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Some of you think demons can infect the mind, yet there is no proof that demons exist or what a demon actually is. If they don't exist, then what are they really besides myth? Think of all the mythology surrounding religion and yet people believe it as if it actually happened. Take for example, the "fact" that Jesus walked up to a lame man and poked out his eyes and made him blind. What a crock huh? I don't think anyone in a robe and slippers could have been that cruel.
Originally posted by 5aret
Anyone who does not believe in Adam and Eve does not know the facts. Even if there was no Adam and Eve personally, there would have to be 2 human beings at one time to continue the race. I mean, the Adam and Eve story is better than believing we came from apes, which came from something else, which came from something else, etc... until you get to the first cell, then, it comes from nothing. Nothing! I'f you don't believe in a higher power, you believe everything comes from nothing! I guess an ice cream sundae will just come up from nothing into my hand.
I personaly believe that dinosaurs were with humans. The earth is either 6000 to 10000 years old, or 6 billion years old. Humans are either 6000 years old or 250 million years old. I think that dinosaurs went on the ark with Noah, but died out eventually from Human hunting. The reason Noah went into the ark was because of the Nephimlim. They are demons that married the daughters of men and had children with them. This is so the messiah, Jesus Christ could not come. The genetic bloodline would be altered. So, God created the flood to save the human bloodline. Noah was the only one to have a pure genetic bloodline capable of bringing the Messiah. After the flood, human age dropped because of insest between humans to keep the spieces going.
I believe that Aliens and UFOs now are demons hiding as "aliens."
Originally posted by 5aret
Anyone who does not believe in Adam and Eve does not know the facts. Even if there was no Adam and Eve personally, there would have to be 2 human beings at one time to continue the race.
Originally posted by 5aret
I mean, the Adam and Eve story is better than believing we came from apes, until you get to the first cell, then, it comes from nothing. Nothing! I'f you don't believe in a higher power, you believe everything comes from nothing!
Originally posted by 5aret
I guess an ice cream sundae will just come up from nothing into my hand.
Originally posted by 5aret
I personaly believe that dinosaurs were with humans. The earth is either 6000 to 10000 years old, or 6 billion years old. Humans are either 6000 years old or 250 million years old. I think that dinosaurs went on the ark with Noah, but died out eventually from Human hunting. The reason Noah went into the ark was because of the Nephimlim. They are demons that married the daughters of men and had children with them. This is so the messiah, Jesus Christ could not come. The genetic bloodline would be altered. So, God created the flood to save the human bloodline. Noah was the only one to have a pure genetic bloodline capable of bringing the Messiah. After the flood, human age dropped because of insest between humans to keep the spieces going.
I believe that Aliens and UFOs now are demons hiding as "aliens."
Originally posted by shaunybaby
genesis was never meant to be taken literally, especially in the 21st century. It's a myth, the same as noah's ark is. They're nothing but stories of the human imagination in a time where the was almost no science.
"Although she was named after the Biblical Eve,
Mitrochrondral Eve was not the sole sole human female of her day.
As many as 20,000 individuals of Eve's species may have lived at the same
time as she...."
"Y-Chromosomal Adam appears to have lived only half as long ago as Eve"
Originally posted by 5aret
So you are saying only one human just spawned another human?
You asy that I need to back up my evidence, even though you have no evidence to support your theory that animals spawned themselves.
You can be a stubborn atheist, you can say I have no proof, whatever. If you stopped for 2 seconds and actually thought about what I have said, you would get it.
You know, it takes the same amount of faith, if not more, to believe that there was a big bang or any other scientific theory.
The big bang is an excuse to say that everything did not come from nothing. I did not say I believed that the earth is 6000 years old. Im not going to be talking about "evidence" or "proof." because I'd be as bad as you are, saying "you have no proof" even though you don't have any more than I do.
There is evidence for the young earth theory though. Go to this page:
No evidence huh?
In his debate with Dr. Hilpman, Dr. Hovind stated that comets lasted 10,000-15,000 years before being blown apart by the solar wind! Really! Any high school kid with a keen interest in astronomy will tell you that it is the heat of the sun which is a comet's undoing. Each time a comet, which is akin to a dirty snowball, passes near the sun it loses tons of material to vaporization. Thus, the number of orbits such a comet can make before being reduced to a swarm of gravel is limited. The solar wind along with the heat and light of the inner solar system are responsible for a comet's magnificent tail. Thus, comets brighten up as they near the sun, their tails pointing away from the sun. A few comets occasionally crash into one of the planets, especially Jupiter, or into the sun itself. Others are thrown out of the solar system forever.
In passing, let me point out that the projected life span of one short-period comet, that of Halley's comet, is 40,000 years (Chaisson and McMillan, 1993, p.339). Thus, we can forget about Dr. Hovind's 10,000-year figure! A comet's actual life span depends on its size.
Short-period comets can be used to support a young solar system, hence a young earth, only if they have no reasonable source of replenishment. By definition, they orbit the sun at least once every 200 years. Since they lose material each time they pass near the sun, they soon burn out and must constantly be replaced over billions of years. To destroy the creationist argument, we need only throw reasonable doubt on their claim that short-period comets are not replaced. If that point is in doubt, then the whole argument crumbles away.
Creationism's main argument seems to be that we don't have close-up photos of the Oort Cloud and, therefore, cannot be 100% certain that it really exists! Sorry fellas, but if you want to use this comet argument it is up to you to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Oort Cloud and other sources don't exist! (The Oort Cloud, named after Jan Hendrik Oort, is a calculated accumulation of comets and cometary material occupying the fringes of the solar system at a distance of roughly 50,000 to 100,000 AU. One AU is the average distance of the earth from the sun, i.e., 93 million miles. Various computer studies of cometary orbital data in conjunction with other evidence strongly supports the existence of the Oort Cloud.)
Spiral arms are density waves, which, like sound in air, travel through the galaxy's disk, causing a piling-up of stars and gas at the crests of the waves. In some galaxies, the central bulge reflects the wave, giving rise to a giant standing spiral wave with a uniform rotation rate and a lifetime of about one or two billion years.
The causes of the density waves are still not known, but there are many possibilities. Tidal effects from a neighboring galaxy probably cause some of them.
The spiral pattern is energetically favorable. Spiral configurations develop spontaneously in computer simulations based on gravitational dynamics (Carlberg et al. 1999).
Originally posted by shaunybaby
basically sisters would have sex with their brothers and vice versa, maybe adam even fathered some of his daughters children...thats the only way the could reproduce. i dont think i need to even get in to the complications of genetic diseases passed on because of the incest. but hey, this is the logically explanation of how we began in christian terms.
Originally posted by firestarter666
lets say that adam and eve had childen and then they had chidren and so on and so forth, and parents and childern and parents and grandchildren had children but if they lived fifity years each earth... adam and eve have two childern who have two and so on.....
Originally posted by Uk_United
God created apes and then they evolved into men, this is obvious we share 98.99 percent of our DNA with the chimpanzee.