posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 12:23 PM
Serving your sentance puts you right in the eyes of the law. It does not necessarily mean you're right in the eyes of the population. Can you
honestly say that, if you were hiring for your daycare facility and she submitted a resume, you would hire her because she's already paid her debt to
You reap what you sow. Your actions today could adversley affect the rest of your life, especially if you're busy kidnapping, torturing, raping and
killing little girls. The law may say you're clear, and even have special laws in place to allow you to move on with your life. However, the fact is,
you were, at least at one point, capable of doing such an act, and the potential could still be there. The law says innocent until proven guilty, but
human nature is contrary to that. As of yet, the US doesn't have thought police ensuring our minds are in accordance with our judicial system's.
She wants her life back now that she's out of jail, and wants to be left alone. I'm sure the little girls she helped to kill would have felt the
same way.