A friend turned me on to this site an hour ago, very interesting info found here. Im really interested in the secret organizations, kinda always
intrigued me.Fell free to keep me posted on any news regarding the matter.
Well I'm done my "research" dealing with the cause of the power outages for the day. I'm going out drinking at a buddies house to chill back. I
live in sask, canada. No worries for me our city isn't important enough for a terrorist attack ;-)
I was covered in tin foil, clutching my shotgun, mixing up napalm, and fitting my cats with bullet proof vests as i waited for the end to come.
Actually, i was posting on ATS and UNI posted the first thread about US power cut, possible terror attack. Turned on the news, saw it, THEN i wrapped
myself in tin foil, grabbed my shot gun, armored my cats, and mixed the napalm.......
i was on here posting and flicking between SKY News and FOX News. Thank god the power didn't go in england, hope all the America ATS members for
those areas are ok now
I was at work posting on and reading ATS posts. Then I went home, loaded the guns, got the spot light and hunting knives and took refuge in the trees
on my property.