric?

I'm not for war, I'm not for violence. I also don't see the point in making such crazy statements as made by Loki. Some poor 18 year old from Arkansas is gonna get the order to kill you Loki, do you think that's what that kid signed up for, to fight Americans? Protest, rally for anti-war political candidates, donate to anti-war advertising campaigns, hell there are alot of things you could do.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Your are typing that behind a computer screen, right, Loki?
I love the bravado dude, really....


Just watch.

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by looking4truth
Some poor 18 year old from Arkansas is gonna get the order to kill you Loki, do you think that's what that kid signed up for, to fight Americans?

A human is a human, whether he gets the order to kill someone like me, or someone with darker skin.

What else is there to say? I don't want war either, but if that 18 year old kid has as much trouble killing me as I would him, maybe it will teach people how pointless it all really is. Enough fighting, right?

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 08:30 PM
As a state executioner for this religious police state, he is enough of a bastard.

While he was a member of the student group, I feel pretty certain that he wasn't directly involved in hostage taking, etc.

There was a reporter on McGlaughlin Group that is very familiar with Iranian politics and She says all the Active hostage takers are proud of it and if this guy were a part of that he would have paraded that fact during the election to win votes. She knows the actual names of the hostage takers and his is not one of them.

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