posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 09:23 PM
i found some stuff on the Osnaz
The known KGB OSNAZ units were as as follows:
-Alpha Group or Spetsgruppe A - formed in 1974 in the Seventh Chief Directorate
-Beta Group or Spetsgruppe B- also formed in the Seventh Chief Directorate, time unknown
-Vympel or Pennant - formed in 1981 in the First Chief Directorate as a "diversionary" unit and reached 500 personnel by 1989.
-Kaskad or Cascade - formed in the 8th Directorate, time unknown
-Grom or Thunder - VIP/VVIP Protection Unit
-Delfin or Dolphin - a combat diver "incursion" unit similar to the U.S. Navy SEALs.
It is known that several have survived the fall of the Soviet Government and still exist, with the Alpha Group being the most famous or infamous,
depending on point of view.
i found this on
ill post more stuff if i find any