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posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 09:53 PM
u just like to annoy people dont u.... EH...

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:00 PM
Suck the gut in and tighten the belt...

Boatphone, simply put, though ATS does have a Politics [PTS] board, rhetoric, whether political or otherwise, will be dished accordingly, be it BTS or ATS. It is the nature of the beast. Take it on the chin, not personally.

Bush is the rage. Grin and bear it. I have been doing so for quite sometime and some of my so-called arch-enemies that I have debated, argued, and discussed on the matter for which you specifically speak of have commented within this topic. They are valued members of ATS, whether they agree or not with what you are indicating. They present their arguments with validity and passion. And though I do not often agree with their assertions, claims, or facts, I do, at the end of the day, respect them. Why? They have made me a better person, a better debator, and a part of this community.

Bush-bashing disguised as WOT topics is and has been an ongoing matter. The staff sorts them when applicable. Other than that, all I can say is research, fight with facts, grin and bear it, and simply take it as a challenge instead of a hinderance.


[edit on 29-6-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof

Bush is the rage.

Pardon me, but Bush is the outrage, and there would not be so much discussion about the criminality and incompetence of the former Texas governor and failed businessman/son of former POTUS, except for two orchestrated thefts of elections and a pre-determined plan of invasion and conquest and war profiteering based on a campaign of nothing but lies.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:22 PM

Pardon me also, but what you quoted was a typo and not as you have indicated.
I really meant to say: "Bush-bashing is the rage. Grin and bear it."


posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:25 PM
Oh, I see.

You meant "Bush-bashing is the in outrage."

[edit on 29-6-2005 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:39 PM
You two,
The epitome of civil least just now you were.

I think the flood of anti-bush postings was related to the Tuesday night speech. It's seems to have died down somewhat today on ATS..

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Oh, I see.

You meant "Bush-bashing is the in outrage."

[edit on 29-6-2005 by MaskedAvatar]

Copy Editing 101.

You know, if it weren't for the fact that Bush's family is the political dynasty it is, George Walker Bush wouldn't be known by many people at all. The only people who would know about him are those who have witnessed his businesses tanking.

So, Bush-bashing.. we're not bashing the guy so much, but the syndicate he represents. And that is definitely not the man. I don't think anyone could argue that.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:45 PM
Well, I would only add that Dubya is the socially retarded chimpanzee-faced military shirking incompetent black sheep of that dynasty, ECK.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Well, I would only add that Dubya is the socially retarded chimpanzee-faced military shirking incompetent black sheep of that dynasty, ECK.

But those types are usually the ones thrust into middle management by their keepers. True?

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Well, I would only add that Dubya is the socially retarded chimpanzee-faced military shirking incompetent black sheep of that dynasty, ECK.

And I can add nothing to that.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by someone something something something something else and something as well.

God I just love one line posts!!!!

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:59 PM
If someone has a lot of experience or background in science and technology, I would be dissappointed to see them leave because of the political bashing. Of course I often try to keep any political comments out of the science and technology discussions. I just try to ignore those who always want to bash Bush or the US. It appears some people overseas want to blame the US whether it is too hot, too cold, too wet, or too dry. If the weather is just right, well that doesn't happen often. It must be an act of God if that happens.

If someone has a science background, please ignore the political bashers on here and talk science. I'm interested in many areas.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:06 PM
Your going into a thread about the war on terrorism and you wonder why someone might mention Bush? Bush himself mentioned 911 five times in his speech last night and used the word terror or terrorism 34 times.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:10 PM
Xcellent point, Goose.

I for one, can't understand why someone would involve themself in a thread they were not interested in to begin with.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 11:25 PM
I'm not sure what the war on terrorism has to do with the comment I posted. I was merely responding to an earlier post where someone stated that they had something to contribute to science discussions. There is a science and technology forum. I don't see a need to bring Bush or US bashing in that forum but some do anyway. That is what I was referring to. Of course this thread is political anyway so that's the reason I mentioned it here. I guess I should have quoted the person I was referring to so that others here aren't confused.

Here below I will quote so that others will not have to read this entire thread.

Originally posted by TheAvenger

I am a real senior scientist, (chemist) ex-military, and would love to present some of my years of findings in certain areas, and offer my insight and opinions in some of the other areas studied here ...

... I didn't seek science message boards to bash Clinton when he was President and expect the same courtesy from others with the current administration,...


I tend to agree with the above, if we are posting in the science and technology forum.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 01:01 AM
Orionthehunter my comments were in response to the op, not you, sorry for the misunderstanding.

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