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Was Timothy Leary A CIA Operative?

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posted on Jun, 28 2005 @ 06:42 PM
In the turbulant 1960's the undisputed zen-master of the drug-culture was Dr. Timothy Leary. Most of know his name even today. His antics and famous touting of the benifits of drugs like '___' are legendary. There is a sinister side of Leary's legacy though. The good Dr. and his colleagues were at varying times working with CIA fronts and left-wing groups funded by the CIA for various purposes. One of the greatest tricks in American history, the kids thought they were joining groups fighting the government, meanwhile the CIA funds them and collects intell on it's members.

At the same time the CIA is running MK/Ultra testing '___' on unwitting subjects Dr. Leary is turning on the influential people in Music, Literature, Art, and Academia to the great '___' movement. Is it just a coincidence that the CIA wants '___' for mind control at the same time as Leary is promoting it to the masses? Nope. Dr. Leary had a history of working for the CIA and later the FBI. The personality test the CIA used in it's agent recruitment was designed by noneother than the Dr. himself, in fact it was called "The Leary".

In a trip almost as strange as one of Dr. Leary's '___' binges the links and cast of characters is amazing. Harvard Professors, CIA agents, Presidents, Liberal Groups, even the Black Panthers.

Spring 1962: Mary Meyer, recently divorced from her CIA husband, visits Leary at Harvard. She leans against the door post, hip tilted provocatively, studying him with green-blue eyes. Leary will later recall here as "amused, arrogant, aristocratic." She tells him she has a "friend who's a very important man, who wants to try '___' for himself." At the time, though Leary does not know this, Mary is having an affair with President Kennedy, which will include more than thirty visits to the White House (later confirmed by Presidential Secretary Kenneth O'Donnell). Mary tells Leary that the government is studying ways to "use drugs for warfare, for espionage, for brainwashing." She asks him to "teach us how to run ['___'] sessions, use drugs to do good." Leary agrees. He provides her with drug samples and "session" reports, and is in touch with her every few weeks, advising her on how to be a "brainwasher." She swears him to secrecy.

Later in his life investigative reporters working on breaking the Mk/Ultra story spoke with Dr. Leary and confirmed that he indeed have government connections, even if he sometimes wasn't aware of it. Friends of Leary and even cell mates confirmed accounts of govermnet agents and dealings. Having someone like Timothy Leary in thier pocket must have proved invaluable to the CIA.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 12:47 AM
He was arrested at one point, when he was released the press asked him if had anything to say to the people that had arrested him to which he replied simply..

Also remember the CIA put in a massive order for '___', which the Swiss Labs refused to sell it to them so they commissioned the American Pharmaceutical Company Eli Lilly to make their '___', which has some interesting connections to the Nazi Company I G Farben. As always, if you want to know something, follow the money.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 12:53 AM
SORTA on topic here.
I have heard that Timothy Leary is the actress, Uma Thurmans father.

Does anybody know if this is true??

....................cuz I wonder

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 01:03 AM
According to a Bio on Uma, her mother was married to Leary but divorced him and married another man named Robert Thurman. That's supposed to be her Dad.

Since it was a few years between her birth and her Mother's split with Leary, he probably isn't Uma's Dad.


I hadn't even heard of the rumor before your post.

Mod edit: no need, at all, to quote the post directly above yours.
Warnings for excessive quoting, and how to quote

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 07:41 AM
I think it's comical, all the babyboomers who recant all the tales of being anti-establishment in the 1960's, joining student activest groups and getting high, all the mean time the leaders of the culture are CIA funded mind control experts. The next time I hear a baby boomer tell a tale of the summer of love and political rallies I'm gonna quietly ask myself, "yeah, alotta stuff you got changed there huh?".

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 08:53 AM
i;m with you on the comical label

i kinda resemble that remark, but the only group i attached to was Veterans Against the War (Vietnam),

i never was a participant in the earlier Howdy Doody then Davy Crockett and hula-hoop fads...all which herded the boomers into the clutches of pop-culture fluff like Elvis, Beatles, Leary, James Bond, Playboy Bunnies, Andy Warhol, Abbie Hoffmann, SDS, the Weathermen & WeatherUnderground,

...but i did do the occassional Baccus routine of some drugs-sex-rock&roll...

after my yoga exercises & listening to 'spacemusic' or Zappa,
or working my lunchcounter job
& even babysitting while my aquaintences went up to Woodstock.

sorry, I don't have a bunch of hedonistic episodes to recount (ala 60s)
Of my peers, 99.75% of the plastic, popculture, consumers, were shallow & sheep, dressed in uniforms, prodded thru the gates...
who were sometimes just reactionaries to gut issues and were bound
to be assimilated, eventually.

me, i'm glad i didn't change a lotta stuff, as that is/was not a life mission for me...
if it were i wouldof stayed in the service or went into seminary or joined the peace corps
i appreciate your voicing your views/thoughts

Mod Edit: no need, at all, to quote the post directly above yours.
Warnings for excessive quoting, and how to quote

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
so they commissioned the American Pharmaceutical Company Eli Lilly to make their '___', which has some interesting connections to the Nazi Company I G Farben. As always, if you want to know something, follow the money.

And George Bush Sr. was a major stock holder in, and sat on the board of directors, this is the same company who sells drugs to third world nation that are illegal to sell in the United States because they are harmful, toxic, lethal.

This is the same company who holds the patent for Marinol, the synthetic THC-Delta-9 (ie psychoactive component of cannabis), which is an industrial insecticide and cleaning agent, and is a neurotoxin.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:48 PM
And Hunter Thompson.

Its the kind of thing the CIA probably used to recruit a lot of people.

"Look, we've got Leary and Hunter, wouldn't you rather work for us, than against those two guys?"

And I doubt they ever had to but it in such blunt terms, considering the wide range of methods used by the Intelligence community.

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