I encourage your scepticism. That is how I have been my entire life and remain so. It occurs to me that there should be some monetary reward if one is
to go to the effort to creat a hoax. My interest is in government and political affairs, not this. This was posted to inform other people. We feel
that we are doing a public service by posting our experience and your comments only reinforce the feeling that those of us that had unworldly
experiences should not share them at all. That is why I posted on this site.
I can see that this conversation is over. To those of you that have followed this, We hope that our experience has expanded how you think. To those
that seek to deny or ridicule- WHATEVER! I will no longer post on this subject as I have told our experience and have nothing more to add.
"I am going to ignore my utter instincts that this is a Hoax
Ahhh, it�s a hoax, so, why am I even wasting my time!"
If you do not believe what Islander is saying then I suggest you refrain from commenting. He may or may not be telling the truth, there is really no
way to tell without flaming the situation.